Selknamia minima, RAMÍREZ, 2003

RAMÍREZ, MARTÍN J., 2003, The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): A Phylogenetic Revision At The Generic Level, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2003 (277), pp. 1-262 : 105-109

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0090(2003)277<0001:TSSAAA>2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Selknamia minima

sp. nov.

Selknamia minima View in CoL , new species Figures 52 View Fig , 53 View Fig

TYPES: Female holotype from Argentina, Tierra del Fuego province, Bahía Lapataia , ca. 54°52̍ W 68°32 ̍S, II.1963, E. Maury, deposited in MACN­Ar 9850 ; male paratype from Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia , dung traps in Sphagnum , lakeside bog, 20 pans, ca. 54°48̍S, 68°18̍W, 12–14.II.1982, S. Marshall, deposited in AMNH .

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name refers to the small body size.

DIAGNOSIS: See generic diagnosis.

FEMALE (holotype): Total length 4.83. Carapace length 2.23, width 1.60, wider on legs II–III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 1.12/ 0.92; II, 1.00/0.87; III, 0.83/1.00; IV, 1.30/ 1.53. Palpal tarsus length 0.40. Chelicerae with three teeth on retromargin, median one slightly smaller. Sternum length 1.13, width 0.98. Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1 thin bristles, p d1ap; tibia v 2–2–0; metatarsus v 2bas. II, femur d 1–1–1 or 1–1–0 thin bristles, p d1ap; tibia v 2–2–0, p 0–1 or d1–1; metatarsus = I. III, femur d 1–1–1, p d1ap or 0; patella 0; tibia v p1–2–2, p 1­ d1­ 1­ 0, r d1–1; metatarsus v 2–2­ comb, p and r d1–1– 1, d 0­ p1–2. IV, femur d 1–1–1, r d1ap or 0; patella 0; tibia v p1–2–2, p and r 1­ d1­ 1­ 0; metatarsus = III. Abdomen length 2.80, width 1.45, spiracle–epigastrium 1.08, spiracle–spinnerets 0.12. Color: grayish brown almost uniform. Abdomen with two paler bands at sides of cardiac area, diffusing posteriorly. Epigyne: see generic description.

MALE (paratype): Total length 3.17. Carapace slightly narrower in front than that of female, length 1.37, width 0.95. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 0.82/0.67; II, 0.68/0.62; III, 0.55/0.67; IV, apparently regenerated. Chelicerae slightly narrower than those of female. Sternum length 0.75, width 0.63. Spines as in female, except: leg II, femur d 1–1–1 bristles; tibia p 0–1; metatarsus p 0– 1. III, femur p 0; tibia p d1–1, v p1­ p1–2; metatarsus v 2–2­ comb or 2­ p1­ comb. IV, badly developed, apparently regenerated, with reduced spination. Abdomen length 1.60, width 0.90, spiracle–epigastrium 0.82, spiracle–spinnerets 0.27. Color: carapace grayish brown, legs paler. Sternum and mouthparts brown, darker than coxae. Abdomen grayish brown, dorsum yellow, dark grayish on cardiac area and several dark diffuse chevrons up to posterior end. Palp: see generic description.

VARIABILITY: Some males with RTA slightly narrower and sharper. Female, spines: III, tibia p d1–1. IV, tibia r d1–1.

NATURAL HISTORY: Ground dwellers. Several specimens were collected under stones or logs near the seashore.

DISTRIBUTION: Chile, from Osorno to Magallanes, and Argentina, in Tierra del Fuego.

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: ARGENTINA: Tierra del Fuego: Bahía Buen Suceso , 13.X.1971, Menéndez, 1♀ 3 immatures ( MACN­Ar) ; shore at Canal de Beagle , I.1933, Castellanos and Gómez, 1 immature ( MACN­Ar) ; road to Glaciar Le Martial , on moss Polytrichum strictum, XII.1989 , A. González, 2♀ 1 immature ( MLP) ; Isla de los Estados, Puerto Flinders , 7.X.1971, Menéndez, 1♀ ( MACN­Ar) ; Ushuaia, dung traps in Sphagnum , 2♀, dry bog, pans, 23 1♀ 1 immature, lakeside bog, 20 pans, 13, 1♀, 1 immature, 12–14.II.1982, S. Marshall ( AMNH). CHILE: Región X (Los Lagos): Osorno: Puyehue Natl. Park : Antillanca rd. , 965 m, trap site 658, Berlese, leaf and log litter, 18–25.XII.1982, A. Newton and M. Thayer, 1♀ ( AMNH). Llanquihue: Huelmo, superior level of beach, 30.XII.1986, J. Kochalka, 13 1♀ ( IBNP). Región XII (Magallanes y Antártica): Ultima Esperanza: Laguna Parrillar Natl. Res., 53°24̍15̎S ,

