Hypulus quercinus, (Quensel, 1970)
publication ID |
https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4668.2.2 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E3BC6BE8-5020-487A-AC86-683A1C32B24E |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/03A88781-FFCA-FFFB-FF16-D6D6FDDD5958 |
treatment provided by |
Plazi (2019-09-19 12:50:53, last updated 2024-11-27 03:09:25) |
scientific name |
Hypulus quercinus |
status |
New records. Kaiš: Strėvininkų miškas, 18 V 2006, 23 V 2007, on rotten stumps of Quercus robur , leg. R. F., 5³, (2♀ 1³), KZM; Kau: Jiesios kraštovaizdžio draustinis, 21 V 2003, 22 V 2005, 12 VI 2005, 15 VI 2006, 14 V 2009, on rotten stumps of Quercus robur , leg. R. F., 1♀, (1³ 1♀), 1♀, 1³, 1³, KZM ; 19 V 2007, 21 VI 2009, on the stump of Quercur robur , leg. A. M., 3, AMC ; Ras: Plauginių miškas, 27 V 2018, leg. G. M., 1, (a photograph in nature); Ukm: Medinių miškas, 12 V 2010, G. S., 1 (a photograph in nature); Var: Bingelių miškas, 13 V 2014, on rotten stumps of Quercus robur , leg. R. F., 2♀, KZM .
Earlier records. This species was found in Kaunas district ( Ferenca 2004; Ferenca et al. 2006) (KZM).
General distribution. This species is widely distributed in Europe, but still is not found in Finland, and the northern part of European Russia ( Nikitsky & Pollock 2008).
Notes. Though this species is relatively common in Lithuania, it has not been found in most districts. In some European countries it is regarded as a rare or endangered species ( Süda & Timm 1998; Schmidl & Bussler 2004, Ljundberg 2015). The larvae develop in decaying, wet wood of deciduous trees, mainly in Quercus ( Burakowski et al. 1987; Kubisz et al. 2014).
Tribe Melandryini Leach, 1815
Genus Melandrya Fabricius, 1801
Subgenus Paramelandrya Nikitsky, 2002
M. (P.) dubia (Schaller, 1783)
New records. Akm: Kamanų rezervatas, 30 VI 2003 , leg. V. M., 1³ 1♀, KZM; Alyt: Punios šilas, 27 VI 2008, leg., R. F., 1♀, KZM ; Jona : Jonava, 13 VI 1976, leg. S. Pa., 1 ♀, KZM ; Kaiš. Kaukinės botaninis-zoologinis draus- tinis, 14 VII 1994, leg. B. Š., 1, BSC; Kau: Jiesios kraštovaizdžio draustinis, 28 V 1983, 2 VI 2000, 9 VI 2000, leg. R. F., 1³, 1³, 1³, KZM ; Jugintų miškas, 21 VI 1980, leg. S. Pi., 1 ♀, KZM ; Kamšos miškas, 11 VI 1994, leg. V. T., 1♀, KZM ; Karmėlavos miškas, 30 V 2004, 13 VI 2005, 31 V 2006, 25 V 2007, leg. V. I., 1♀, 1³, (1³ 2♀), 1³, KZM ; Kaunas, 18 V 1989, leg. A. M., 1♀, AMC ; Kaunas, 2 VI 1979, leg. R. F., 1³, KZM ; Lomankos miškas, 31 V 2014, leg. V. I., 1³, KZM ; Raudondvaris , 28 V 2001, leg. V. I., 1³, KZM ; Mol: Šakymo miškas, 28 V 2018, leg. R. F., 1³, KZM ; Pasv: Pumpėnų miškas, 12 VI 2005, leg. V. B., 1³, KZM; Ras: Plauginių miškas, 27 V 2018, leg. G. M., 1♀, KZM ; Šak : Tervydoniai, 6 VI 2010, 25–27 V 2014, 29 V 2016, 27 V 2017, leg. R. F., 1³, (2³ 1♀), 1³, 3³, KZM ; Ut: Minčios miškas, V-VI 29-19, Pinus sylvestris dominated forest, flight interception trap, leg. V. T., 1³, KZM ; Vilk: Dabravolė , 30 V 2002, leg. R. F., 1³, KZM ; Viln: Dūkštų ąžuolynas, 9 VI 2006, leg. G. Š., 1³, KZM ; Dubingių miškas, 28 VI 2003, leg. B. Š., 1, BSC; Zar; Antazavės miškas, 27 VI 1997, leg. B. Š., 1, BSC.
Earlier records. This species was recorded from northwestern and central Lithuania, without definite date ( Pileckis & Monsevičius 1997), and also from Kaišiadorys district without definite date ( Šablevičius 2000). Actual faunistic information is given on the occurrence of this species in Joniškis ( Butvila et al. 2007), Vilnius ( Ivinskis et al. 2004), Prienai and Trakai ( Ivinskis et al. 2009) districts.
General distribution. This species is widely distributed in the Palaearctic temperate forest zone ( Nikitsky & Pollock 2008).
