Odochilus (Parodochilus) borneensis Rakovič & Anichtchenko, 2021

Rakovič, Miloslav & Anichtchenko, Alexander, 2021, Two new species of the genus Odochilus Harold, 1877 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae Aphodiinae: Odochilini), Zootaxa 4942 (3), pp. 447-450 : 449-450

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4942.3.8

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scientific name

Odochilus (Parodochilus) borneensis Rakovič & Anichtchenko

sp. nov.

Odochilus (Parodochilus) borneensis Rakovič & Anichtchenko , new species

( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–6 )

Type material. Holotype, female: “ Malaysia, Borneo , Sarawak, Kuching div., Bako National park, tropical rainforest, 1˚42’55.14”N 110˚26’30.30”E, 11-14.III.2014, R. Cibulskis leg.” ( DUBC).

Description of the holotype. Body size small (2.8 mm), convex, oblong oval ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–6 ), slightly broader behind, brown, tibiae and tarsi light brown, antennae and mouth parts yellowish.

Head smooth from above, except for minute, dust-like setae along ridges. Genae moderately protruding beyond clypeus lateral margins. Clypeus smooth and shiny; margin with upper and lower edges: upper edge convex, sharp and distinct, lower edge obsolete and not observable from above. Frons convex, matte, surface minutely granulate; longitudinal, nearly parallel ridges clearly visible. Vertex with two pairs of distinct oblique ridges. Median pair of ridges replaced by a continuous V-shape ridge. Exterior pair of ridges long, connected with ridge extending forward from the eyes. Eyes visible from above.

Pronotum transverse, 1.43 times as wide as long; opaque, convex, with four transverse ridges. Anterior and lateral margins, and all ridges with minute, yellow, dust-like setae. Lateral margins with two sub-angular emarginations and thus, with three moderately protruding, widely angular lobes (ponotum narrowed behind posterior lobe). Three setae present on each side on lateral margin, in above mentioned posterior narrowed part of pronotum. Basal margin with apically slightly dilated setae. First, second and third pronotal ridges continuous, sharp; fourth ridge broken into six discrete teeth; lateral longitudinal ridges small, connected with ends of third ridge. Intervals between ridges relatively shiny and longitudinally rugose.

Elytra moderately elongate, 1.28 times longer than wide; with small humeral tooth at base of costa 8. Odd costae high, strongly costate, with yellow, short, dust-like setae; even costae flat, smooth, surface of even costae not differentiated from surface areas between punctures in striae. Intercostae with large punctures; the punctures about as long as wide, distance between punctures equal to or smaller than their diameter. Intervals between punctures shiny. Scutellum small, elongate, with rounded apex.

Profemur wide, with large punctures throughout. Protibia slim at base; slightly widened toward apex, with three teeth in apical half; apical and medial teeth long, closely placed, basal tooth very small. Apical spur as long as two basal tarsomeres.

Ventral side brown, matte. Abdomen with ventrites 1–5 almost smooth medially, with sides minutely punctate, ventrite 5 with six setae; ventrite 6 densely punctate, matte, with six erect setae. Pygidium with four erect macrosetae.

Differential diagnosis. In the subgenus Odochilus (Parodochilus) , there are the following three species having flat even elytral intervals: O. (P.) thailandicus Rakovič, 1997 , O. (P.) jani Bezděk & Křivan, 2001 , and the new species described here. The first of them has subparallel body, whereas the second and third ones are distinctly broader behind. The new species is thus most similar to O. (P.) jani . Odochilus (P.) jani ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–6 ) has sharper (more carinate) odd elytral intervals than the new species ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–6 ). In the new species, the pronotum width at the first lateral lobe is at most slightly larger than that at the third lateral lobe; in O. (P.) jani , the pronotum width at the first lateral lobe is distinctively larger than that at the third lateral lobe. The macrosetae situated posteriorly along pronotum margins are finer in the new species ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–6 ) and less widened apically compared to O. (P.) jani ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–6 ).

Distribution. The species is currently known only from the type locality in Sarawak, Borneo Island, Malaysia.

Name derivation. Patronymic.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile

















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