Brachypnoea distincta ( Jacoby, 1881 ) Sublett & Cook, 2021

Sublett, Clayton A. & Cook, Jerry L., 2021, A Comprehensive Revision of the Genus Metaparia Crotch, 1873 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae) and Description of a New Genus, The Coleopterists Bulletin 75 (4), pp. 779-811 : 803-804

publication ID 10.1649/0010-065X-75.4.779

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scientific name

Brachypnoea distincta ( Jacoby, 1881 )


Brachypnoea distincta ( Jacoby, 1881) , new combination ( Figs. 55, 56 View Figs )

Noda distincta Jacoby 1881: 120 .

Metaparia distincta : Flowers 1996: 41 [species transferred to Metaparia View in CoL ].

Type Specimen. Holotype by monotypy, pinned male, labeled “Cuernavaca// Mexico./Salle Coll.//449 [label upside down]//B.C.A./120.17.// Noda /distincta/Jac. [label handwritten, blue paper]// HOLO- /TYPE. [circular label with red outline]//17. Noda distincta .”; deposited in the BMNH.

Redescription. Body subparallel, dorsum convex ( Figs. 55, 56 View Figs ). Length 2.89 mm. Width 1.79 mm. Dorsum black with light gold sheen, venter dark brown, aeneous, legs colored as venter except tibia apices and tarsi light brown. Head: IOR 1.69. Frons punctate-setose, space between punctures microsculptured; punctures small, dense, coarse; setae short. Clypeus arched, punctate-setose, slightly constricted apically; punctures small, dense, coarse; apex broadly, weakly emarginate. Mandibles bent at ca. 90°, apical 2/3 red-brown, basal 1/3 colored as dorsum; lateral face sparsely setose, flat, nearly smooth, not enlarged; dorsal face flat; outer ventral edge without bead. Eye with 1 seta on dorsal edge, not margined with groove dorsally. Antenna clavate, setose, antennomeres 1–6 light brown, antennomeres 7–11 dark brown; setae short, except antennomeres 7–11 with ring of 6 long setae apically; antennal sclerite with patch of short setae; antennomere 1 rectangular, edges rounded; antennomere 2 cylindrical, subequal to antennomere 3; antennomeres 7–9 longer than wide, expanded apically; antennomere 11 pointed apically. Pronotum: Pronotal ratio 0.61. Disc strongly transversely convex, punctate, space between punctures microsculptured, glabrous, except anterior corners and sublaterally; punctures small, coarse, dense, especially posterolaterally. Anterior edge straight, margined with bead. Sides evenly rounded, narrowed anteriorly, margined with bead. Posterior edge weakly convex, margined with bead, corners weakly project posterolaterally.Anterior and posterior corners with single seta in pit. Scutellar shield: Form semi-circular, microsculptured with faint punctures. Elytra: Disc punctate-striate, glabrous, space between punctures microsculptured; punctures small, dense, coarse; striae confused basally more distinct apically. Basal calli indistinct. Elytral suture margined with bead in apical half; bead narrowing apically. Epipleural fold visible, narrowing apically, sides margined with bead; bead on outer edge projecting laterally. Venter: Abdominal ventrites setose, ventrites 3–5 glabrous medially; setae longer medially on ventrites 1 and 2, setae longer around pygidial opening. Pygidium: Dorsal sclerite with medial triangular depression, disc halves with patch of setae basally, apex punctate-setose, thick; depression with low medial costa; setae long. Legs: Protibia setose with 2 dorsal, 1 lateral (on each side), and 2 ventral carinae; dorsal carinae complete to tibial apex, lateral and ventral carinae extend 1/2 tibia length; setae in single line between dorsal carinae, setae in continuous patch on lateral and ventral tibial faces except in single line between dorsal and lateral carinae. Protibial apex U-shaped, margined with stout setae, slanted with outer lateral tibial apex longer. Meso- and metatibiae setose with 3 dorsal, 1 lateral (on each side), and 2 ventral carinae; dorsal carinae complete to apex, lateral and ventral carinae extend 1/2–3/4 tibia length; setae as in protibia. Meso- and metatibia apices U-shaped, margined with stout setae, flat; U shape much narrower in metatibia. All tibiae expanded apically; pro- and mesotibia weakly curved ventrally, metatibia nearly straight. Pro- and mesotarsomere 1 enlarged. Aedeagus: Unknown. Spermatheca: Unknown.

Distribution. Mexico.

Temporal Occurrence. Unknown.

Remarks. After examining the type for B. distincta , we are transferring it to Brachypnoea based on the form of the head, form of the pronotum, and form of the prosternum. In the holotype, the IOR is less than 2.00. The pronotum is strongly rounded laterally and narrowed anteriorly, both characteristics of species of Brachypnoea . The prosternum and prosternal lateral arms meet well behind and do not conceal the mouthparts, and the apical edge of the prosternum is not margined with a bead, both features that separate Brachypnoea from Metaparia and Spintherophyta .














Brachypnoea distincta ( Jacoby, 1881 )

Sublett, Clayton A. & Cook, Jerry L. 2021

Metaparia distincta

Flowers, R. 1996: 41

Noda distincta

Jacoby, M. 1881: 120
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF