Mitrapsylla cassiae, Rendón-Mera & Burckhardt & Cavichioli & Queiroz, 2020

Rendón-Mera, Diana Isabel, Burckhardt, Daniel, Cavichioli, Rodney R. & Queiroz, Dalva L., 2020, Taxonomy and host-plant relationships of the psyllid genus Mitrapsylla (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Psyllidae) in Brazil, Zootaxa 4887 (1), pp. 1-100 : 25-27

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Plazi (2020-11-30 09:40:00, last updated by GgImagineBatch 2020-11-30 09:43:13)

scientific name

Mitrapsylla cassiae

sp. nov.

Mitrapsylla cassiae sp. nov.

( Figs 38, 108, 138, 168, 208 ‾210, 288, 318, 348, 374)


Material examined. Holotype ♁, Brazil: Paraná, Curitiba, Praça Brigadeiro do Ar M. C. Eppinghaus, -25.4297, -49.2719 4.i.2012, park, Cassia leptophylla (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #28(4) ( DZUP 215401 View Materials , dry). GoogleMaps

Paratypes. Minas Gerais: 1 ♁, 1 ♀, Conselheiro Lafaiete , -20.5806, -43.7218, 1040 m, 20.viii.2013, Toona plantation (D.L. Queiroz), #561 ( NHMB, 70% ethanol) GoogleMaps .— Paraná: 104 ♁, 87 ♀, 4 immatures, same data as holo- type (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #28(4) ( DZUP, NHMB, dry, slide mounted, 70% ethanol); 2 GoogleMaps ♁, 7 ♀, 6 imma-

tures, 1 skins, Colombo, -25.2919, -49.2239, 1010 m, Cassia leptophylla (D.L. Queiroz) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, 1 ♀, same but 22.ix.2009 (D.L. Queiroz), #50 ( NHMB, dry); 6 ♁, 6 ♀, Colombo, Embrapa Florestas, -25.3200, -49.1567, 920 m, 6.i.2012 (J. T. Cremonese) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, same but -25.3256, -49.1595, park, planta- tion, secondary vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #30(-) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 24 ♁, 26 ♀, same but -25.3215, -49.1579, 920 m, 1.v.2019, Cassia leptophylla (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #339(6); 9 ♁, 5 ♀, same but 930 m (D.L. Queiroz) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 8 ♁, 1 ♀, same but -25.2919, -49.2239, 940 m, 24.vii.2017, Cassia leptophylla (D. Rendón) ( NHMB, slide mounted, 70% ethanol); 22 ♁, 27 ♀, 1 immatures, Curitiba, -25.4297, -49.2719, 1.i.2012, park and trees in street, Cassia leptophylla (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #27(4) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 2 ♀, Curitiba, Jardim Botânico, -25.4417, -49.2367, 930 m, 19.vii.2012, planted park vegetation and remnant of Araucaria forest edge (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #44(-) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, same but -25.4416, -49.2386, 920 m, 30.iv.2019 (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #338(-) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 4 ♁, 6 ♀, same but 920 m, 16.xii.2014 (D.L. Queiroz), #661 ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 9 ♁, 9 ♀, Curitiba, Parque Bacacheri, -25.3200, -49.1567, 920 m, 17.i.2016, park, remnants of Atlantic forest, Cassia leptophylla (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #175(5) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 7 ♁, 14 ♀, 1 immatures, same but 6.iv.2013 (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #98(6) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, Curitiba, Parque Barigui, -25.4150, -49.3100, 900 m, 19.vii.2012, park with remnant of natural Araucaria forest (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #43(-) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, Curitiba, Parque São Lourenço, -25.3850, -49.2650, 940 m, 26.iv.2015, planted park vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #170(-) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 5 ♁, 8 ♀, same but 16.i.2016, Cassia leptophylla (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #174(7) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, Curitiba, UFPR, Centro Politécnico, -25.4467, -49.2317, 900 m, 7.v.2014, park with planted trees, remnants of Araucaria forest Cassia leptophylla (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz) , #136(4) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 29 ♁, 49 ♀, 1 immatures, same but 1.vii.2015 (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #173(6) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 5 ♀, same but (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #200(6) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, 1 ♀, same but 840 m, (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #244(6) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, 2 ♀, same but (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #231(5) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 5 ♁, 3 ♀, same but (D. Rendón) ( NHMB, slide mounted, 70% ethanol); 2 ♁, 2 ♀, same but 890 m, 1.vii.2015 (D.L. Queiroz), #723(-) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 1 ♀, same but -25.4450, -49.2345, 890–920 m, 3–7.xii.2012 (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #84(-) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 50 ♁, 50 ♀, 7 immatures, same but -25.4466, -49.2321 (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #84(10) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 3 ♁, 2 ♀, Parque Nacional do Iguaçu, trilha mata preta, trilha do macaco, -25.6485, -54.4573, 220 m, 30.vii.2014, legume (D.L. Queiroz), #644 ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 3 ♁, Tibagi, Parque Estadual do Guartelá, -24.5617, -50.2583, 920–950 m, 23–25. vi.2015, Cerrado vegetation (D. Burckhardt & D.L. Queiroz), #171(-) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol).— Rio Grande do Sul: 4 ♁, 1 ♀, Passo Fundo, -28.2628, -52.4069,, Cassia leptophylla (A.L. Marsaro Júnior) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 4 ♁, 4 ♀, 10 immatures, same but 14.xi.2012 (A.L. Marsaro Júnior) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 1 ♁, same but 7.ix.2012 (A.L. Marsaro Júnior) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol); 3 ♁, 58 immatures, same but 31.x.2012 (A.L. Marsaro Júnior) ( NHMB, 70% ethanol).

