
Dasgupta, Jhikmik, 2024, New species of Carpophilus Stephens from Eastern Arunachal Pradesh, India (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Carpophilinae), Zootaxa 5514 (3), pp. 294-300 : 295-296

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.3.5

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Key to the subgenera and species of Carpophilus View in CoL of Northeast India

1. Mesoventrite with raised median longitudinal carina (see Fig. 8 View FIGURES 8–9 )................................................2.

- Mesoventrite devoid of median longitudinal carina (see Fig. 9 View FIGURES 8–9 )................................................10.

2. Antennal club segments (9–11) somewhat loosely arranged; punctures on mesoventrite shallow, less distinct; distal plate of mesoventrite not divided by median ridge; mesocoxal border regular, uniform, mesocoxal line on metaventrite rectilinear, reaching the metepisternum at 3/4 th of its length, forming a large and conspicuous axillary space…………………… Carpophilus (Semocarpolus) Kirejtshuk, 2008 .........................................3.

- Antennal club segments (9–11) rather compact or closely arranged; strong and distinct punctation on mesoventrite; mesoventrite with longitudinal carina diverging anteriorly and continued through sides; mesocoxal line on metaventrite indistinct; mesocoxal border irregular……………………. C. ( Carpophilus View in CoL ) Stephens, 1829...........................................4.

3. Body subquadrate; dorsum rather dull, lack luster; pronotum 1.5× as wide as long; mesocoxal line diverging from mesocoxae at the middle of its outer margin; lateral lobes of male genitalia in ventral view gradually converging and narrowing towards apices, apices slightly upturned, not bending towards each other............ C. (Semocarpolus) adjunctus Kirejtshuk, 2018

- Body moderately elongate; dorsum shiny; pronotum 1.25× as wide as long; mesocoxal line on metaventrite diverging from mesocoxae at one-third of its outer margin; lateral lobes of male genitalia in ventral view subparallel upto apex, apices bending and facing each other like closing ends of a gripping clip.............. C. (Semocarpolus) marginellus Motschulsky, 1858

4. Dorsum dark brownish with macula or pale patch on elytra; lateral margin of pronotum devoid of any sinuation..........5.

- Dorsum unicolorous, chestnut brown to black; lateral margin of pronotum arcuate with feeble sinuation near apical one-third....................................................................................................8.

5. Humeral angles of elytra devoid of yellowish spots..........................................................6.

- Humeral angles of elytra with yellowish spots...............................................................7.

6. Elytra bear yellowish spots near middle of elytra not reaching apex; lateral lobes of tegmen in male genitalia in ventral view with upturned apices; in lateral view broad base abruptly narrowed behind basal one-fourth, moderately bent with blunt apices, with tuft of moderately long setae on inner margins near apices.............. C. (Carpophilus) bifenestratus Murray, 1864

- Elytra bear rectangular yellowish patch extending from base to apex along the suture, sides brown; dorsum nearly glabrous....................................................................... C. (Carpophilus) ligatus Murray, 1864

7. A distinct, dark M-shaped patch separates the humeral spots and apical spots on elytra; pygidium of female truncate at apex; lateral lobes of male genitalia in ventral view feebly elongate, with slightly broader apices; in lateral view, distinctly bent beyond basal third, narrower towards apex but terminally slightly broader and truncate.............................................................................................. C. (Carpophilus) hemipterus (Linnaeus, 1758)

- No distinct M-shaped patch separating humeral spots and apical spots on elytra; pygidium of female rounded at apex; lateral lobes of male genitalia in ventral view broadly elongate, with distinctly broader apices; in lateral view, moderately bent, gradually narrowed beyond basal third with apices rather acute....... C. (Carpophilus) jelineki Audisio & Kirejtshuk, 1989

8. Legs distinctly paler than rest of the body; scutellar shield distinctly tranverse...... C. (Carpophilus) flavipes Murray, 1864

- Legs not paler than the rest of the body; scutellar shield marginally transverse.....................................9.

