Acantholachesilla saltoensis, García Aldrete & Manchola & Obando, 2014

García Aldrete, Alfonso N., Manchola, Oscar Fernando Saenz & Obando, Ranulfo González, 2014, Acantholachesilla gen. n. (Psocodea: ’ Psocoptera’: Lachesillidae: Eolachesillinae: Graphocaeciliini) from Valle del Cauca, Colombia, Zootaxa 3821 (5), pp. 567-574 : 568-572

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3821.5.4

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scientific name

Acantholachesilla saltoensis

sp. nov.

Acantholachesilla saltoensis View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 1–13 View FIGURES 1–7 View FIGURES 8–13 )

Diagnosis. As in generic diagnosis plus the following: male with distal end of abdomen broad, hypandrium well developed, this with sides and posterior border distinctly thickened, surface setose, with two basal macrosetae ( Figs 4 and 5 View FIGURES 1–7 ). Phallosome broadly triangular ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–7 ). Clunial projection proximally wide, narrowing distally, with posterior border straight, sides and posterior border with a dense field of short spines ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–7 ). External parameres with a slender posterior projection, extending beyond the level of the aedeagal arch ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–7 ), this joined anteriorly to the broad based external parameres, aedeagal apex strongly curved dorsally, bearing minute blunt teeth. Female subgenital plate with a triangular prominence mesally near posterior border, bearing abundant setae and two macrosetae; IX sternum distinct, pigmented, almost rectangular ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 8–13 ).

Male. Color (in 80% ethanol). Body pale brown, compound eyes black, legs pale brown, forewings pale brown, fumose; hindwings almost hyaline, abdominal sternites creamy, phallosome pale brown, apex of aedeagal arch reddish brown. Clunial projection pale brown, contrasting with the creamy paraprocts and epiproct.

Morphology. Head with vertex slightly concave ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–7 ), setae as illustrated. Compound eyes prominent, with small interommatidial setae. Forewing L/W: 2.88. Forewing pterostigma elongate, narrow anteriorly, much wider posteriorly, lp/wp: 3.80, with abundant microspines in the membrane. Areola postica triangular ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–7 ). Hindwing L/W: 3.33 ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–7 ). Phallosome ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–7 ): aedeagal arch with posterior projection wide based proximally, narrowing posteriorly, blunt ended; radula with distinct anterior area, almost quadrate, with medium sized sclerites, and two posterior rounded areas, with small sclerites. Paraprocts ( Figs 5 and 6 View FIGURES 1–7 ), broad, with anterior process long, sclerotized, joining the clunium; setal field of 5–7 macrosetae, plus a group of smaller setae latero-posteriorly; sensory fields with 13 trichobothria in basal rosettes and one trichobotrium without basal rosette. Epiproct long, posteriorly rounded, most of the proximal half of it covered by the clunial process, setal fields as illustrated ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–7 ).

Measurements. (in µm). FW: 2625, HW: 2000, F: 910, T: 1310, t1: 500, t2: 170, ctt1: 25, Mx4: 218, f1: 500, f2: 493, f3: 355, f4: 290, f5: 170, f6: 170, f7: 160, f8: 140, f9: 140, f10: 130, f11: 120, IO: 310, D: 190, d: 253, IO/ d: 1.23, PO: 1.33.

Female. As in diagnosis, plus the following:

Color (in 80% ethanol). Same as male.

Morphology. Head and wings as in male. Forewing L/W: 2.88. Pterostigma, lp/wp: 3.7. Areola postica triangular ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 8–13 ). Hindwing L/W: 3.24 ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 8–13 ). Subgenital plate broad, posteriorly rounded, with a small, obtuse concavity in the middle ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 8–13 ). Gonapophyses ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 8–13 ), V1slender, joining IX sternum, V2+3 directed mesally, with setae as illustrated, sides almost parallel, and apices slightly projected to form conical extensions. Paraprocts broad ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 8–13 ), with 3–5 macrosetae, smaller setae posteriorly, as illustrated, sensory fields elliptic, with 11 trichobothria issuing from basal rosettes and one trichobothrium without basal rosette ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 8–13 ). Epiproct broadly triangular, rounded posteriorly, mesally with a field of seven small setae, two macrosetae near posterior border, and 5 macrosetae along the border, two decidedly longer ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 8–13 ).

