Bolbapium lucidulum ( Klug, 1843 )

Carvalho, Edrielly Carolinne & Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z., 2022, A taxonomic revision of Bolbapium Boucomont, 1910 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Geotrupidae), Journal of Natural History 56 (13 - 16), pp. 769-828 : 792-793

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scientific name

Bolbapium lucidulum ( Klug, 1843 )


Bolbapium lucidulum ( Klug, 1843)

( Figures 4 View Figure 4 (f), 9(j), (k), (l), 15(b))

Bolboceras lucidulus Klug, 1843: 54 (original description); Lacordaire 1856: 143 (description)

Bolboceras lucidulum: Gemminger and Harold 1869: 1079 (catalogue); Boucomont 1902: 5 (review); Luederwaldt 1931: 432–434, 436, 449, 454 (review, key)

Bolboceras (Eucanthus) lucidulus: Boucomont 1909: 117 (review)

Bolboceras (Bolbapium) lucidulum: Boucomont 1910: 336 (review); 1912: 11 (catalogue); 1932: 267 (key)

Bolboceras lucidula: Blackwelder 1944: 220 (checklist)

Bolbapium lucidulum: Martínez 1976: 542 , 546 (checklist)


Frons without formation of interocular tubercles. Clypeus with short lateral carina, not reaching the middle region of the frons. Pronotum mesoanteriorly without evident structures and without median groove ( Figure 4 View Figure 4 (f)).

Type material. Currently the holotype is in the MZUSP, which provided photos for analysis.

Holotype. ‘25,679; Type [red rectangular label]; ♂; lucidulus ; Klug*/ Salto grande. Sello/ Brasil. Vir; Bolbapium /lucidulum/ ( Klug 1843); S. Ide det. 1996’ (ZMHB).


Body size: Length: 6.18–8.60 mm. Width: 4.41–6.02 mm. Head: Clypeal carina trituberculated, the central tubercle being more forward than the lateral ones;short lateral carinae and a short median groove.Frons flat and without structures; it has weak and almost imperceptible points on its surface. Pronotum: Without evident structures, central disc with little evident punctuation, without median groove. Ventral region of the thorax: Prosternum has a median longitudinal projection to the posterior margin. Mesoventrite completely smooth surface, without setae and without evident punctuation. Legs: Third pair of legs with two adjacent spurs of the same size. Male terminalia: In dorsal view, non-differentiated parameres of the phallobase ( Figure 9 View Figure 9 (j)).In lateral view, apex of the terminalia completely rounded ( Figure 9 View Figure 9 (l)). Phallobase with two pointed projections, one on each side, morphologically resembling the genitalia of Bolbapium sulcifrons and Bolbapium paralucidulum differing from other species that have a single central projection. Sexual dimorphism: This species does not feature sexual dimorphism. Remarks: Klug (1843) described the species based on some specimens, without mentioning the number and sex of the examined specimens. The specimens were collected by F. Sellow in Salto Grande, Brazil. The standard series belongs to the ‘Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität”, Berlin.

Differential diagnosis. Bolbapium lucidulum is morphologically similar to B. matheusi sp. nov., B. paralucidulum , B. quinquestriatum and B. sulcifrons in not presenting the forehead with tubercles and interocular carinae. However, it is easily differentiated by the clypeus with short lateral carinae extended backwards.

Geographical distribution. Brazil (Distrito Federal, Espirito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo) .

Non-type material. 107 specimens.

