Stenocyamops L. PAPP, 2006

Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 216

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586111

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Stenocyamops L. PAPP

gen. nov.

Stenocyamops L. PAPP View in CoL , gen. n.

( Figs 115–123 View Fig View Figs 116–123 )

Type species: Stenocyamops thaii L. PAPP , sp. n. (no other species included presently). Gender: masculine.

Face in profile angulate. Head comparatively large, face slightly narrowed below antennae. Outer verticals large, inner vertical present (almost perpendicular), as well as a pair of thin proclinate occipitals lateral to vte. Both anterior fronto-orbitals are broken in the holotype but anterior fronto-orbitals must be strong judging from their bases. Anterior pair much anterior to the posterior fronto-orbitals. “Pseudovibrissae” long and thick ( Fig. 115 View Fig ), facial and genal setae short and fine. Gena narrow. Facettes of eyes seem to be uniform.

Anepisternum without setae. Metanotum not bulging, but a more or less narrow subscutellum present. One short postpronotal, 1 presutural, 2 np, 1 supraalar pairs of setae present. One dc (against wing base) and 1 sc pairs. Katepisternal seta rather long though thin.

Anal lobe of wing distinct, a narrow alula present. Subcostal vein ends free at 4/7 of costal cell. No basal cross-vein, cells bm and dm confluent, and anal cell extremely narrow ( Fig. 115 View Fig ). Anal vein strong though only slightly longer than ½ of distance of anal cell to wing margin.

Mid tibia with a long ventroapical. Hind tibia with a large, curved, subventral (anteroventral) spur, also mid tibia with an extremely long yellow ventroapical seta.

Abdominal sternites very broad.

Male syntergosterite 7–8 fused circularly ( Figs 116–117 View Figs 116–123 ). Subepandrial sclerites not long, contrary contrarily to Stenomicra . Surstylus symmetrical. Ejaculatory apodeme ( Figs 122–123 View Figs 116–123 ) very small. Genital (hypandrial) complex ( Figs 120–121 View Figs 116–123 ) almost completely symmetrical.

As for the differences to the other stenomicrid genera, see the key below.











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