Aysenoides parvus, RAMÍREZ, 2003

RAMÍREZ, MARTÍN J., 2003, The Spider Subfamily Amaurobioidinae (Araneae, Anyphaenidae): A Phylogenetic Revision At The Generic Level, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2003 (277), pp. 1-262 : 72-74

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/0003-0090(2003)277<0001:TSSAAA>2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Aysenoides parvus

sp. nov.

Aysenoides parvus View in CoL , new species Figures 29 View Fig , 30 View Fig

TYPES: Male holotype and female paratype from Chile, Región IX, Malleco province, Monumento Natural Contulmo, ca. 38°01̍S, 73°11̍W, 11.XII.1984 – 13.II.1985, FIT, 350 m, S. and J. Peck, deposited in AMNH. One male paratype from Argentina, Chubut province, Los Alerces Natl. Park, Río Arrayanes, II.1986, M. Ramírez, deposited in MACNAr 9812.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name refers to the small size.

DIAGNOSIS: Easily distinguished from oth­ er Aysenoides by having a relatively small cymbium and copulatory bulb, with the distal sclerites crowded behind the anterior margin of the cymbium, and a flat epigyne without ridges.

FEMALE (paratype): Total length 4.80. Carapace length 1.90, width 1.20, wider on legs II–III. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 1.10/ 0.88; II, 0.94/0.81; III, 0.86/0.63; IV, 1.07/ 0.92. Palpal tarsus length 0.48. Chelicerae with two teeth on retromargin. Sternum length 1.00, width 0.68. Spines: leg I, femur d 1–1–1, p d1ap; tibia v 2–2–2 (the x­p1­ x slightly displaced prolaterally); metatarsus v 2bas. II, femur = I; tibia v r1­ r1–2, p 0–1; metatarsus = I. III, femur = I; tibia v 0­ p1­ r1, p d1–1, r 0–1; metatarsus v 2–0–2 and some distal thick setae, p and r 0­ d1–1, d 0­ p1–2. IV, femur d 1–1–1; tibia v p1­ p1–2, r 0–1; metatarsus v r1­ r1–2, p 1ap, r d1–0–1, d r1ap. Spines on tibiae and metatarsi I and II long, thick. Leg III directed forward. Abdomen length 2.87, width 1.50, spiracle–epigastrium 1.70, spiracle–spinnerets 0.10. Col­ or: carapace and legs grayish, posterior legs paler. Abdomen pale gray with dorsal pattern grayish violet, venter grayish violet uniform. Epigyne (figs. 29A, 30C–E) flat, lateral lobes separate, median field narrow, slightly rugose, weakly sclerotized. Copulatory ducts short, spermathecae spherical.

MALE (holotype): Total length 3.99. Carapace length 1.83, width 1.17. Length of tibia/metatarsus: I, 1.50/1.27; II, 1.27/1.10; III, 0.78/0.88; IV, 1.23/1.10. Chelicerae slightly narower than those of female. Sternum length 0.96, width 0.68. Spines as in female (but weaker), except: leg I, tibia p d1–1. II, tibia v r1–2–2, p d1–1; metatarsus p d1–0. III, tibia v p1–2–2 or p1­ p1–2, p and r d1– 1. IV, tibia r d1–1; metatarsus p 0­ d1–1, d 2ap. Abdomen (slightly bowed) length 2.07, spiracle–epigastrium 1.11, spiracle–spinnerets 0.13. Color as in female, but abdominal pattern more heavily contrasting. Palp (figs. 29B–D, 30A, B): tibia width/length 0.70, RTA long, narrow. Cymbium relatively small, globose, cymbial conductor wide. Sperm duct with pronounced loop at dorsal anterior margin, secondary conductor absent. Embolus with basal process acute but greately reduced (fig. 29D). Other apical sclerites crowded at bulb apex, small, difficult to observe. Median apophysis apical, triangular, hyaline. Primary conductor with basal portion short, with canal; apical portion curved, conical, without canal. Paramedian apophysis apparently with two flattened triangular cusps.

VARIABILITY: Female, spines: III, tibia v 0­ p1–2, p1–2–2, r1–2–2, or 0­ (p1­ r1)­ 2; metatarsus r 1ap. IV tibia v p1­ p1–2. Males, III, tibia v 2–2–2; metatarsus v 2­ p1–2, p d1–1– 1. IV, tibia v 2­ p1–2 or 2–2–2; metatarsus v 2–2–2.

NATURAL HISTORY: Mostly unknown, but some specimens were collected by beating foliage. The paratype from Los Alerces was collected on the bark of a Nothofagus sp. tree, at 1.7 m high. They may otherwise live on the ground, because most specimens were collected in pitfall traps.

DISTRIBUTION: Forests in southern Chile, from Ñuble to Aisén, and adjacent humid mountain passes in Argentina .

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: CHILE: Región VIII (Biobío): Ñuble: 60 km SE Chillán, Termas Road, beech forest, FIT, 1300 m, 7.XII.1984 – 19.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13 1 immature (AMNH); 72 km SE Chillán, Trancas, nr. Termas, FIT, 1700 m, Nothofagus forest, 6.XII.1984 – 19.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 23 (AMNH). Región IX (Araucanía): Malleco: 17 km W Angol, 800 m, FIT, mixed Nothofagus , 8.XII.1984 – 16.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 23 (AMNH); 40 km W Angol, Nahuelbuta Natl. Park, FITS, 1200 – 1500 m, Nothofagus / Araucaria forest, 9.XII.1984 – 17.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 63 1♀ (AMNH); Monumento Natural Contulmo, same data as types, 13 1♀ (AMNH), 19–21.XII.1998, M. Ramírez, L. Compagnucci, C. Grismado, L. Lopardo, 1♀ (MACN­Ar). Cautín: Monte Verde, Cavahue, 31.I.1993, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); 15 km NE Villarrica, Flor del Lago, 500 m log spraying, 10.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 23 (AMNH); 300 m, 2 FITS, Nothofagus forest, 14.XII.1984 – 10.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 53 4♀ (AMNH). Región X (Los Lagos): Osorno: 36 km W La Unión, 600 m, 25– 28.III.1987, L. Peña, 1♀ (AMNH); Puyehue Natl. Park , 7.7 km NE Termas de Puyehue, 200 m, site 664, window trap, 19 – 25.XII.1982, A. Newton and M. Thayer, 1♀ (AMNH). Llanquihue: Lago Chapo, 13.5 km E Correntoso, site 656, window trap, 310 m, valdivian rainforest, 16–27.XII.1982, A. Newton and M Thayer, 1♀ (AMNH); 34 km E Puerto Montt, 300 m, FIT, 2nd growth Nothofagus , 24.XII.1984 – 2.II.1985, S. and J. Peck, 43 1♀ (AMNH). Chiloe´: Isla de Chiloe´: Lago Tepuhueco, 33 km SW Chonchi, 25 m, 42°49̍S, 73°55̍W, 26.XI.1994, no. 163, beating vegetation, 1♀, no. 167, fogging fungusy logs, 1 immature, R. Leschen and C. Carlton, 1♀ (AMNH). Palena: 4 km NW Chaitén, 30.I.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13 (AMNH); 37 km SE Chaitén, 28.XII.1984 – 30.I.1985, S. and J. Peck, 63 (AMNH). Región XI (Ibáñez del Campo): Aisén: 15 km S La Junta, FIT, 100 m, Nothofagus forest, 30.XII.1984 – 29.I.1985, S. and J. Peck, 13 1♀ (AMNH).


Table 11

Acanthoceto Mello­Leitão, 1944: 352 View in CoL (type species by original designation Acanthoceto adelae Mello­Leitão, 1944 View in CoL ). Ramírez, 1995a: 381, 1997: 186. Revised by Ramírez, 1997.

DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished from other Amaurobioidinae by the male abdomen with a terminal projection over the anal tubercle ( Ramírez, 1997: fig. 16).

DESCRIPTION: Redescribed by Ramírez (1997). See below for additional data and reinterpretation of male palpal sclerites, principally the reinterpretation of the conductors. DISTRIBUTION: South America.

COMPOSITION: Seven species, all included here and in Ramírez (1997), and perhaps an additional, undescribed one, very close to A. pichi .

Acanthoceto pichi Ramírez Figure 33B View Fig














Aysenoides parvus


Acanthoceto Mello­Leitão, 1944: 352

Ramirez, M. J. 1997: 186
Ramirez, M. J. 1995: 381
Mello-Leitao, C. F. de 1944: 352
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