Closterocerus cuspidis, Hansson, 2022

Hansson, Christer, 2022, Eulophidae Of Costa Rica (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea), 4 The Genus Closterocerus Westwood S. Str., Taxonomic Monographs on Neotropical Hymenoptera (Oxford, England) 1 (1), pp. 1-137 : 43-44

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scientific name

Closterocerus cuspidis


Closterocerus cuspidis sp.nov.

( Figs 83, 84 View Figs 83–87 )

Diagnosis. Antenna flattened, scape widest at apex ( Fig. 84 View Figs 83–87 ); pronotal collar with a carina along anterior margin ( Fig. 83 View Figs 83–87 ); midlobe of mesoscutum with three pairs of setae, notauli ±complete, narrow and distinct ( Fig. 83 View Figs 83–87 ); fore wing infuscate with a hyaline band close to apical margin ( Fig. 84 View Figs 83–87 ); hind tarsus with T1 infuscate, T2–3 white, T4 dark brown ( Fig. 84 View Figs 83–87 ); female gaster elongate with apex pointed ( Fig. 83 View Figs 83–87 ); length of body female 1.5mm.

Female holotype: length of body 1.5mm.

Antenna dark brown. Frons golden-green. Vertex metallic bluish-purple. Mesoscutum with midlobe metallic blue, sidelobes metallic purple. Mesoscutellum metallic blue. Dorsellum metallic purple. Propodeum golden-purple. Coxae, femora, mid and hind tibiae dark brown, fore tibia infuscate with base brown; fore tarsus infuscate, mid tarsus with T1–3 white and T4 infuscate, hind tarsus with T1 infuscate, T2–3 white, T4 dark brown. Fore wing infuscate with a hyaline band close to apical margin; hind wing hyaline. Petiole dark brown. Gaster with Gt 1,6 metallic bluish-purple, Gt dark brown with sides metallic bluish-purple, Gt 4,5,7 dark brown.


Antenna flattened, scape widest at apex. Frons with strong reticulation; frontofacial suture V-shaped. Vertex with strong reticulation. Subtorular sutures present. Occipital margin rounded.

Pronotal collar with a carina along anterior margin. Mesoscutum and mesoscutellum with strong reticulation; notauli narrow and distinct almost throughout, missing just close to anterior margin of mesoscutellum; midlobe of mesoscutum with three pairs of rather strong setae. Dorsellum convex and smooth. Propodeum smooth, without median carina; callus with two setae. Fore wing speculum closed; with a stigmal hairline and with radial cell bare.

Petiole very short, just a narrow band. Gaster elongate with apex pointed; Gt 1,2,7 smooth, remaining tergites with weak reticulation.

Relative measurements: head length dorsal 18; head length frontal 22; head width 34; POL 5.5; OOL 3.5; lateral ocellus maximum width 2.5; eye length 18.5; malar space 3; mouth width 8; mesosoma length 41; mesosoma width 29; mesoscutellum length 17; mesoscutellum width 18; fore wing length 63; fore wing width 41; marginal vein length 36; postmarginal vein length 2; stigmal vein length 6; fore wing marginal fringe length 4; gaster length 56; gaster width 30.

Male. Unknown.

Hosts. Unknown.

Distribution. Dominican Republic.

Material examined.

Type material. Holotype ♀ “ DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Sierra de Bahoruca , Alcoa Road, 18.i.1989, montane dry forest, L. Masner ” ( CNC).

Etymology. From the Latin cuspidis = pointed end, referring to the pointed apex of gaster.


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