BRAZIL: Distrito Federal, Planaltina , [15°37 ʹ 17”S, 47°39 ʹ 7”W], 2 GoogleMaps .x GoogleMaps .1998, F .O GoogleMaps .V. Costa leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, 15°36 ʹ 24”S, 47°44 ʹ 42”W, 8 GoogleMaps .iv GoogleMaps .2016, light trap., A. Specht leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, Embrapa Cerrados . Pasto , 15°35 ʹ 47”S, 47°42 ʹ 20”W, 15 GoogleMaps .xii GoogleMaps .2017, pittfall cow faeces, Y . Ferreira leg GoogleMaps . (1 CEMT); Sobradinho , 15°34 ʹ 53”S, 47°59 ʹ 0”W, 14 GoogleMaps . ii GoogleMaps .2018, M .E GoogleMaps . Maldaner leg . (1 CEMT); Brasília. (1 MLPA) ; Same location, PNB Mata de Galeria , 15°44 ʹ 49”S, 48°0 ʹ 32”W, 27 GoogleMaps .xi GoogleMaps .2015, FIT, N .H GoogleMaps .D. Silva leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, 11 .xi .2015, FIT, N .H .D. Silva leg. (2 CEMT). Espirito Santo, P.E. Pedra Azul, [20°23 ʹ 30”S, 41° 1 ʹ 18”W], i GoogleMaps .2000, Lopes-Andrade & Vaz-de-Mello leg. (2 CEMT). Goiás, Joanápolis, Chácara São José , 16°16 ʹ 43”S, 48°50 ʹ 57”W, x–xii GoogleMaps .2020, Manual, J . Ribeiro & E GoogleMaps . Carvalho leg. (2 CEMT). Minas Gerais, Cordisburgo, Faz . Pontinha , [19°45 ʹ 57”S, 43°2 ʹ 7”W], xii GoogleMaps .1997, Vaz-de-Mello leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, [19°7 ʹ 31”S, 44°19 ʹ 13”W], i GoogleMaps .1999, F .Z GoogleMaps . Vaz-de-Mello leg . (1 CEMT); Conceição dos Ouros, Chacará das flores . Rio Sapucai Mirim, [22°24 ʹ 45”S, 45° 47 ʹ 51”W] (1 CEMT); Ingaí, Boqueirão Res GoogleMaps . UNILAVRAS, gallery forest, [21°24 ʹ 6”S, 44° 55 ʹ 7”W], 2 .xi GoogleMaps .2002, FIT, Silva & Frieiro-Costa leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, 13 .xi .2002, FIT, Silva & Frieiro-Costa leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, 20 .xi .2002, FIT, Silva & Frieiro-Costa leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, Mata Boqueirão, prox Poço Bonito , [21°24 ʹ 6”S, 44°55 ʹ 7”W], 29 GoogleMaps . iv GoogleMaps .2003, R .J GoogleMaps . Silva leg . (2 CEMT); Itabirito , [20°14 ʹ 50”S, 43°48 ʹ 9”W], 1400 m, xii GoogleMaps .1998, F .Z GoogleMaps . Vazde-Mello leg . (1 CEMT); Lavras , forest fragmente, 14 .i .2003, FIT, Souza et al leg. (1 CEMT) ; Same location, [21°14 ʹ 54”S, 45°0 ʹ 4”W], 16 GoogleMaps .vi GoogleMaps .2003, Renato Jório leg . (1 CEMT); Nova Era , [19°45 ʹ 57”S, 43°2 ʹ 7”W], 22 GoogleMaps .x GoogleMaps .1992 (1 CEMT); Same location, xi .1991 (1 CEMT); Teixeiras , [20° 39 ʹ 23”S, 42°51 ʹ 24”W], 780 m, 7-14 GoogleMaps .xi GoogleMaps .1996, M . Hardy leg GoogleMaps . (1 CEMT); Viçosa , [20°44 ʹ 50”S, 42° 52 ʹ 59”W], xi GoogleMaps .1998, FIT, Vaz-de-Mello leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, xi .1999, FIT, Andrade & Vaz-de-Mello leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, ii .1999, FIT, Vaz-de-Mello leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, 30 .i .1996, J .N .C. Louzada leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, v .1998, FIT, Vaz-de-Mello leg . (1 CEMT); Same location (1 CEMT); Same location, Mata do Paraiso , [20°48 ʹ 5”S, 42° 51 ʹ 58”W], 13 GoogleMaps .ii GoogleMaps .2015, FIT, S . Aloquio, A GoogleMaps .Orsetti, C . Lopes-Andrade & M .Bento leg . (1 CEMT); Itumirim, Serra do Janela , 2019, J . Louzada & L Vieira (1 CEMT); Same location, i–iv .2018, J. Louzada & L . Vieira (3 CEMT) . Paraná, Londrina, P . E Mata dos Godoy . Trilha dos catetos, 23° 26 ʹ 32”S, 51°15 ʹ 10”W, 31 .x .2018, malaise, R .C . Barros leg . (5 CEMT); Same location, 21 . ii .2018, malaise, R .C . Barros leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, 16 .iii .2018, malaise, R .C . Barros leg . (1 CEMT); Campina Grande do Sul, Estrada da Mandassaia , [25°18 ʹ 16”S, 49°2 ʹ 12”W], 8 GoogleMaps . v GoogleMaps .2014, FIT, F .W GoogleMaps .T. Leivas leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, 7- 10 .iv .2014, FIT, F .W .T. Leivas leg . (2 CEMT); Same location, 2 .iv .2014, FIT, F .W .T. Leivas leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, 2009, FIT, F .W .T. Leivas leg . (1 