Chiridopsis nigrosepta ( Fairmaire, 1891 )
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Chiridopsis nigrosepta ( Fairmaire, 1891 ) |
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Chiridopsis nigrosepta ( Fairmaire, 1891) View in CoL
( figs 12 View FIGURE 12 , 74–82 View FIGURES 74 – 79 View FIGURES 80 – 86 )
Coptocycla nigrosepta Fairmaire, 1891 b: 306 ; Kolbe, 1898: 345.
Chirida nigrosepta: Weise, 1899: 245 ; Spaeth, 1899: 221, 1909: 276, 1912 b: 504, 1914: 127.
Chiridopsis nigrosepta: Spaeth, 1922: 1003, 1924: 340 View in CoL , 352, 1933 a: 355, 1935: 176, 1938 b: 64; Shaw, 1960: 371, 1961: 35; Borowiec, 1985 a: 242, 1999: 300; Heron and Borowiec, 1997: 629; Heron, 2011: 140.
Coptocycla vernicata Fairmaire, 1891: 306 ; Kolbe, 1898: 345, n. syn.
Chirida vernicata: Spaeth, 1912 b: 504, 1914: 127 .
Chiridopsis nigrosepta View in CoL ab. vernicata: Spaeth, 1922: 1003, 1924: 341 .
Chiridopsis nigrosepta vernicata Spaeth, 1924: 351 .
Chirida Ariadne Weise, 1896 c: 25, 1912: 97 ; Spaeth, 1914: 126, 1933 a: 356 (as syn. of Ch. nigrosepta View in CoL ).
Chiridopsis ariadne: Spaeth, 1924: 352, 1935: 176 .
Cassida circumcincta Weise, 1919: 204 ; Spaeth, 1933 a: 355 (as syn. of Ch. vernicata ), n. syn.
Cassida (Aethiopocassis) circumcincta: Spaeth, 1924: 320 .
yellow, disc with reticulate pattern as in figs 74, 75 View FIGURES 74 – 79 . In common form described as ab. vernicata ( figs 77–82 View FIGURES 74 – 79 View FIGURES 80 – 86 ) pronotal disc black, elytral disc mostly black with two large yellow to red spots in anterior half and two large yellow to red spots in posterior half, black occupies anterior ¾ length of marginal interval. Between these most abundant forms occurs various intermediates. In the palest form black pattern is reduced to thin lines as in fig. 74 View FIGURES 74 – 79 . In dark forms black on elytral disc predominate, posterior yellow spots divided into two separate spots, in extreme dark form elytral disc black with only two small pale spots close to scutellum and explanate margin of elytra in anterior half mostly black ( fig. 82 View FIGURES 80 – 86 ). Sometimes in dark forms pronotal disc with two large yellow spots ( fig. 81 View FIGURES 80 – 86 ). Head always yellow, thorax from completely yellow to mostly black, abdomen from completely yellow to mostly black surrounded by yellow. The degree of blackness of ventrites is not correlated with degree of blackness of dorsum and pale forms often have mostly black ventrites and dark forms completely yellow ventrites. Coxa and trochanters usually yellow or only slightly infuscate, rest of legs yellow but in some populations basal third of femora slightly infuscate. Antennae uniformly yellow or apex of last antennal segment infuscate.
Pronotum elliptical ( figs 74, 75, 77–82 View FIGURES 74 – 79 View FIGURES 80 – 86 ), with maximum slightly in front of the middle, anterior margin softly convex, sides rounded, no basal corners. Disc moderately convex, more or less distinctly bordered from explanate margin with short lateral impressions. Surface of disc impunctate, shiny. Explanate margin broad, impunctate, shiny, transparent with well visible honeycomb structure.