Notes. This species is relatively common in Lithuania, but still not found in most districts. In some European countries it is regarded as a rare or endangered species ( Schmidl & Bussler 2004; Nitu 2008). The larvae inhabit rotten wood of deciduous trees, mostly Corylus , Fagus , Betula , Alnus ( Nikitsky 1985; Burakowski et al. 1987; Kubisz et al. 2014).
Genus Phryganophilus C. R. Sahlberg, 1833
Subgenus Phryganophilus C. R. Sahlberg, 1833
Ph. (Ph.) auritus Motschulsky, 1845
New records. Kaiš: Pravieniškės, 28 V 1992, leg. A. M., 1³, AMC; Šak: Tervydoniai, 12 V 2018, 27 V 2018, leg. R. Ferenca 1♀, 1♀, KZM .
Earlier records. This species was found in Kaunas district ( Tamutis et al. 2008; Inokaitis 2009) (KZM).
General distribution. This species is known throughout the Palaearctic temperate forest zone ( Nikitsky & Pollock 2008), but has a discontinuous distribution.
Notes. This species is insufficiently known in Lithuania and seems to be very rare. It is widely regarded as a rare saproxylic species, and a relict of primeval forests ( Kaszab 1969; Burakowski et al. 1987; Nikitsky 1988, 1992; Pawłowski et al. 2002; Roosileht & Miländer 2003; Alekseev & Nikitsky 2008; Vavra 2012; Kubisz et al. 2014). The larvae develop in rotten wood of various deciduous trees, especially Betula and Corylus infected by Schizopora paradoxa fungus ( Nikitsky 2002).
Alekseev, V. & Nikitsky, N. B. (2008) A rare and new for the fauna of the Baltic states beetles (Coleoptera) from the Kaliningrad Region. Acta Zoologica Lituanica, 18 (4), 261 - 266. https: // doi. org / 10.2478 / v 10043 - 008 - 0035 - 7
Burakowski, B., Mroczkowski, M. & Stefanska, J. (1987) Katalog fauny Polski. Vol. 13. Tom. 14. Chrzaszcze-Coleoptera. Cucujoidea [Catalogue of Polish fauna. Vol. 14. Beetles-Coleoptera. Cucujoidea]. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warzawa, 309 pp.
Butvila, R., Duda, J. & Ramonas, V. (2007) Duomenys apie retas vabzdziu rusis [Data about rare insect species]. Raudoni lapai, 9, 37 - 40.
Ferenca, R. (2004) New and rare for Lithuania beetles (Coleoptera) species registered in 1978 - 2004. New and Rare for Lithu- ania Insect Species, 16, 11 - 22.
Ferenca, R., Ivinskis, P. & Tamutis, V. (2006) New and rare for Lithuania species of beetles (Coleoptera). New and Rare for Lithu- ania Insect Species, 17, 11 - 21.
Inokaitis, V. (2009) Rare and very rare for the Lithuanian fauna Coleoptera species found in 2004 - 2009. New and Rare for Lithu- ania Insect Species, 21, 40 - 44.
Ivinskis, P., Jonaitis, V., Rimsaite, J. & Ferenca, R. (2004) Neries regioninio parko vabzdziu ivairove ir apsauga [Species di- versity and protection of insects in Neris regional park]. 10 - oji tarptautines mokslines konferencijos Zmogaus ir gamtos sauga straipsniu rinkinys [Proceedings of 10 - th international scientific conference Human and nature safety ], 20 - 22 May, 2004. Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Kaunas, pp. 163 - 166.
Ivinskis, P., Merzijevskis, A. & Rimsaite, J. (2009) Data on new and rare for the Lithuanian fauna species of Coleoptera. New and Rare for Lithuania Insect Species, 21, 45 - 63.
Kaszab, Z. (1969) Familie: Serropalpidae (Melandryidae). In: Freude, H., Harde, K. W. & Lohse, G. A. (Eds.), Die Kafer Mit- teleuropas. Band 8 [The beetles of Middle Europe. Vol. 8]. Goecke & Evers, Krefeld, pp. 196 - 213.
Kubisz, D., Iwan, D. & Tekarski, P. (2014) Tenebrionoidea: Tetratomidae, Melandryidae, Ripiphoridae, Prostomidae, Oedemeridae, Mycteridae, Pythidae, Aderidae, Scraptiidae. Critical checklist, distribution in Poland and meta-analysis. In: Kaminski, M. (Ed.), Coleoptera Poloniae. Vol. 2. University of Warsaw, Warszawa, pp. 1 - 470
[Nikitsky, N. B.] Нikitсkiй, Н. B. (1985) Zuki tiнiлюbы рoda Melandrya F. (Coleoptera, Melandryidae) voсtocнoй Paлiaрktiki [Melandryid beetles of the genus Melandrya F. (Coleoptera, Melandryidae) from East Palaearctic]. EнtOмOЛOGiciсKOi OBOZрiнii [Entomological Review], 64 (4), 748 - 759.
