Pseudestola maculata, Bezark & Santos-Silva, 2019

Bezark, Larry G. & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2019, Synonymies and seven new species in Lamiinae from the Neotropical Region (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Zootaxa 4648 (1), pp. 92-110 : 107-108

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scientific name

Pseudestola maculata

sp. nov.

Pseudestola maculata sp. nov.

( Figures 40–48)

Description. Male ( Figs. 40–43). Head dark brown, almost black, except reddish-brown antennal tubercles; mouthparts dark reddish-brown, except yellowish-brown areas on palpomeres; labrum mostly yellowish-brown; scape brown with some areas more reddish-brown and yellowish-brown; pedicel light reddish-brown; antennomere III reddish-brown basally, gradually dark brown toward apex; antennomere IV yellowish- brown on basal half, gradually darker on distal half; remaining antennomeres narrowly reddish-brown basally (this area nearly indistinct on distal segments), brown on remaining surface. Pronotum and sides of prothorax dark brown; ventral surface of thorax and abdomen dark brown. Elytra with semielliptical dark brown area on circum-scutellar area; inclined area dark brown on anterior third, gradually lighter toward apex, with semicircular projection toward dorsal surface about middle; remaining surface orangish-brown, except brownish sutural area. Femora reddish-brown anteriorly and posteriorly, irregularly dark brown centrally; tibiae mostly reddish-brown, slightly darkened toward apex; tarsi mostly reddish-brown.

Head. Frons, vertex and area behind upper eye lobes finely, moderately abundantly punctate; frons with sparse yellowish-white pubescence close to clypeus, gradually more abundant, yellowish-brown (lighter depending on light intensity) toward vertex, area between antennal tubercles with yellowish-white pubescence partially obscuring integument, following close to eyes toward area behind them; central area between upper eye lobes and prothoracic margin with yellowish-brown pubescence; area behind lower eye lobes moderately finely, densely punctate; with abundant yellowish-white pubescence, obscuring integument toward ventral surface.Antennal tubercles finely, moderately abundant punctate (punctures finer than on frons); with yellowish-brown pubescence (more yellowish-white depending on light intensity) partially obscuring integument, slightly darker on anterocentral area. Genae finely, sparsely punctate, except smooth distal area; with sparse yellowish-white pubescence, except glabrous distal area. Postclypeus with sculpturing and pubescence as on frons on wide central area, smooth and glabrous laterally; with a few long, erect, brownish setae on wide central area. Labrum with long, decumbent, moderately sparse yellowish-white setae (whiter depending on light intensity), and fringe of setae of same color on anterior margin. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.47 times length of scape; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.95 times length of scape. Antennae 1.6 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex near apex of antennomere IX. Scape constricted between scape-ball and remaining surface, nearly cylindrical; with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument. Antennomeres III–IV with conspicuous yellowish-white pubescence on light area, brownish, with a few yellowish-white short setae interspersed on dark area; remaining antennomeres with brownish pubescence not obscuring integument, with short, bristly yellowish-white pubescence interspersed; antennomeres; pedicel and antennomeres III–X with long, erect, thick dark setae ventrally.Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.87; pedicel = 0.29; IV = 1.33; V = 0.62; VI = 0.58; VII = 0.54; VIII = 0.50; IX = 0.46; X = 0.48; XI = 0.50.

Thorax. Prothorax wider than long (even excluding lateral tubercles); lateral tubercle slender, elongate, acute at apex, placed about beginning of posterior third. Pronotum coarsely, densely punctate; with wide, sparse yellowishwhite pubescent band centrally, from base to apex, widened centrally; with dense yellowish-white pubescence laterally, and yellowish-brown pubescence on remaining surface, not obscuring integument. Sides of prothorax coarsely, densely punctate; with yellowish-white pubescence, denser close to pronotum and prosternum. Ventral surface of thorax with yellowish-white pubescence (yellower depending on light intensity), denser laterally on meso- and metathorax. Scutellum with dense pale yellow pubescence. Elytra. Parallel-sided from humeri to distal quarter, then gradually, rounded, narrowed toward sutural angle; coarsely, abundantly punctate (punctures somewhat denser on dark area around scutellum); with abundant yellowish-white pubescence on parts of light areas, distinctly sparser, yellowish-brown on others; with sparse brownish pubescence on dark areas, with short, yellowish-white setae interspersed in some regions. Legs. With yellowish-white pubescence partially obscuring integument.

Abdomen. Ventrites with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument; apex of ventrite V nearly truncate.

Female ( Figs. 44–48). Antennae (only one specimen measured) slightly shorter, 1.55 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at basal quarter of antennomere X; apex of abdominal ventrite V slightly concave.

Variation. Elytra mostly brownish, but with the same dark brown areas; elytra with dark brown sutural band distinctly widened from the apex of the anterior third to the base of the posterior fifth, and with subrounded macula on the sides of the dorsal surface of the posterior fifth (fused with the dark region of the inclined area); distal anten- nomeres entirely dark brown; tarsi mostly brown; pubescence on frons moderately abundant, entirely yellowishbrown; pubescence on vertex and area behind eyes with yellowish-brown pubescence, nearly entirely obscuring integument; pubescence on anterocentral area of antennal tubercles brown; genal pubescence moderately abundant; pubescence on labrum slightly denser and yellower; pubescence on scutellum yellowish-brown.

Dimensions (mm), holotype male/ paratypes female. Total length, 3.45/3.30–4.10; prothoracic length, 0.75/0.65–0.80; anterior prothoracic width, 0.70/0.65–0.85; posterior prothoracic width, 0.75/0.70–0.90; maximum prothoracic width, 0.90/0.85–1.15; humeral width, 1.15/1.10–1.35; elytral length, 2.45/2.50–3.00.

Type material. Holotype male from PANAMA, Chiriquí: Volcán (1,500 m; Las Lagunas del Volcán ; 08º46’11.3”N 82º40’23.2”W), 20-30.I.2014, L.G. Bezark col. ( LGBC, deposited in CASC) GoogleMaps . Paratypes – Same data as holotype, 4 females (3, LGBC; 1 MZSP) . COSTA RICA, Puntarenas: Monteverde , 1 female, 4-9.I.1989, F.T. Hovore col. ( CASC) .

Remarks. Pseudestola maculata sp. nov. differs from P. densepunctata Breuning, 1940 (see photograph of the holotype at Bezark 2019), by the different pronotal and elytral pubescence pattern, and slender and longer lateral tubercles of the prothorax (distinctly shorter and conical in P. densepunctata ); and the distal antennomeres not distinctly ringed (distinctly in P. densepunctata ). It differs from P. ayri Galileo & Martins, 2012 (see photograph of the holotype at Bezark 2019), by the different pronotal and elytral pubescence pattern, the antennae being slightly shorter (reaching the elytral apex at the apex of antennomere VIII in males of P. ayri ), and antennomere IV in male, shorter than prothorax (longer in P. ayri ).

Etymology. Pseudestola maculata is named for the dark-colored markings on the elytra.


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo













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