Atarphia cincta, Jelínek & Jia & Hájek, 2012

Jelínek, Josef, Jia, Fenglong & Hájek, Jiří, 2012, A new species of the genus Atarphia (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) from China, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52 (2), pp. 467-474 : 468-473

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scientific name

Atarphia cincta

sp. nov.

Atarphia cincta sp. nov.

( Figs. 1 View Figs , 4–8 View Figs )

Atarphia quadripunctata Reitter, 1884 (partim): JELÍNEK (1999): 262; JELÍNEK & AUDISIO (2007): 471.

Type locality. China, Sichuan, 200 km SW of Ya’an, Liziping env., near Shimien.

Type material. HOLOTYPE: J, ‘ Liziping env./ near Shimien / 200 km SW Ya’an [p] // CHINA, Sichuan prov. / 27.VI. – 3.VII.1991 / Z. Kejval leg. [p]’ (NMPC) . PARATYPES: ‘ CHINA: JIANGXI prov., 27.iv.2011 / Jinggang Shan Mts. / SONGMUPING (stream valley) / 26°34.7′N, 114°04.3′E, 1280 m / M.Fikáček and J. Hájek leg. [p]’, 2JJ 2♀♀ (NMPC, SYSU) GoogleMaps ; ‘ China, SW Shaanxi, 24.V. / Micang Shan , 32°45′N, 106°37′E / LIPING-village, 1500-1600 m / Jaroslav Turna leg. 2009 [p]’, 1 ♀ (NMPC) GoogleMaps ; ‘ China, SW Shaanxi, 30.VI. / Micang Shan , 32°47′N, 106°40′E / LIPING for. park 1500-1600 m / Jaroslav Turna leg. 2011 [p]’, 1 ♀ (NMPC) GoogleMaps ; ‘ Taiwan, Taipei County, Guanshi / S of Taipei, 9.iv.2008 / J. Borowski lgt. [p]’, 1 ♀ (ALBC). All specimens are provided with one red label : ‘ HOLOTYPUS J [or PARATYPUS] [p] / Atarphia / cincta sp.n. [hw] / des. J. Jelínek, 20 [p] 12 [hw]’.

Description. Male (holotype). Ovate, moderately convex, dull, pubescent, elytra with series of semierect setae. Body black, tarsi and antennal flagellum yellow-brown to red-brown, antennal club black. Each elytron with yellow oblong spot besides scutellum, indistinct transverse spot between setose series 1–3 before the midlength of suture, and large spot in posterior third of elytra between setose-series 4–6. Latter spots of both elytra interconnected by short yellowish portion of suture as to make up a common V-shaped spot. Vestiture long, recumbent, dark, each elytron moreover with eight rows of erect thick setae, whitish on spots and their vicinity, otherwise black ( Fig. 1 View Figs ). Body length 4.1 mm, width 2.3 mm.

Head across eyes narrower than anterior pronotal margin. Frons almost flat with feeble tubercles above antennal insertions, shallowly depressed between antennal insertions and along inner margins of eyes. Anterior margin of clypeus truncate, not bordered. Punctures of frons round to oval, much larger than eye-facets, mostly separated by less than one diameter; interspaces smooth. Temples straight, strongly converging posteriad, eyes strongly convex, finely facetted.

Antennae nearly as long as the width of head across eyes, ratio HEAW/ANLE = 1.02; antennal club oval, ACLE/ACWI = 1.50, ACLE/ANLE = 0.30. Ratio length/width of antennomeres I–VIII as 1.5, 1.6, 2.5, 2.0, 2.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5.

Pronotum widest at basal third, ratio WPR2/LEPR = 1.93. Anterior margin deeply and broadly arcuately emarginate, bordered, anterior angles prominent, obtuse. Basal margin subtruncate in front of scutellum, broadly and very shallowly concave, almost subtruncate, besides posterior angles and bordered. Posterior angles obtuse, not projecting backwards. Lateral margins strongly arcuate, fringed with short dense black setae, more strongly converging anteriorly than posteriorly, ratio WPR1/WPR3 = 1.70. Flattened sides nearly as wide as eyes. Disc of pronotum broadly convex with broad and markedly raised bulge in front of scutellum and flattened in front of bulge. Bulge, reaching the midlength of pronotum anteriorly, is flanked with round impressions laterally. Round flat punctures nearly as large as on frons, separated by ca. one diameter on disc, becoming closer laterad and posteriad, intermixed with minute simple punctures bearing recumbent long setae; interspaces smooth. Scutellum triangular, narrowly rounded apically, punctate like pronotum.

Elytra wider than pronotum (ratio WELY/WPR2 = 1.11), widest at basal fourth (ratio LELY/WELY = 1.03), simultaneously rounded apically. Humeral angles rounded. Lateral margins arcuate in basal half, less so in apical half, hardly explanate, setose fringe indistinct. Sutural lines indistinct. Surface of elytra moderately convex, punctate like pronotum, diffuse large flat punctures separated by ca. one diameter, at places closer, intermixed with minute simple setiferous punctures, interspaces smooth. Setae thin, recumbent, dark, each elytron with eight rows of rather sparse stout erect setae. Third, fifth and seventh series of erect setae on faint impunctate traces of longitudinal ribs. Pygidium concealed by elytra, rounded apically, apical wall of tergite VIII exposed.

