Leiognathus daura (Cuvier, 1829) Goldstripe

Yennawar, Prasanna, Mohapatra, Anil & Tudu, Prasad Chandra, 2017, An account of Ichthyofauna of Digha coast, West Bengal, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 117 (1), pp. 4-4 : 4-

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.26515/rzsi/v117/i1/2017/117289



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scientific name

Leiognathus daura (Cuvier, 1829) Goldstripe


24. Leiognathus daura (Cuvier, 1829) Goldstripe View in CoL ponyfish (Figure 25)

Material examined: 1 ex., 11.06.1992; New Digha; Reg. No. MARC /ZSI/F1711 .

Description: D: VIII, 16; A: III, 14-15. Body rhomboid and compressed, the dorsal and ventral profiles about equally convex; snout somewhat blunt; mouth pointing downward when protracted. Colour of back greygreenish, belly silvery; black dots all over ventral half of body; a golden hue on dorsal half of body and on head; tip of snout black. Distal half of membrane between 2nd and 6th dorsal spines jet-black, lined above by creamy white, a broad yellow band over the lateral line, which disappears gradually on preservation; distal half of anal fin golden yellow from 2nd spine onward; outer margin of lower caudal fin lobe also yellow.

Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Gulf of Aden, along the coasts of India and Sri Lanka; including Pakistan, eastwards to the Philippines.

Remarks: The fish has a commercial value. Size: 14 cm.

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