Diagnosis. Genal process, in dorsal view, expanded, with apex subacute or narrowly rounded. AL/HW 2.5–2.6. Surface spinules moderately to distinctly spaced; covering most of cells m 1, m 2, and cu 1, rarely restricted to radular areas. Paramere, in lateral view, irregularly lamellar; posterior margin expanded and somewhat angulate in apical third, expanded and irregularly convex in basal two thirds; in dorsal view, bearing blunt anterior and posterior tooth. Aedeagus complex tripartite; in lateral view, lateral lobule subequal in size with median lobule; ventral process with apical expansion larger than dorsal lobe. Female proctiger, in lateral view, with apex straight, irregularly acutely rounded. Female subgenital plate, in lateral view, with ventral outline convex in basal two thirds, sometimes slightly notched subapically, apical third straight or slightly convex; in ventral view, with apical half subparallel and apex broadly truncate, sometimes concave.

Description. Colouration. Body with white striped-pattern. Head and thorax dark yellow to yellowish-orange; genal process lighter than head. Eye grey to dark red; ocelli colourless to orange. Antenna light to dark yellow. Clypeus concolorous with head; rostrum dark yellow. Mesopraescutum seldom with irregular markings on posterior half. Forewing yellowish, usually darker around Cu 1b; veins dark yellow to light brown; pterostigma concolorous or slightly lighter than veins. Hindwing colourless. Legs light yellow to light brown. Abdomen lighter to concolorous with rest of body; intersegmental membranes light straw-coloured; spiracular sclerites concolorous with tergites. Male terminalia irregularly light yellow to yellow, proctiger usually darker, sometimes brownish. Female terminalia yellow, sometimes subgenital plate lighter, proctiger usually brownish apically.

Structure. Body length ♁ 2.8–3.0 mm (2.86± 0.10 mm), ♀ 2.8–3.1 mm (2.97± 0.14 mm) (4 ♁, 3 ♀). Genal pro- cess ( Fig. 138) expanded, irregularly narrowing towards subacute or narrowly rounded apex, 0.5–0.7 times as long as vertex along midline. Antenna 2.5–2.6 times as long as head width; longest terminal seta about as long as segment 10. Apical labium segment 0.1 times longer than head width and 0.6–0.7 times longer than median segment. Forewing ( Fig. 168) 2.9–3.1 times as long as head width, 2.3–2.4 times as long as wide, obovoid, narrowly or broadly rounded apically; vein M+Cu 1 0.3–0.4 times as long as Cu 1; ratio a/b 1.7–2.1; ratio c/d 0.8–0.9; ratio e/f 0.6–0.8. Surface spinules distinctly ( Fig. 38) to moderately ( Fig. 39) spaced, forming rhomboids; fully covering cells r 1, r 2, m 1, m 2, cu 1 and cu 2 (rarely restricted to radular areas); leaving spinule-free spaces along veins ( Fig. 42). Radular spinules sometimes present in r 2 but inconspicuous. Metatibia 0.6–0.7 times as long as head width.