Postmentum shallowly concave, deep punctures nearly equal in size to eye-facets, almost contiguous. Prosternum transversely convex, densely rugosely punctate, interspaces reticulate; prosternal process almost flat, broad, widest at broadly V-shaped apex, punctate like prosternum. Hypomera concave, punctures separated by 1.0–1.5 diameters, interspaces densely isodiametrically reticulate. Distances between pro-, meso- and metacoxae as 14: 18: 23. Mesoventrite densely microscopically alutaceous, dull, with impunctate mediolongitudinal stripe, along anterior margins of mesocoxae narrowly canaliculate, shining with series of shallow oval umbilicate punctures. Metaventrite transversely impressed behind mesocoxae; anterior intercoxal process subtruncate, transversely wrinkled, posterior margin between metacoxae broadly concave. Median portion of metaventrite flat, punctures round, shallow, nearly equal in size to eye-facets, separated by more than one diameter, becoming closer and rasp-like posteriorly; interspaces smooth and shining. Small rhomboidal area behind midlength of metaventrite impunctate. Caudal marginal lines of mesocoxae not interconnected in middle, closely bordering mesocoxal cavities, their recurrent outer portion reaching posterolateral corners of metaventrite. Punctures of abdominal ventrites larger than those of metaventrite, interspaces with traces of reticulation. Anterior margin of ventrite I between metacoxae with broad swollen impunctate rim. Caudal marginal lines of metacoxal cavities arcuate, closely bordering metacoxal cavities, ending in anterolateral corners of ventrite.

Pro-, meso- and metafemora ca. 2.3, 2.7 and 3times longer than wide respectively; posterior margin of mesofemur with acute prominent tooth before its midlength ( Fig. 4 View Figs ). Protibia 4.2 times longer than wide, widest at distal end. Outer margin finely densely denticulate, outer subapical angle rounded, inner margin broadly concave, inner apical angle with two unequal short spurs. Apical margin with ventrally directed comb. Tarsomeres I–III flat, nearly as wide as pedicel, only III shallowly bilobed, V nearly as long as I–III combined; tarsal claws simple. Mesotibia five times longer than wide, moderately arcuately curved, outer margin with prominent subrectangular angle at distal sixth ( Fig. 5 View Figs ). Metatibia straight, 5.7 times longer than wide, outer margin with prominent subrectangular angle at distal eighth.

Male genitalia as figured ( Figs. 6–8 View Figs ).

Female. Habitus and size not different from male. Anterior margin of protibia without comb.

Variation. Body length 3.7–4.4 mm, width 1.9–2.5 mm. Measurements: WPR2/LEPR = 1.93–2.15, WPR1/WPR3 = 1.69–1.80, LELY/WELY = 1.03–1.08.

Antennal flagellum yellow-brown to red-brown, distal end of particular antennomeres sometimes black, antennal club black, terminal antennomere sometimes lighter. Pair of small spots at midlength of elytra sometimes absent.

Differential diagnosis. Atarphia cincta sp. nov. is closely related to A. quadripunctata from the Far East of Russia and Japan (KIREJTSHUK 1992). The species differs from the latter by possessing a markedly developed bulge in the posterior half of pronotum and by different colour pattern with spots of the posterior pair larger, situated closer to suture and interconnected ( Fig. 1 View Figs ). Metaventrite in A. quadripunctata is shorter (ratio MTSW/MTSL ca. 3.10 in A. quadripunctata , 2.70 in A. cincta sp. nov.), without transverse impression behind mesocoxae and without impunctate patch behind midlength. Elytra in A. quadripunctata widest at basal fourth, less narrowed towards the base and comparatively shorter; in A. cincta sp. nov. elytra are widest at basal third, more distinctly narrowed towards base and comparatively longer: ratio LELY/WELY = 0.96–1.02 in A. quadripunctata , 1.03–1.08 in A. cincta sp. nov. (cf. Figs. 1–2 View Figs ). Apical process of tegmen comparatively more slender in A. quadripunctata than in A. cincta sp. nov. ( Figs. 6 and 9 View Figs ).

Etymology. Latin adjective cinctus, - a, - um = girdled, referring to the transverse pale bar on elytra.

Collection circumstances. Specimens from the Jinggang Shan Mts. were collected in broadleaved forest, in fruiting bodies of an unidentified bracket-fungus growing up on dead tree. Geographic distribution. The species is so far known from the Chinese provinces Shaanxi, Sichuan and Jiangxi, and from Taiwan. The species appears to be a vicariant taxon of

A. quadripunctata , which is known to occur in Japan and the Far East of Russia (KIREJTSHUK 1992). The record of A. quadripunctata from China by JELÍNEK (1999) and JELÍNEK & AUDISIO (2007) was based on the single specimen erroneously considered as an aberrant specimen of A. quadripunctata .














Atarphia cincta

Jelínek, Josef, Jia, Fenglong & Hájek, Jiří 2012

Atarphia quadripunctata

JELINEK J. & AUDISIO P. 2007: 471
JELINEK J. 1999: 262
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