71°15̍45̎W, 1–10.XII. 2000, 350 m, J. Miller, I. Agnarsson, 13, pitfall, 3♀, pitfall 55T3, bog, Berlese in moss, 1♀, 1♀, 1♀, 2♀, pitfall 54T3, Sphagnum , 13 1♀, pitfall 55T3, Sphagnum , 2♀, pitfall 55T4, scrub, grass in bog, 3♀, pitfall 55T6, forest, 2♀, bog, moss, 2♀, grass near Churio Hermoso, pitfall 55T2, 3♀, moss near Churio Hermoso, 2♀, pitfall 55T3, 2♀ (USNM). Magallanes: Isla Lennox, Lennox Cave, 5.II.1896, O. Nordenskjöld, 1♀ (NRS).


TABLE 17 Synapomorphies of Josa and Internal Clades Common to the Six Dichotomic Trees, and Synapomorphies of Some Resolutions

Tetromma Keyserling, 1878: 608 (type species by monotypy Tetromma lutea Keyserling, 1878 ; preoccupied by Déjean, 1834). NEW SYNONYMY.

Josa Keyserling, 1891: 83 View in CoL (type species Anyphaena pilosa Keyserling, 1880 ; earliest available name for Tetromma Keyserling , preoccupied). Simon, 1897a: 104. Brescovit, 1993: 129. Ramírez, 1995a: 381, 1997: 178.

Pelayo O.P.­ Cambridge, 1896: 194 (type species by monotypy Pelayo laetus O.P.­ Cambridge, 1896); Simon, 1903a: 1032. F.O.P.­ Cambridge, 1900: 94, 107. Synonymized by Brescovit, 1993: 129.

Haptisus Simon, 1897a: 100 (type species by original designation Anyphaena nicoleti Simon, 1897 ). NEW SYNONYMY.

Olbophthalmus Simon, 1904: 98 (type species Olbus personatus Simon, 1897 , designated by Petrunkevitch, 1928: 173). Ramírez, 1995a: 381, 1997: 178. NEW SYNONYMY.

Gayennella Berland, 1913: 102 (type species by monotypy Gayennella riveti Berland, 1913 ). NEW SYNONYMY.

SYNONYMY: The type species of Tetromma , Olbophthalmus , and Gayennella are here considered typical members of Josa View in CoL . Anyphaena pilosa and A. nicoleti are here considered junior synonyms of Josa lutea View in CoL .

NOTE: Simon (1880) described the genus Olbus for the poorly preserved type specimen of Olios sparassoides Nicolet , a corinnid ( Ramírez et al., 2001). However, his subsequent description of Olbus ( Simon, 1897a) , and the specimens identified by him all correspond to Josa species with a distinctly recurved posterior eye row. Simon only later (1904) examined fresh specimens of O. sparassoides , when he clarified the point, and proposed the genus Olbophthalmus in Anyphaenidae .

DIAGNOSIS: Easily recognized from other Amaurobioidinae by having a ventral apical palpal femoral apophysis (fig. 60E). Females have copulatory ducts coiled along longitudinal axes, and the epigynal median field at the same level or lower than the posteriorly projecting lateral lobes.

DESCRIPTION: Carapace narrowed in front, posterior eye row variable, ocular area not projecting. Chelicerae unmodified, slightly smaller in males, with three teeth on promargin, two on retromargin, occasionally four promarginal, three retromarginal. Anterior legs with unmodified spines, more spinose in males. Male palp with ventral apical femoral apophysis, hook­shaped; tibia short, RTA absent. Cymbium large. Tegulum placed basally and prolaterally in cymbium, median apophysis wide, apical, bifid. Anterior dorsal margin of tegulum with dorsal lobe, sperm duct without anterior dorsal loop. Primary conductor fused to tegulum, without canal. Secondary conductor extremely modified, semicircular, not associated with embolus when unexpanded (fig. 54A, B). Paramedian apophysis with shallow cusps, fused to tegulum. Embolus long, hidden between cymbium and bulb, with complex basal process (fig. 54B). Epigyne variable, median field mostly visible in posterior view (fig. 54C, D), copulatory openings in epigastric furrow. Lateral lobes with posterior depressions, slightly projecting posteriorly, limiting commonly narrow notch. Copulatory ducts long, coiled along longitudinal axes.

