Monilonotum doddi ( Schenkling, 1906 ), 2022

Bartlett, Justin S. & Lambkin, Christine L., 2022, Australian Opilonini (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae) part I: A revised taxonomy for Australian Opilo Latreille including descriptions of new genera and species, Zootaxa 5220 (1), pp. 1-81 : 33

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Plazi (2022-12-15 10:29:30, last updated 2024-11-26 01:05:44)

scientific name

Monilonotum doddi ( Schenkling, 1906 )

stat. rev., comb. nov.

Monilonotum doddi ( Schenkling, 1906) stat. rev., comb. nov.

( Figs 40 View FIGURES 27–47 , 113 View FIGURES 102–137 , 152 View FIGURES 150–161 ; Map 2)

Opilo pascoei var. doddi Schenkling, 1906: 261 .

Type material examined. LECTOTYPE (here designated): Queensland. Townsville, F.J. Dodd // Schenkling det. // TYPUS ( SDEI) . PARALECTOTYPES (here designated): Townsville, F.J. Dodd // Schenkling det. // PARATYPUS (2, SDEI) .

Comment on lectotype designation. As Schenkling (1906) made no reference to specimens in his description of ‘ doddi ’, the three specimens, one labelled ‘typus’, two labelled ‘Paratypus’, located in SDEI are syntypes ( ICZN 1999: Article 73.2) and available for lectotype designation ( ICZN 1999: Article 74.1). With no reason to do otherwise, we designate the specimen labelled ‘Typus’ as the Lectotype and the other two syntypes as Paralectotypes. Condition of lectotype: The Lectotype, a completely intact specimen mounted on a pin, is in good condition being only lightly dusted with debris.

Other material (6): Queensland. Queensland Townsville // ‘Variety’ Pascoei v. Doddi Sch . // Ex Musaeo E. Hintz // Opilo pascoei J.J. Menier det (1, MNHN); Kuranda F.P. Dodd // Schenkling det. // DEI Muncheberg Col—01929 (1, SDEI); Kuranda nq. 21/05. // Coll. Hacker // Schenkling det. // DEI Muncheberg Col—01930 (1 ♁, SDEI); Kuranda. NQ 10 jan 1971 walford-Huggins // var. doddi Sch // E. Gowing-Scope collection BMNH(E) 2005-4 (1, NHML); Kuranda NQ 1/54 GB. // F.E. Wilson // species // J.G. Brooks Bequest, 1976 (1, ANIC); Kuranda NQ 12/51 GB. // pascoei Gorh. Var. doddi 11. Schklg. // J.G. Brooks Bequest, 1976 (1, ANIC).

Differential diagnosis. Monilonotum doddi is easily separated from the similar-looking species M. pascoei and M. sundholmi by: a) the presence of a whitish macula at the junction of the brown and black areas anterior to the elytral fascia, b) the absence of maculation at the elytral apices, and c) tegmen with the closed end of the dorsal sinus narrower than that of M. pascoei , and the parameroid lobes more splayed than those of M. sundholmi .

Description. Habitus: Fig. 152 View FIGURES 150–161 . Total length: 6.5–9 mm. Head: Vertex and frons black, clypeus and supraantennal elevations black-brown, anteclypeus semi-transparent orange, antennae, labrum and palpi orange; eyes separated by 0.93–1.26 eye widths; vertex and frons very lightly punctate; genae wrinkled, submentum smooth; exterior margins of terminal palpomeres about 1–2 times (maxillae) and 1.5–2.5 times (labium) the length of inside edges (specimens with smaller terminal palpomeres are likely to be females); antennae long, reaching to or slightly beyond base of pronotum; eyes and most of cranium vested with erect pale setae, frons with shorter medially-directed setae. Prothorax: Dark brown or black-brown except pronotal collar and pronotal projection whitish or pale yellow; pronotum 1.16-1.32 times longer than wide, sides evenly curved, middle slightly broader than lateral part of pronotal arch; subapical depression v-shaped, central impression of disc smooth, flowing from subapical depression, not sulcate, pronotal base weakly tumescent above pronotal collar, disc uneven, smooth, almost impunctate, punctation consisting of sparse inconspicuous setose impressions; moderately distributed with long erect setae and shorter anteromedially-directed setae. Pterothorax: Ventrites orange, vested with short, pale, posteriorly-directed, semidecumbent setae; elytra three-toned (base colour black-brown; each elytron with an oblique whitish transverse fascia sloping posteriorly away from suture, basal two-fifths to one-third of area anterior to fascia orange-brown, a small whitish macula at interface of brown and black areas usually with an obscure black spot above it, apex without macula); length to width ratio 2.55–2.71:1; 8 th stria beginning immediately behind humeral tumescence, all stria terminating abruptly at posterior margin of whitish transverse fascia, punctation without nodules, interstices smooth, often about half as wide as diameter of punctures, epipleurae extending into apical curve; interstices with posteriorly-directed, semi-erect setae about as long as distance between centres of neighbouring punctures, plus erect setae of slightly longer length, intrafoveal setae not observed (potentially present though minute). Legs: Almost entirely orange-brown, hind coxae, trochanters and extreme base of metafemora whitish, ventral tarsal pads orangeyellow; all femora swollen in both sexes (meso- and metafemora slightly less so in females). Abdomen: First ventrite entirely or partly whitish, other ventrites dark brown. Male genitalia: Tegmen as in Fig. 40 View FIGURES 27–47 ; apices of parameroid lobes narrowing unevenly to a point, inner margin indented; dorsal sinus about one-third tegmen length, apical half gradually broadening with profile of parameroid lobes, inner half narrow; ventral sinus about half as long as dorsal sinus; apodeme about one-quarter tegmen length; pygidium as in Fig. 113 View FIGURES 102–137 .

