
Ternjej, Ivan Č Ica & Stanković, Igor, 2007, Checklist of fresh and brackish water free-living copepods (Crustacea: Calanoida and Cyclopoida) from Croatia, Zootaxa 1585, pp. 45-57 : 46-47

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Like the calonoids, some species included in our list were not listed for Croatia in “Fauna Europaea” Boxshall (2004). Here we give some explanations as to why.

Cyclops insignis Claus, 1857 was identified by Šoštarić (1888) and Car (1901) in samples taken from temporary freshwater habitats (ponds, ditches). Šoštarić (1888) also collected Megacyclops gigas ( Claus, 1857) in samples taken from temporary freshwater habitats (ponds, ditches) near Zagreb and Varañdin.

Acanthocyclops robustus Sars, 1863 and Diacyclops languidoides ( Lilljeborg, 1901) were reported to inhabit ponds and interstitial waters near Zagreb ( Petkovski 1954 ). Acanthocyclops gordani Petkovski, 1971 and Metacyclops trisetosus Herbst, 1957 were recorded in caves, springs and wells in Dalmatia and in other costal areas of Croatia ( Sket 1986). Halicyclops troglodytes Kiefer, 1954 , Halicyclops rotundipes Kiefer, 1935 were also found in interstitial waters, springs and wells in Dalmatia ( Sket 1986), while Diacyclops antrincola Kiefer, 1967 and Diacyclops bicuspidatus odessanus ( Schmankevitch, 1875) has been recorded in various subterranean habitats along the eastern Adriatic coast ( Sket 1986, 1988, 1994). Our list also included Halicyclops neglectus Kiefer, 1935 reported by Petkovski (1955) , although some authors (e.g. Plesa 1963; Wilson 1958) consider it to be a synonym of Halicyclops rotundipes . Others (e.g. Wooldridge 1977; Monchenko 1979; Dussart & Defaye 1985; Rocha 1995) do not share this opinion.

During an investigation of several hyporheic habitats on Medvednica Mountain in 1983, a new species, Acanthocyclops petkovskii Pesce & Latinger 1983 was described ( Pesce & Latinger 1983). Pesce & Latinger (1983) also found Diacyclops languidus disjunctus ( Thallwitz, 1927) and Diacyclops hypnicola ( Gurney, 1927) in the same samples as the new species.

Through correspondence with Dr. F. Stoch it has been determined that during his investigations in Croatia he has identified several cyclopoids from various locations (see Table 1): Acanthocyclops venustus stameri ( Kiefer, 1930) , Diacyclops charon ( Kiefer, 1931) , Diacyclops slovenicus Petkovski, 1954 , Paracyclps chiltoni ( Thomson, 1882) , Paracyclops imminutus ( Kiefer, 1929) , Speocyclops sp. ( Stoch 1997 pers. com.).

Macrocyclops distinctus ( Richard, 1887) reported from Lake Vrana on the Island of Cres ( Petkovski 1954 ) and it occurrence there has been confirmed by Sket (1988), Bukvić et al. (1997), Bukvić (1998a), Bukvić-Ternjej (2001), Tomec et al. (2002) and Ternjej and Tomec (2005). Microcyclops rubellus (Ljiljeborg, 1901) has also been reported in Lake Vrana (Bukvić 1998a).

Tomec, M., 1 Ternjej, I., Kerovec, M., Teskered Z ic, E. & Mestrov, M. (2002) Plankton in the oligotrophic Lake Vrana (Croatia). Biologia, 57 (5), 579 - 588.

Boxshall, G. A. (2004) Fauna Europaea. Available from http: // www. faunaeur. org (accessed 3 April 2006)

Car, L. (1901) Prilog za faunu Crustaceja. Glasnik hrvatskog Narodoslovnog Drustva, 12 (4 - 6), 55 - 89.

Claus, C. (1857) Das Genus Cyclops und seine einheimischen Arten. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 23, 1 - 40.

Dussart, B. (H.) & Defaye, D. (1985) Repertoire mondial des Copepodes Cyclopoides. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Ed. C. N. R. S., Paris, 236 pp.

Gurney, R. (1927) Some forms of Cyclops allied to C. languidus, Sars, with notes on C. minutus, Claus. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (9) 19, 497 - 509.

Herbst, H. V. (1957) Zoological results of a collecting journey to Yugoslavia 1954. 5. Cyclopoida Gnathostoma (Crustacea Copepoda). Beaufortia, 5 (65), 223 - 240.

Kiefer, F. (1929) Zur Kenntnis einiger Artgruppen der Susswasser-Cyclopiden. Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 133, 1 - 56.

Kiefer, F. (1930) Neue Hohlenbewohnende Ruderfusskrebse. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 87 (9 - 10), 222 - 228.

