Escumosa thoracata (Valenciennes, 1847)

Yennawar, Prasanna, Mohapatra, Anil & Tudu, Prasad Chandra, 2017, An account of Ichthyofauna of Digha coast, West Bengal, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 117 (1), pp. 4-4 : 4-

publication ID 10.26515/rzsi/v117/i1/2017/117289


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scientific name

Escumosa thoracata (Valenciennes, 1847)


3. Escumosa thoracata (Valenciennes, 1847) White sardine (Figure 4)

Material examined: 1 ex.; 22.07.11; Mohana, Reg. No. MARC /ZSI/F3721 .

Description: Body fusiform, moderately deep, compressed; belly with a distinct keel of scutes. Mouth small, 2nd supramaxilla rectangular; gill opening smoothly rounded. Dorsal fin at about mid-point of body; pelvic fins below dorsal fin origin, 7 pelvic fin rays; anal fin short, its origin behind dorsal fin base. Colour back pale grey, a double pigment line along back, from head to caudal fin base; flanks with a diffuse silver band, belly pale.

Distribution: Western coast of India, Elsewhere, eastward to Southeast Asia, the northeast and northwest coast of Australia.

Remarks: The fish is commercially important.

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