Variation. Males have larger terminal palpomeres and more swollen femora than females.

Biology. Adults are known to be active in December, January and May.

Distribution (Map 2). North Queensland (Townsville and Kuranda).

ICZN (1999) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. 4 th Edition. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, 306 pp.

Schenkling, S. (1906) Die Cleriden des Deutschen Entomologischen National-Museums, nebst Beschreibungen neuer Arten. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1906, 241 - 320.

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FIGURES 27–47. Tegmina, dorsal: (27) Ancyropilus brigalowae, paratype; (28) Ancyropilus emmotti, holotype; (29) Ancyropilus exossuarius, paratype; (30) Ancyropilus monteithi, holotype; (31) Ancyropilus noonbahensis, holotype; (32) Ancyropilus packsaddlensis, holotype; (33) Ancyropilus simplex, paratype; (34) Ancyropilus tricolor, paratype; (35) Ancyropilus hornensis, paratype; (36) Culcipternotus mareebensis, paratype; (37) Infectostriatus absentis, holotype; (38) Infectostriatus differens, holotype; (39) Monilonotum bunyense, paratype; (40) Monilonotum doddi; (41) Monilonotum pascoei; (42) Monilonotum sundholmi, paratype; (43–47) Notopilo, beswickensis species group—(43) Notopilo beswickensis, holotype; (44) Notopilo calicis, paratype; (45) Notopilo tompricensis, holotype; (46) Notopilo xanthoimprocerus, holotype; (47) Notopilo xanthoprolatus, holotype (scale bars: 0.5 mm).

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FIGURES 102–137. Male pygidiae: (102) Ancyropilus brigalowae, paratype; (103) Ancyropilus emmotti, holotype; (104) Ancyropilus exossuarius, paratype; (105) Ancyropilus monteithi, holotype; (106) Ancyropilus noonbahensis, holotype; (107) Ancyropilus packsaddlensis, holotype; (108) Ancyropilus simplex, paratype; (109) Ancyropilus tricolor, paratype; (110) Ancyropilus hornensis, paratype; (111) Culcipternotus mareebensis, paratype; (112) Infectostriatus absentis, holotype; (113) Monilonotum doddi; (114) Monilonotum pascoei; (115) Monilonotum sundholmi, paratype; (116–120) Notopilo, beswickensis species group—(116) Notopilo beswickensis, holotype; (117) Notopilo calicis, paratype; (118) Notopilo tompricensis, holotype; (119) Notopilo xanthoimprocerus, paratype; (120) Notopilo xanthoprolatus, holotype; (121–124) Notopilo, cambageicola species group—(121) Notopilo cambageicola, paratype; (122) Notopilo interfabulatus, paratype; (123) Notopilo lawnhillensis, paratype; (124) Notopilo tanybasilaris, holotype; (125) Notopilo congruus (congruus species group); (126–128) Notopilo, variipes species group—(126) Notopilo brevistriatus, paratype; (127) Notopilo gerstmeieri, holotype; (128) Notopilo variipes; (129–132) Notopilo, unplaced to species group—(129) Notopilo confusus, holotype; (130) Notopilo elstoni, holotype; (131) Notopilo katherinensis, holotype; (132) Notopilo obesus, paratype; (133) Platynotum bulli, paratype; (134) Platynotum culgoense, holotype; (135) Platynotum femorale; (136) Platynotum foveosetosa, holotype; (137) Platynotum gracile, holotype (scale bars: 0.5 mm).

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FIGURES 150–161. Habitus: (150) Infectostriatus differens, holotype; (151) Monilonotum bunyense, paratype; (152) Monilonotum doddi; (153) Monilonotum pascoei; (154) Monilonotum sundholmi, paratype; (155) Monilonotum rufiventre; (156–161) Notopilo, beswickensis species group—(156) Notopilo beswickensis, holotype; (157) Notopilo calicis, holotype; (158) Notopilo eremosus, holotype; (159) Notopilo tompricensis, holotype; (160) Notopilo xanthoimprocerus, holotype; (161) Notopilo xanthoprolatus, holotype (scale bars: 1.0 mm).