Kiefer, F. (1931) Kurze Diagnosen neuer Susswasser-Copepoden. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 94 (5 - 8), 219 - 224.

Kiefer, F. (1935) Zur Kenntnis der Halicyclopen (Crustacea Copepoda). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 110 (1 - 2), 0 - 13.

Kiefer, F. (1954) Einige Cyclopiden aus sudfranzosischen Rohlen. Notes Biospeleologie, 9, 157 - 65.

Kiefer, F. (1967) Ein neuer Cyclopide (Crustacea, Copepoda) aus einer Hohle in Mittelitalien. Rivista di Idrobbiolgia, 6 (2 - 3), 133 - 138.

Lilljeborg, W. (1901) Synopsis specierum huc usque in Suecia observatarum generis Cyclopis, sive Bidrag till en Ofversigt af de inom Sverige iakttagna Arterna af Slagtet Cyclops. Kungliga Svenska Vetensk-Akademiens Handlingar, New Series, 35 (4), 1 - 118.

Monchenko, V. I. (1979) Diagnostic, species independence and distribution of Halicyclops septentrionalis (Crustacea, Copepoda). Diagnostika, vidovaya samostoyatel'nost' i rasprostranenie Halicyclops septentrionalis Kiefer (Crustacea, Copepoda). (Russian with English summary). Vestnik Zoologii, 5, 40 - 46.

Pesce, G. L. & Lattinger, R. (1983) A new cyclopoid copepod from hyporeic subterranean waters of Yugoslavia: Achantocyclops (Achantocyclops) petkovskii n. sp. (Crustacea: Copepoda). Rivista di Idrobbiolgia, 22 (1), 61 - 65.

Petkovski, T. K. (1954) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Yugoslavischen Cyclopiden. Acta Musei Macedonici Scientiarum Naturalium, 1 (12), 1 - 31.

Petkovski, T. K. (1955) IV Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Copeoden. Acta Musei Macedonici Scientiarum Naturalium, 3 (25), 71 - 104.

Petkovski, T. K. (1971) Einige neue und seltene subterrane Cyclopiden (Crustacea, Copepoda) aus Jugoslavien. Acta Musei Macedonici Scientiarum Naturalium, 12 (5), 77 - 114.

Plesa, C. (1963) Ciclopide (Crustacea Copepoda) din delta Dunarii. Cyclopides (Crustacea Copepoda) du Delta du Danube. Hidrobiologia, 4, 361 - 373. (Romanian with Russian and French summaries.)

Richard, J. (1887) ' De la Recolte & de la Conservation des Entomostraces d'Eau Douce: Cladoceres & Copepodes.

Rocha, C. E. F. (1995) Copepods of the genus Halicyclops (Cyclopidae) from Belize. Hydrobiologia, 308, 1 - 11.

Sars, G. O. (1863) Oversigt af de indenlandske Ferskvandcopepoder. Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiana, Aar. 1862, 212 - 262.

Schmankevitch, V. (1875) Some crustacean of salt and freshwater lakes and their relation to sourrounding environment. Memoires de la Societe des Naturalistes de la Nouvelle Russie, Odessa, 3, 1 - 391.

Sket, B. (1986) Ecology of the mixohaline hypogean fauna of the Yugoslav coast. Stygologia, 2 (4), 317 - 338.

Sket, B. (1988) Zoogeografija slatkovodnih in somornih rakov (Crustacea) v kvarnersko velebitskom obmocju (Zoogeography of the freshwater and brackish Crustacea in the Kvarner-Velebit islands (NW Adriatic, Yugoslavia). Bioloski vestnik, 36, 63 - 76.

Sket, B. (1994) Distribution patterns of some subterranean Crustacea in the territory of the former Yugoslavia, Hydrobiologia, 287, 65 - 75.

Sostaric, D. (1888) Prilog poznavanju faune slatkovodnih korepnjaka Hrvatske. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fauna der Susswasser-Crustaceen. Rad jugoslavenske Akademije Znanosti i Umjetnosti, 92, 103 - 214.

Stoch, F. (1997) personal communications.

Thallwitz, J. (1927) Cyclops languidus var. disjuncta, eine neue Form der languidus-Gruppe. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 71 (1 - 2), 59 - 62.

Thomson, G. M. (1882) On the New Zeland Copepoda. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, 15, 93 - 116.

Wilson, M. S. (1958) The copepod genus Halicyclops in North America, with description of a new species from Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, and the Texas coast. Tulane Studies in Zoology, 6 (4), 176 - 189.

Wooldridge, T. (1977) The zooplankton of Mgazana, a mangrove estuary in Transkei, southern Africa. Zoologica Africana, 12 (2), 307 - 322.