Measurements. (in µm). FW: 3062, HW: 2350, F: 860, T: 1380, t1: 530, t2: 160, ctt1: 26, Mx4: 200, f1: 500, f2: 510, IO: 360, D: 190, d: 275, IO/d: 1.31, PO: 1.44.

Etymology. The generic name is a compound word formed with the root Acantho, referred to the field of short spines on the clunial process, and Lachesilla . The specific name refers to the locality of El Salto, Buenaventura, where this species was found, at the Pericos Natural Reserve.

Specimens studied. Holotype male. COLOMBIA. Valle del Cauca, Buenaventura, El Salto trail, Reserva Natural Pericos (03°50'55.7'' N: 76°47'14.0'' W, 478m), 5–6.I.2014, light trap, MUSENUV slide cod. 25711, O. Saenz. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: 3 females, 5 males, same data as the holotype, MUSENUV, O. Saenz GoogleMaps . 1 male, same locality as the holotype, III.2013. MUSENUV slide cod. 25712, N. Calderón and O. Saenz. All specimens taken in light traps, near the canopy of the forest (12–18 meters from ground level) GoogleMaps .

Relationships of Acantholachesilla , Dagualachesilla and Dagualachesilloides . Table 1 View TABLE 1 shows the characters and character states utilized in the phylogenetic analysis of the three genera. Table 2 View TABLE 2 shows the matrix resulting from the coding of the above characters in the ingroup and in the outgroup, and Figure 14 View FIGURE 14 shows the consensus tree

resulting from the analysis. The tree has a length of 35 steps, a CI of 0.91, and a RI of 0.78. Anomolachesilla was basal to the node of Dagualachesilloides- Acantholachesilla- Dagualachesilla . The analysis confirmed that Acantholachesilla and Dagualachesilla are closely related, with Dagualachesilloides apparently as ancestor ( Fig. 15 View FIGURE 15 ). The clade formed by Acantholachesilla and Dagualachesilla is highly supported by the following synapomorphies (bootstrap value of 93): a distinct clunial process over the area of the epiproct; similarity in shape (character 4) and development of the posterior processes of the external parameres (character 5), and by having a caudal slit on the posterior margin of the female subgenital plate ( Table 2 View TABLE 2 ). This analysis shows the relationships of only four genera of Graphocaecilinii; it is necessary a cladistic analysis, including all the genera presently included in the tribe, to test the monophyly of it.

TABLE 1. Character and character states, utilized to assess the relationships of Acantholachesilla, Dagualachesilla and Dagualachesilloides.

1. Clunial process over the area of the epiproct (absent=0, slightly projected=1, strongly projected=2)
2. Spines on clunial process (absent=0, present = 1)
3. Clunial process distally (wider than base=1, as wide as base= 0)
4. External parameres (with posterior process=1, without posterior process=0)
5. Processes of external parameres (absent=0, little developed= 1, well developed=2
6. Macrosetae on hypandrium (present= 1, absent=0)
7. Ctenidobothria on t1 of hindleg (15–18= 1, 19–26=2)
8. Setae on membrane of pterostigma (absent= 0, present=1)
9. Subgenital plate (without a triangular protuberance= 0; with triangular protuberance=1)
10. Distal processes of subgenital plate (absent= 0, present=1)
11. Caudal slit on subgenital plate (without slit=0, small slit =1, large slit =2)
12. Macrosetae on subgenital plate (absent =0, present=1)
13. V 1 (well developed=0, little developed =1, absent=2)
14. V 2 and V 3 (separated= 0, joined=1)
15. Ocelli (present=0, absent=1)
16. Forewing pterostigma (sides parallel =0, sides diverging=1)
17. Areola postica (present=0, absent=1)
18. Areola postica (free=0, joined to M=1)
19. Apex of aedeagus (straight=0, curved=1)
20. Apex of aedeagus (acute=0, rounded=1)
21. Endophallic sclerites (well developed=0, little developed =1)
22. Male paraproct (without basal process =0, with elongate basal process =1)
23. Male and female paraproct (rhomboid=0, elliptic=1, subtriangular=2)
24. Preap ical shape of aedeagus (slender=0, little globose=1, globose=2)
25. Endophallus (rounded= 0, irregular, with lobes=1)
26. Color pattern of forewing (absent=0 present=1)

















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