Terminalia. Male. Proctiger, in lateral view, 0.4 times as long as head width; with long, blunt, strongly downcurved posterior lobe. Paramere, in lateral view ( Figs 208 ‾210) 0.9 times as long as proctiger; irregularly lamel- lar; anterior margin almost straight to concave; posterior margin expanded and somewhat angulate in apical third, expanded and irregularly convex in basal two thirds; apex irregularly rounded, with sclerotised ridge posteriorly ( Fig. 209); inner surface ( Fig. 209) covered with short setae, longer basally and along posterior margin, with row of thick setae along apical anterior margin, several thick setae below sclerotised ridge and on apical posterior margin along with several stout setae; in dorsal view ( Fig. 288), bearing blunt anterior and posterior tooth. Aedeagus ( Fig. 210) complex tripartite; in lateral view, dorsal lobe with slightly prominent median lobule; lateral lobule subequal in size with median lobule, subtriangular; membranous pouch narrow, elongate; ventral process strongly upturned, with apical expansion larger than dorsal lobe, irregularly oval, bearing long, conical tubercle.—Female ( Fig. 318). Proctiger, in lateral view, 1.0 times as long as head width; dorsal outline weakly to moderately concave distal to circumanal ring, apical extension almost straight, apex straight, irregularly acutely rounded; circumanal ring 0.3–0.4 times as long as proctiger. Subgenital plate, in lateral view, 0.5–0.6 times as long as proctiger; apex well-developed; ventral outline convex in basal two thirds, sometimes slightly notched subapically, apical third straight or slightly convex; covered with medium long setae in median third, subapically in dorsum, ventrally throughout and in apical third, long setae at apex, and several long setae on dorsum subapically, with seta-free patch subapically; in ventral view ( Fig. 348), lateral margins abruptly narrowing at half, with apical half subparallel and broadly truncate apex, sometimes concave.

Measurements (in mm) (3 ♁, 2 ♀). HW ♁ 0.69–0.74 (0.72±0.03), ♀ 0.77; AL ♁ 1.80–1.96 (1.86±0.09), ♀ 2.00; LAB2 ♁ 0.15–0.17 (0.16±0.01), ♀ 0.17–0.18 (0.18±0.01); LAB3 ♁ 0.10–0.11 (0.10±0.01), ♀ 0.11; FL ♁ 2.01– 2.15 (2.09±0.07), ♀ 2.35–2.39 (2.37±0.02); TL ♁ 0.46–0.49 (0.47±0.02), ♀ 0.50–0.52 (0.51±0.01); MP 0.26–0.28 (0.27±0.01); PL 0.25–0.26 (0.25±0.01); DL 0.32–0.36 (0.34±0.02); FP 0.73–0.76 (0.74±0.02).

Etymology. Named after its host-plant genus, Cassia .

Distribution. Brazil: Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul.

Host-plant. Cassia leptophylla Vogel (Leguminosae, Caesalpinioideae , Cassieae ).

Habitat. Cerrado, Araucaria forest, Atlantic forest, parks, Toona plantation.

Comments. Mitrapsylla cassiae sp. nov. resembles M. xanthoptera sp. nov. in the colouration and the general shape of the paramere in lateral view; but differs in the more angulate apical third of the posterior margin of the paramere and the tripartite aedeagus (rather than unipartite). It also resembles M. brevigenis sp. nov. in the general shape of the paramere in lateral view, and the tripartite aedeagus; but differs in the longer genal process and the aedeagus, in lateral view, with the apical expansion of the ventral process subequal in size with dorsal lobe (rather than smaller).


Natural History Museum Bucharest


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics











