Paropsia edulis Thouars

Lagrange, Flavien, Martínez, Camila & Rio, Cédric Del, 2024, Seed morphology of the paleotropical tribe Paropsieae (Passifloraceae, Malpighiales), and paleobotanical implications, European Journal of Taxonomy 943, pp. 1-23 : 10

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.943.2583


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Paropsia edulis Thouars


Paropsia edulis Thouars View in CoL

Figs 1C View Fig , 4E–H View Fig

Material examined

MADAGASCAR • d’Ambolavoanio à Mataninina au bord rivière Andronomadio; 2 Sep. 1949; G. Cours 3424; P [ P04767996 ] !.

Seed description

Seeds compressed, 7.1 mm long, 5.8 mm wide and 2.4 mm thick, cordate. The surface is coarsely reticulate and light brown, with 7.12 reticulations per mm 2. The reticulations have an average diameter of 414 µm and a depth of 188 µm. The margin is striate. The apex has a prominent appendage. The base is obtuse and truncate, with a mucro. The palisade seed coat is 281 µm thick.


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants

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