CEMT); Curitiba , [25°25 ʹ 44”S, 49°16 ʹ 1”W], iii GoogleMaps .1968, R . Langer leg GoogleMaps . (2 DZUP); Same location, Campina Grande do Sul, 25°17 ʹ 46”S, 49°2 ʹ 14”W, FIT, F GoogleMaps .W GoogleMaps .T. Leivas leg . (1 CEMT); Londrina, UEL, [23°19 ʹ 27”S, 51°12 ʹ 1”W] (1 CEMT); GoogleMaps Morretes , [25°28 ʹ 57”S, 48° 49 ʹ 44”W], 22-10 GoogleMaps .xi–xii GoogleMaps .2001, Scuhei leg . (2 DZUP); Piraquara , 25°29 ʹ 33”S, 48°58 ʹ 41”W, 1038 m, 9 GoogleMaps .xii GoogleMaps .2011, FIT, F .W GoogleMaps .T . Leivas & K . Mise leg . (2 CEMT); Same location, 13 .iii .2012, FIT, F . Leivas & P . Grossi leg . (3 CEMT); Ponta Grossa , V . Velha – IAPAR c004 690, [25°5 ʹ 57”S, 50°9 ʹ 29”W], 17 GoogleMaps .i GoogleMaps .2000, malaise, Ganho & Marinone leg . (1 DZUP); Tijucas do Sul, Vivat Flor . Sist . Ecol ., [25°55 ʹ 32”S, 49°10 ʹ 43”W], 10 .xii .2004, malaise, N . G . Ganho leg . (1 DZUP); Same location, 19 .xi .2004, malaise, N . G . Ganho leg . (1 DZUP); Same location, 5 .xi .2004, malaise, N . G . Ganho leg. (1 DZUP). Rio de Janeiro, without data (1 COPL); Represa Rio Grande , [22° 54 ʹ 24”S, 43°10 ʹ 22”W], iii GoogleMaps .1972, F .M GoogleMaps . Oliveira leg . (1 CEMT) (2 DZUP); Nova Friburgo , [22° 17 ʹ 19”S, 42°32 ʹ 2”W], i GoogleMaps .1995, F .Z GoogleMaps . Vaz-de-Mello leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, xi .1988, P . & E . Grossi leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, i .2009, light, P . Grossi leg . (2 COPL); Same location, 2 . xi .2009, N . Degallier leg . (2 COPL); Same location, Macaé de Cima , [22°23 ʹ 43”S, 42° 27 ʹ 57”W], iii GoogleMaps .2000, Vaz-de-Mello leg . (1 CEMT); Same location, i .1999, P . Grossi leg . (2 CEMT) (1 COPL); Same location, x .2000, P. Grossi (1 CEMT); Same location, ii .2006, E .J . Grossi leg . (2 CEMT); Galeão , [22°49 ʹ 1”S, 43°13 ʹ 40”W], ii GoogleMaps .1954, M . Alvarenga leg GoogleMaps . (1 DZUP). Rio Grande do Sul, Triunfo, Parque COPESUL, [29°55 ʹ 16”S, 51°32 ʹ 9”W], 26–23 GoogleMaps .ix–x GoogleMaps .2001, Pitfall, R . Ott leg GoogleMaps . (1 CEMT); São Francisco de Paula, Pro-mata . Mata secundaria, 29°29 ʹ 16”S, 50°10 ʹ 60”W, 20–21 GoogleMaps .i–ii GoogleMaps .2001, Pitfall, R . Ott leg GoogleMaps . (2 CEMT). Without data (1 CEMT) (3 ZIN) . São Paulo, 7076, [23°32 ʹ 35”S, 43°37 ʹ 45”W], 16 GoogleMaps .xi GoogleMaps .1955, K . Lenko leg GoogleMaps . (1 DZUP); Same location, 7975, 15 .xii .1955, K . Lenko leg . (1 DZUP); Same location, 7347, 15 .xi .1955, K . Lenko leg . (1 DZUP); Same location, 8003, 15 .xii .1955, K . Lenko leg . (1 DZUP); Same location, 7601, 6 . xii .1955, K . Lenko leg . (1 DZUP); São Luis do Paratinga , Pq . Est. Serra do Mar, Núcleo St Virginia , [23°37 ʹ 17”S, 45°39 ʹ 29”W], xi GoogleMaps .2004, M . Uehara leg GoogleMaps . (1 CEMT); Same location, ii .2005, M . Uehara leg . (2 CEMT); Barueri , [23°30 ʹ 40”S, 46°52 ʹ 22”W], 20 GoogleMaps .xii GoogleMaps .1954, K . Lenko leg GoogleMaps . (1 DZUP); Same location, iv .1955, K . Lenko leg . (1 DZUP); Same location, 7 .iv .1955, K . Lenko leg . (1 DZUP); Same location, 21 .iv .1955, K . Lenko leg . (1 DZUP); Same location, 8 .xii .1954, K . Lenko leg . (1 DZUP); Same location, 29 .ii .1956, K . Lenko leg . (1 DZUP); Same location, 18 . xii .1954, K . Lenko leg . (2 DZUP); Same location, 26 .xii .1954, K . Lenko leg . (1 DZUP); Same location, 12 .xii .1954, K . Lenko leg . (1 DZUP).


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum
















Bolbapium lucidulum ( Klug, 1843 )

Carvalho, Edrielly Carolinne & Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z. 2022

Bolbapium lucidulum: Martínez 1976: 542

Martinez A 1976: 542

Bolboceras lucidula:

Blackwelder RE 1944: 220

Bolboceras (Bolbapium) lucidulum:

Boucomont A 1910: 336

Bolboceras (Eucanthus) lucidulus: Boucomont 1909: 117

Boucomont A 1909: 117

Bolboceras lucidulum:

Luederwaldt H 1931: 432
Boucomont A 1902: 5
Gemminger D & Harold B 1869: 1079

Bolboceras lucidulus

Lacordaire JT 1856: 143
Klug JCF 1843: 54
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