Base of elytra much wider than base of pronotum ( figs 74, 75, 77–82 View FIGURES 74 – 79 View FIGURES 80 – 86 ), humeral angles distinctly protruding anterad, subangulate. Disc unevenly convex, distinctly elevated in postscutellar area ( fig. 76 View FIGURES 74 – 79 ), without impressions. Punctation very fine, the same on top of disc and on sides, arranged in regular rows, moderately dense, distance between punctures mostly twice wider than puncture diameter but some interspaces wider, on postscutellar elevation rows often sinusoidal. Marginal row distinct, its punctures slightly coarser than punctures in central rows. Intervals flat, on top of disc six to eight times, on sides four to five times wider than rows, marginal interval in humeral part thrice wider than submarginal one, no humeral or lateral folds. Explanate margin narrow, moderately declivous, extreme margin in posterior part subhorizontal, in the widest part six times narrower than disc, surface regular, shiny, on pale parts transparent with well visible honeycomb structure.
Eyes very large, gena obsolete. Clypeus very broad, approximately 1.5 times as wide as long. Clypeal grooves fine, converging in regular triangle, surface of clypeus slightly convex, microreticulate but shiny, with several very small punctures, often with long, impressed median line. Labrum minutely emarginate to 1/6 length. Antennae moderately slim, segments 9–10 approximately 1.2 times as long as wide. Length ratio of antennal segments: 100:43:57:66:57:55:50:50:52:55:82. Segment 3 approximately 1.3 times as long as segment 2 and approximately 0.9 times as long as segment 4.
Prosternum broad in the middle, strongly expanded apically, area between coxae flat or with shallow central impression, sometimes with short impressed median line, surface smooth or with few oblique grooves and several small, setose punctures, expanded apex flat, surface from regular, shiny to partly granulate and slightly irregular, with several small setose punctures.
Claws with small basal tooth, but flanks of last segment of tarsi expanded apically thus claws appear distinctly dentate.
Host plants. Convolvulaceae : Ipomoea arborescens (Humb. & Bonpl.) Don. , I. ficifolia Lindl. , I. carnea ssp. fistulosa (Mart ex Choisy) D.F. Austin , and I. wightii (Wall.) Choisy ( Heron and Borowiec 1997, Heron 2011).
Distribution. East, Central and South Africa ( fig 12 View FIGURE 12 ).
Remarks. It is a polymorphic species. In populations from northern and central part of range predominates nominotypical form, mostly yellow with black pattern ( figs 74–76 View FIGURES 74 – 79 ), in populations from southern part of range rather predominates dark form ( figs 77–82 View FIGURES 74 – 79 View FIGURES 80 – 86 ) described as ab. vernicata (see Heron 2011: 140). The status of Ethiopian samples from L. Sekerka collection (LS) is unclear and they have been included in the Ch. nigrosepta temporarily.
Dark forms of Ch. nigrosepta with pronotal and elytral disc almost completely black ( fig. 82 View FIGURES 80 – 86 ) are close only to Ch. tschoffeni ( fig. 119 View FIGURES 115 – 119 ) and dark form of Ch. subornata ( figs 92, 93 View FIGURES 87 – 93 ) but well differ in explanate margin of elytra partly black while in both relatives this margin is completely yellow. Dark forms with pronotal disc black and elytral disc mostly black with yellow to reddish spots ( figs 80, 81 View FIGURES 80 – 86 ) are similar to Ch. castaneoplagiata ( figs 46, 47 View FIGURES 43 – 49 ) and Ch. spadix ( figs 115–118 View FIGURES 115 – 119 ) but both relatives differ in single red spot on top of disc while in Ch. castaneoplagiata pale spots form a row of two spots at base of elytra, and two to four spots in apical part of disc. Form with reticulate thin black pattern ( fig. 75 View FIGURES 74 – 79 ) is similar to Ch. octoguttata ( figs 90, 91 View FIGURES 87 – 93 ) but differs in presence of 6 large yellow spots versus 8 spots in Ch. octoguttata . Form with thin black pattern forming only stripes along sides of disc and transverse band across middle of disc ( fig. 74 View FIGURES 74 – 79 ) is similar to Ch. opposita ( figs 87–89 View FIGURES 87 – 93 ) but differs in ventrites partly black (completely yellow in Ch. opposita ). Lectotype has been designated for Chirida ariadne to avoid confusion with similarly coloured species.
Types examined. Lectotype and 4 paralectotypes of Coptocycla nigrosepta (designated by Borowiec 1999: 301): Afric. or., 1893 (MNHN).
Holotype of Cotocycla vernicata: Afric. or. (MNHN).
Lectotype and 4 paralectotypes of Chirida ariadne (present designation): [ ANGOLA] Quango , Mechow ( ZMHU).
Holotype of Cassida circumcincta : [no locality data] (ZSM).
Other specimens examined. BURUNDI: Bururi, 1950 m, 13 II 1949, 1, F. François ( MRAC).
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO ( ZAIRE): SW Albert-See, Mboga , III 1908, 1 ( ZMHU) ; Elisabethville, XI 1911, 9, X 1912, 1, Miss. Agric. ( MRAC, IRSN), 1928–1929, 1, P. Quarré ( MRAC) ; Kafakumba , IV 1931, 1, G.F. Overlaet ( MRAC) ; Kambove , Katanga, 4.000–5.000 ft., 3 IV 1907, 1, S. A. Neave ( BMNH) ; Kapiri , X 1912, 1, Miss. Agric. ( MRAC) ; SE Katanga, 4.000 ft., 13 XII 1907, 2, S. A. Neave ( BMNH) ; Katanga, Kasinga , X 1925, 1, Ch. Seydel ( MRAC) ; Katanga, Koni , VI 1949, 1, J. Van Mol ( MRAC) ; Katanga, Malonge , VI 1943, 1, H.J. Bredo ( IRSN) ; N Kalc Kivu, Rwankwi , V 1946, 1, I 1948, 1, VI 1951, 2, J.V. Leroy ( MRAC) ; Lulua, Kapanga , XI 1932, 1, G.F. Overlaet ( MRAC) ; Lulua, Kasai, Lunene , 1, F.G. Overlaet ( MRAC) ; Lulua, Sandoa , XI 1930, 2, G.F. Overlaet ( MRAC) ; Upemba Nat. Park, Lusinga, 1760 m, 2 IV 1947, 1, de Witte (MRAC); Upemba Nat. Park, Mabwe, lac Upemba , 585 m, 1–12 VIII 1947, 1, de Witte ( IRSN) ; Upemba Nat. Park, Munoi, Lupiala aff. Lufira , 890 m, 28 V–15 VI 1948, 1, de Witte ( MRAC) ; Upemba Nat. Park, Pelenge gorges, 1150 m, 21–31 V 1947, 1, de Witte (IRSN); Yakoma , IX 1939, 1, Leontovitch ( MRAC) .
ETHIOPIA: Besa, 1, Kristensen (MM); D. Daoua, 5 (2 IRSN, 3 NMP) ; Gamu Gofa Prov., Konso , 1610 m, 28 III 1960, 3, 11 IV 1960, 4, W. Richter ( SMNS); Harar, 2 ( IZPAS), 6 ( MNHN), 4 ( MRAC), 36 ( ZMHU), 2 ( NMP), 4, Kristensen (ITZ) ; Illubabor Province, Bedele-Metu , 4 V 2002, 2, K. Werner (MS) ; Ilubabor Prov., 15 km NW Ihora , 1600 m, VI 1973, G. de Rougemont ( MRAC) ; Illubabor Province, Metu , 29–30 III 2002, 2, Malec (LS) ; Kaffa Province, 20 km W of Bonga , 1900 m, 10 IV 2007, 1, A. Kudrna jr. (LS) ; Kaffa Province, 40 km W of Bonga, 1850 m, 9–10 IV 2007, 6, A. Kudrna jr. (LS); Sidamo, Agere Maryam, 11 V 2002, 1, K. Werner (MS) ; Southern Nations Province, 70 km S of Jima, Chebera Churchura NP, 7°02′N, 36°41′E, 11001300 m, 78 V 2015 4, A. Kudrna jr. (LS) GoogleMaps ; Southern Nations Province, 25 km SSW of Key Afer , 1300 m, 17 V 2015, 1, A. Kudrna jr. (LS).
KENYA: Elgon Mt., Swam River, 2000 m, 13 XII 1937, 1, 21 II 1938, 1, A. Holm ( NRS) ; Ilala, Maramas Distr., 14 km E Mumias, 4500 ft., 18–21 VI 1911, 8, S. A. Neave ( BMNH, 2 LS); Kacheliba , iv.1947, 1, van Someren ( BMNH) ; Karangu, 28–29 IV 1911, 1, S. A. Neave ( BMNH) ; Kisumu ( Port Florence ), 22–24 IV 1911, 1 S. A. Neave ( BMNH) ; Kavirondo, Lac Victoria, XII 1911, 11, Alluaud & Jeannel (MNHN); Kilimandjaro, I 1969, 2, A. Holm ( NRS) ; Kisumu, 2 (MM), 1905, 38, M. de Rotschild ( MNHN), i.1921, 4, van Someren ( BMNH), VI 1937, 4, J. Ghesquière ( MRAC) ; 15 km E Kisumu, rt. B1, 20 XII 1995, 2, I. Yarom & A. Freidberg ( TAU) ; Kiu, 1, D. Bril ( ZMHU), II 1924, 1, van Someren (LS); Lusinga, 25–26 IV 1911, 7, S. A. Neave ( BMNH, 1 LS); Mt. Elgon, 22 I 1979, 2010 m, 3, 23 I 1979, 1950 m, 1, 31 I 1979, 2050 m, 1, T. Palm (LU); Maragoli, x.1924, 6, van Someren ( BMNH, 2 LS); Mt. Labwor , Karamoja, iv.1950, 8, van Someren ( BMNH) ; Mt. Kadam area, Suk , vii.1949, 7, van Someren ( BMNH, 1 LSC) ; Nairobi , 7 ( NMP) ; Nairobi, Muguga, 1213 V 1969, 1 E. S. Brown (BMNH); Nyangori, N Kavirondo, 4.800 ft., 18–19 V 1911, 7, S. A. Neave ( BMNH, 1 LS); Same, Rt. B 1, 22 VIII 1996, 1, A. Freidberg ( TAU) ; Shimba Hills, 27 V 1973, 1, H. Gønget (MZK); Victoria-Nyanza, Kavirondo-Bay , II 1894, 16, III 1894, 2, Neumann ( ZMHU) ; Victoria-Nyanza, Kwa Kissero to Kossowe , II–III 1894, 1, O. Neumann ( ZMHU) ; Victoria Nyanza, Kwa-Kitoto n. Kadem to Kwa Mutya , III–IV 1894, 3, O. Neumann ( ZMHU) ; Victoria- Nyanza, Lusinga, 1904, 1, Alluaud ( MNHN), 25–26 IV 1911, 4, S. A. Neave ( BMNH) ; Victoria-Nyanza, More-Bay to Kavirondo-Bay , II 1894, 3, O. Neumann ( ZMHU) ; Victoria-Nyanza, Ussoga to Uganda, V–VIII 1894, 1, O. Neumann ( ZMHU) ; Wa-Taita, Mwatete, 1909, 6, C. Alluaud (MNHN); Yala, Maramas distr., 14 km E of Mumias, 4.500 ft., 18–21 VI 1911, 89, S. A. Neave ( BMNH, LS).
RWANDA: Cyamudongo, 1700 m, X 1993, 1 ex. Carapa grandiflora (Meliaceae) , T. Wagner (TW).
SOUTH AFRICA: Zoutpansberg , 1 ( ZMHU) ; Zoutpansburg , Transvaal, 1 ( BMNH) .
TANZANIA: Amani, Same env., 12–16 V 1999, 2, K. Kantner (FK, RB); Bismarckburg, 1, Zencke ( ZMHU) ; Irangi, Gurui, X 1893, 12, O. Neumann (ZMHU); Kate, 31 VII 1943, 1, H.J.Brédo (IRSN); Kilimandjaro, Moschi, 4, Methner ( ZMHU) ; Kikango, près Moba, 1500 m, I 1954, 1, H. Bomans (MRAC); Kilimatinde, 1, Berger (ZMHU); Kwa-Mtau, Uvinsa, 26–29 X 1899, 1, Glauning (ZMHU); Longido, 01°44.010′S, 36°41.957′E, 1400 m, 30 I 2005, 2, L. Nadal ( HNHM, LS); Longido, Mt. Longido , pr. Arusha, 3 II 2004, 2, L. Nádai ( HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Longido, Masai Distr. , 1500 m, 17–20 IV 1957, 1, Basilevsky & Leleup ( MRAC) ; Longido West, 1 II 1916, 2, Loveridge ( MCZC) ; NW Massai, Sossian-Ngoroine, I 1894, 2, O. Neumann (ZMHU); Moba, 4 III 1954, 1, H. Bomans (MRAC); Muazie, Casanga, 1916, 2 (MCSNM); N’Gari-Mtoni, 27 III–20 IV 1916, 2, Loveridge (MCZC); Same , 12–16 V 1999, 3, Buzga (MS), 12–17 V 1999, 30, A. Kudrna ( DBET, 26 LS); Sansibar, 6, Höhnel (MM); Ubena- Langenburg, N of Nyassa-See, IV 1899, 2, Götze ( ZMHU); Zanguebar, 1 (MM).
UGANDA: Kirunda , XI 1914, 1, Holtz ( ZMHU).
ZAMBIA: Abercorn , 24 II 1942, 2, I 1946, 3, XI 1946, 18, 1–16 XII 1946, 11, II 1947, 1, W. Eichler ( IZPAS, DBET) ; Haut Zambeze, Lealui, 1919, 17, Ellenberger ( MNHN) ; 40 km NW Kawana, 23 XI 2003, 1 (MS); Mbala env., 7 XII 2004, 2, Smrz (MS); NW Prov., Kabompo , 15 III 1959, 1, P. Solmsen ( ZMC) ; Northwestern Province, 90 km of Solwezi, E of Chisasa , 18 XI 2005, 1, M. Snižek (MS).
ZIMBABWE: 43 km N Harare, 17o28'55''S /30o59'12'', 7 XI 1998, 1, M. Rice ( MER) ; E Mazowe, Darn , 17o31'06''S / 30o59'13''E, 20 VI 1998, 1, M. Rice ( MER) GoogleMaps .
Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt Universitaet |
Mus�e Royal de l�Afrique Centrale |
Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique |
Natal Museum |
Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkund Stuttgart |
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle |
Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet |
Tel-Aviv University |
Lyndon State College |
Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum) |
Deptment of Biology, Zunyi Medical College |
Universidad de Los Andes |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
SubFamily |
Cassidinae |
Genus |
Chiridopsis nigrosepta ( Fairmaire, 1891 )
Świ, Jolanta 2017 |
Chiridopsis nigrosepta vernicata
Spaeth 1924: 351 |
Chiridopsis ariadne:
Spaeth 1924: 352 |
Cassida (Aethiopocassis) circumcincta: Spaeth, 1924 : 320
Spaeth 1924: 320 |
Chiridopsis nigrosepta: Spaeth, 1922 : 1003 , 1924: 340
Heron 2011: 140 |
Heron 1997: 629 |
Borowiec 1985: 242 |
Shaw 1960: 371 |
Spaeth 1922: 1003 |
Chiridopsis nigrosepta
Spaeth 1922: 1003 |
Cassida circumcincta
Spaeth 1933: 355 |
Weise 1919: 204 |
Chirida vernicata:
Spaeth 1912: 504 |
Chirida nigrosepta:
Weise 1899: 245 |
Spaeth 1899: 221 |
Chirida Ariadne Weise, 1896 c : 25 , 1912: 97
Spaeth 1914: 126 |
Weise 1896: 25 |
Coptocycla nigrosepta
Kolbe 1898: 345 |
Fairmaire 1891: 306 |
Coptocycla vernicata
Kolbe 1898: 345 |
Fairmaire 1891: 306 |