9. Posterior angles of pronotum obtusely pointed; lateral lobes of tegmen of male genitalia in ventral view, narrowly elongate, lobes converging apicad; in lateral view, tegmen moderately bent.............. C. (Carpophilus) obsoletus Erichson, 1843

- Posterior angles of pronotum acute; lateral lobes of tegmen of male genitalia in ventral view, broadly elongate, lobes diverging apicad; in lateral view tegmen strongly bent................................. C.(Carpophilus) cribratus Murray, 1864

10. Body ovoid, dorsum subdepressed; last two segments of antennal club somewhat closely fit, basal antennomere of club loosely articulated; pronotal disc flattened, anterior margin of pronotum narrower than posterior margin; elytra wider than base of prothorax……… Carpophilus (Ecnomorphus) Motschulsky, 1858 ..............................................11.

- Body oblong, subparallel, dorsum semiconvex; segments of antennal club closely arranged, compact; pronotal disc moderately convex, pronotum subquadrate, anterior margin as broad as posterior margin; elytra about as wide as base of prothorax………… Carpophilus (Myothorax) Murray, 1864 ..................................................................15.

11. Anterior and posterior angles of pronotum broadly rounded; anterior margin almost straight; posterior margin almost straight with a median notch above scutellum....................................................................12.

- Anterior and posterior angles of pronotum angulate; anterior margin emarginate; posterior margin feebly emarginate and sinuate on either side of near extremity.........................................................................13.

12. Body moderately convex; dorsum reddish-brown, with dark rectangular patch on elytra in the middle; prosternal projection more than half as wide as front coxae, apex slightly wider; lateral lobes of tegmen of male genitalia in ventral view broadly elongate, having irregular outer margins, and converge apically like folded hands, apex not upturned; in lateral view, broad base abruptly narrowed behind basal third with acute apices..................... C. (Ecnomorphus) signatus Grouvelle, 1908

- Body subdepressed; dorsum yellowish-brown, with faint irregular dark patch in middle of elytra; prosternal projection less than one-third as wide as front coxae, apex widened, bulbous; lateral lobes of tegmen of male genitalia in ventral view elongate, having uniform outer margins, gradually narrowed to apex, apex little upturned; in lateral view, lateral lobes gradually narrowed to apex and bent, apex bent upward.................... C. (Ecnomorphus) venkataramani Dasgupta, Pal & Powell, 2021

13. Body slightly elongate; lateral sides of pronotum uniformly arcuate, mild sinuation on posterior margin near corners; male genitalia in lateral view shows partly recurved, somewhat hook-shaped parameres, with rounded apex, in ventral view, parameres conjointly almost as long as broad, apices slightly upturned........ C. (Ecnomorphus) dhritibanerjeeae sp. nov.

- Body somewhat ovate; lateral sides of pronotum slightly arcuate in anterior half and subparallel in posterior half, distinct sinuation on posterior margin near corners................................................................14.

14. Paired elliptical patches on elytra with well-defined edges, borders delineated; male genitalia in lateral view somewhat sickle-shaped, with apices acuminate; in ventral view, lateral lobes of tegmen somewhat diverging apicad, apices widely set................................................................. C. (Ecnomorphus) plagiatipennis Motschulsky, 1858

- Paired elliptical patches on elytra with diffused edges, borders of which not delineated; male genitalia in lateral view somewhat ‘L’ shaped, with corners curved, apex rounded; in ventral view, lateral lobes of tegmen somewhat parallel lengthwise, apices closely set...................................................... C. (Ecnomorphus) jahari Dasgupta & Pal, 2019

15. Tibiae distinctly and conspicuously dilated from basal one-third of hind leg towards apices in males; in male, finger-like lateral lobes of tegmen, gradually narrowed towards apices........................... C. (Myothorax) truncatus Murray, 1864

- Tibiae gradually dilated from base to apex in both sexes; in male, lateral lobes of tegmen abruptly narrowed behind basal fourth, slender apicad and distinctly bent, few marginal setae near apices................... C. (Myothorax) nepos Murray, 1864













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