Carpophilus (Ecnomorphus) dhritibanerjeeae, Dasgupta, 2024

Dasgupta, Jhikmik, 2024, New species of Carpophilus Stephens from Eastern Arunachal Pradesh, India (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Carpophilinae), Zootaxa 5514 (3), pp. 294-300 : 296-299

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.3.5

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scientific name

Carpophilus (Ecnomorphus) dhritibanerjeeae

sp. nov.

Carpophilus (Ecnomorphus) dhritibanerjeeae sp. nov.

Material examined: Holotype: 1 m, INDIA: Arunachal Pradesh, Tirap District, Hukanjuri , 36 km-O-Khonsa, 14.iii.1990, T. K. Pal, ex. under bark ; Paratype: 1m, 2 f, data same as holotype .

Diagnosis ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–7 ) broadly elongate and sub-elliptical, moderately depressed, somewhat shiny, dorsum dark brown with paired pale yellowish undefined patches on elytra; lateral margin of pronotum, legs and antennae (except club) somewhat paler; cuticle nearly glabrous except some short, fine, silvery-white, decumbent pubescence on sides.

Head about 1.1× as broad as long, vertex rather convex, frons subdepressed; punctures on vertex slightly coarser than eye facets, round, separated by about 0.5–1 diameter of punctures; eyes moderately large, about 0.3× as long as head; temporal plate short, extended beneath eye, tip acute. Antenna about 1.5× as long as head; antennal club 1.5× as long as broad, dark, antennomeres loosely attached, about 0.3× as long as antenna.

Prothorax broader than long (l.0: 1.6), broader at middle and narrower towards anterior and posterior margins, anterior margin broadly emarginate; sides uniformly arcuate, posterior margin feebly emarginate and barely sinuate on either side near extremity, anterior angles acute, posterior angles nearly right angled. Pronotum little convex, surface punctate, punctures round, slightly larger than those of vertex, moderately deep, punctures separated on top of pronotal disc by 1–1.5 diameters.

Scutellar shield transverse (1.0:1.4), somewhat triangular, sides arcuate, punctate, punctures about the same size as those on vertex, separated by about 0.5–1 diameter of puncture.

Elytra about 1.1× as broad as long, anterior margin slightly emarginate, loosely fit with posterior margin of prothorax, humeral angles slightly obtuse, sides arcuate, lateral margin slightly explanate, apices somewhat obliquely truncate; punctures round, about same size as those on pronotum, moderately densely arranged, separated by 1–2 diameters, suture bordered in black; pubescence very sparse, only a few tiny, fine, silvery setae present at the sides.

Exposed tergites of abdomen 1.3× broader than long, about 0.6× as long as elytra, punctures smaller and much shallower than those on elytra; pubescence short, sparse, posteriorly directed.

Legs with tibiae less flattened; tarsi about 0.5× as long as tibiae.

Ventral side ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–7 ) dark brown, lateral sides of prosternum, abdomen and legs somewhat pale; moderately punctate; hypomeron rugose. Prosternal projection devoid of carina; mesoventrite moderately punctate, devoid of both median and lateral carina; mesocoxal border does not form any axillary space at the coxal border of metaventrite.

Aedeagus: Median lobe broad, moderately flattened; a single median strut extends from the base of median lobe anterad; lateral lobes of tegmen (parameres) paired; in lateral view ( Figs. 6–7 View FIGURES 1–7 ) parameres partly recurved and somewhat hook-shaped, apex rounded; in ventral view ( Figs. 4–5 View FIGURES 1–7 ) the lateral lobes of tegmen (parameres) conjointly almost as long as broad, apices slightly upturned. Anal sclerite accommodates the spiculum gastrale ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–7 ); apical margin of anal sclerite somewhat granular with short and sparse setae.

Ovipositor not studied.

Measurements (in mm.): Total length 2.9–3.2, width of head across eyes 0.60–0.61, length of antenna 0.58– 0.76, length and width of prothorax 0.75–0.77 and 1.20–1.27, length and width of elytra together 1.20–1.21 and 1.28–1.35.

Etymology: Gender: Feminine. The species is named in honour of Dr. Dhriti Banerjee, Director, Zoological Survey of India for her immense support in the research work.

Comparative note: This species shows resemblances with Carpophilus (Ecnomorphus) plagiatipennis Motschulsky, 1858 , but can be differentiated by pale patches on elytra not well-defined; anal sclerite sparsely setose; male genitalia in lateral view showing kidney-shaped parameres ( Figs. 6–7 View FIGURES 1–7 ) with apex hook-shaped and rounded {vs. pale patches on elytra more or less elliptical and edges well-defined; anal sclerite densely setose apically; male genitalia in lateral view shows sickle-shaped parameres with pointed apex in C. plagiatipennis }.This species also shows certain resemblances with Carpophilus (Ecnomorphus) jahari Dasgupta & Pal, 2019 but can be differentiated by its posterior pronotal angles almost right-angled, sides uniformly arcuate, posterior margin almost straight with a median notch above scutellum; parameres in ventral view ( Figs. 4–5 View FIGURES 1–7 ) conjointly about as long as broad, diverging posterad, apex slightly upturned; in lateral view ( Figs. 6–7 View FIGURES 1–7 ), parameres bean-shaped with short, hook-like recurved apices, apices densely setose on outer margins{vs. posterior angles of pronotum pointed behind, sides slightly arcuate in anterior half and sub-parallel posterad, posterior margin feebly emarginate and sinuate on either side near extremity; parameres in ventral view conjointly longer than broad, sides somewhat parallel, with apex upturned; in lateral view, parameres L-shaped, apex devoid of any setae in C. jahari }.

Distribution: INDIA, Arunachal Pradesh.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics















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