DISTRIBUTION: South and Central America, with most species occurring in Andean cloud forests and paramos.

COMPOSITION: The genus is extremely diverse, with most species being still undescribed and undersampled in collections. The morphology of the male copulatory bulb is remarkably constant within several clusters of species, making identification problematic. In addition to the species detailed below: Anyphaena keyserlingi L. Koch, 1866 (several males, females, and immatures syntypes, from Colombia: Santa Fe de Bogota´, in BMNH, examined, new combination), Josa bryantae (Caporiacco, 1955) , Josa laeta (O.P.­ Cambridge, 1896), Olbophthalmus lojensis Berland, 1913 (new combination, see Note under Josa personata ), Gayenna andesiana Berland, 1913 (male and female syntypes in MHNP, examined, new combination), Gayenna simoni Berland, 1913 (male and female syntypes in MHNP, examined, new combination), Haptisus analis Simon, 1897 (male and female syntypes in MHNP 11265, examined, new combination), Haptisus maurus Simon, 1897 (penultimate female holotype in MHNP 17554, examined, new combination), Olbus gounellei Simon, 1897 (male and female syntypes should be in MHNP 8166, not found, examined by Kochalka [1980], new combination), Tomopisthes chazaliae Simon, 1897 , new combination (three females syntypes in MHNP 18296, B.1811, examined by Kochalka [1980], belonging to two different species of Josa ; the types were not found in subsequent years; the very superficial description [ Simon, 1897c] and the type locality [ Colombia, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta] are compatible with the genus).

NOMEN DUBIUM: Clubiona nigricans Nicolet, 1849 (male and female syntypes from Chile, Valdivia, presumably in MHNP, not found; transferred to Haptisus by Simon, 1897a: 100). The reference to the elongate abdomen ( Nicolet, 1849: 447) suggests that this species might actually belong to Acanthoceto , Aysenia , or Aysenoides .

Josa lutea (Keyserling) , new combination Figure 55 View Fig

Anyphaena citrina : L. Koch, 1866: 194, 199 (many specimens from Colombia, Santa Fe de Bogota´, in BMNH, examined, misidentification).

Tetromma luteum Keyserling, 1878: 608 (female holotype from Nueva Granada [ Colombia], in BMNH, examined by John Murphy, in litt.).

Anyphaena pilosa Keyserling, 1880: 327 (male and female syntypes, from Nueva Granada [ Colombia], in BMNH, examined). NEW SYNONYMY.

Josa pilosa View in CoL : Keyserling, 1891: 83. Simon, 1897a: 104.

Anyphaena nicoleti Simon, 1897a: 92 (name for the specimens misidentified by L. Koch, 1866 as ‘‘ Anyphaena citrina Nicol. ?’’).

Haptisus nicoleti : Simon, 1897a: 92, 95, 100. Berland, 1913: 104.

Gayenna riveti Berland, 1913: 100 (female holotype from Ecuador, Borma, 1905, in MHNP, examined). NEW SYNONYMY.


Museo de La Plata


American Museum of Natural History














Selknamia minima



Berland, L. 1913: 102

Gayenna riveti

Berland, L. 1913: 100


Ramirez, M. J. 1997: 178
Ramirez, M. J. 1995: 381
Petrunkevitch, A. 1928: 173
Simon, E. 1904: 98


Simon, E. 1897: 100

Anyphaena nicoleti

Simon, E. 1897: 92

Haptisus nicoleti

Berland, L. 1913: 104
Simon, E. 1897: 92


Brescovit, A. D. 1993: 129
Simon, E. 1903: 1032
Cambridge, F. O. P. 1900: 94
Cambridge, O. P. 1896: 194


Ramirez, M. J. 1997: 178
Ramirez, M. J. 1995: 381
Brescovit, A. D. 1993: 129
Simon, E. 1897: 104
Keyserling, E. 1891: 83

Josa pilosa

Simon, E. 1897: 104
Keyserling, E. 1891: 83

Anyphaena pilosa

Keyserling, E. 1880: 327


Keyserling, E. 1878: 608

Tetromma luteum

Keyserling, E. 1878: 608

Anyphaena citrina

Koch, L. 1866: 194
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