[Nikitsky, N. B.] Нikitсkiй, Н. B. (1988) Vidы рoda Phryganophilus (Coleoptera, Melandryidae) Paлiaрktiki [The species of the genus Phryganophilus (Coleoptera, Melandryidae) in Palaearctic]. ZOOЛOGiciсKiй zyрнaЛ [Zoological Journal], 67 (9), 1426 - 1430.
[Nikitsky, N. B.] Нikitсkiй, Н. B. (1992) Сiм. Melandryidae. B: Лiр, P. A. (Рid.), OpрidiЛitiЛь нaсiKOмыk DaЛьнiGO VOсtOKa. T. 3. C. 2 [Fam. Melandryidae. In: Ler, P. A. (Ed.), The key of insects of Far East. Vol. 3. Part 2]. Nauka, Saint- Petersburg, pp. 435 - 476.
[Nikitsky, N. B] Нikitсkiй, Н. B. (2002) Лiciнki zukov-tiнoлюbov (Coleoptera: Melandryidae) Рoссii, с ZaмicaнiЯмi po takсoнoмii [The larvae of false darkling beetles (Coleoptera: Melandryidae) of Russia with notes on taxonomy]. BЮЛЛitiнь МOсKOvсKOGO OBщiсtva iсpыtatiЛiй pрiрOdы. OtdiЛ BiOЛOGiciсKiй, 107 (3), 8 - 30.
Nikitsky, N. B. & Pollock, D. A. (2008) Melandryidae. In: Lobl, I. & Smetana, A. (Eds.), Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Vol. 5. Tenebrionoidea. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, pp. 64 - 72.
Nitu, E. (2008) Species diversity of the beetle fauna, a sensitive parameter for ecological monitoring. Maramures mountains nature park (Romania). Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research, 5, 143 - 154.
Pawlowski, J., Kubisz, D. & Mazur, M. (2002) Coleoptera chrzaszcze. In: Glowacinski, Z. (Ed.), Czerwona lista zwierzat gi- nacych i zagrozonych w Polsce [Red list of threatened animals in Poland]. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, Krakow, pp. 88 - 110.
Pileckis, S. & Monsevicius, V. (1997) Lietuvos fauna. Vabalai 2 t. [Lithuanian fauna. The beetles Vol. 2]. Mokslo ir enciklopediju leidybos institutas [Institute of Scientific and Encyclopaedic Publishing], Vilnius, 216 pp.
Roosileht, U. & Milander, G. (2003) Uusi ja haruldasi mardikaliike (Coleoptera) Eesti faunas [New and rare Coleoptera in the Estonian fauna]. Lepinfo, 14, 100 - 101.
Sablevicius, B. (2000) Vabzdziai. Draustinio vabzdziu rusiu sarasas [Insects. The list of insects species of Reserve]. In: Malinauskas, V. (Ed.), Kaukines draustinis [Rezerve of Kaukine]. Daigai, Vilnius, pp. 22 - 27.
Schmidl, J. van & Bussler, H. (2004) Okologische Gilden xylobionter Kafer Deutschlands. Einsatz in der landschaftsokolo- gischen Praxis-ein Bearbeitungsstandard [Ecological Guilds of xylobiontic beetles in Germany and their use in landscape ecological survey-a methodological Standard]. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 36 (7), 202 - 218.
Suda, I. & Timm, H. (1998) Mardikalised, Coleoptera. (Beetles, Coleoptera). In: Lilleleht, V. (Ed.), Eesti Punane Raamat [Es- tonian Red Data Book]. Infotrukk OU, Tartu, pp. 90 - 96.
Tamutis, V., Ferenca, R., Ivinskis, P., Rimsaite, J. & Merzijevskis, A. (2008) New data on Lithuanian beetle (Coleoptera) fauna. New and Rare for Lithuania Insect Species, 20, 29 - 38.
Vavra, J. C. (2012) Faunistic records from the Czech Republic- 342. Klapalekiana, 48, 297 - 306.
Department of Biologics Research |
VI |
Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute |
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
SuperFamily |
Tenebrionoidea |
Family |
SubFamily |
Melandryinae |
Tribe |
Dircaeini |
Genus |
SubGenus |
Caridua |
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
SuperFamily |
Tenebrionoidea |
Family |
SubFamily |
Melandryinae |
Tribe |
Dircaeini |
Genus |
SubGenus |
Caridua |
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
SuperFamily |
Tenebrionoidea |
Family |
SubFamily |
Melandryinae |
Tribe |
Dircaeini |
Genus |
SubGenus |
Caridua |
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
SuperFamily |
Tenebrionoidea |
Family |
SubFamily |
Melandryinae |
Tribe |
Dircaeini |
Genus |
SubGenus |
Caridua |
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
SuperFamily |
Tenebrionoidea |
Family |
SubFamily |
Melandryinae |
Tribe |
Dircaeini |
Genus |
SubGenus |
Caridua |
Hypulus quercinus
Tamutis, Vytautas, Ferenca, Romas & Pollock, Darren A. 2019 |
Nikitsky 2002 |
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