
Dedicated in memory of the late FrantiŠek Holý (1935 - 1984), an eminent Czech palaeobotanist, Holý, František, Kvaček, Zlatko & Teodoridis, Vasilis, 2012, A Review Of The Early Miocene Mastixioid Flora Of The Kristina Mine At Hrádek Nad Nisou In North Bohemia (The Czech Republic), Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B 68 (3 - 4), pp. 53-118 : 70

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13191145

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scientific name



Vitaceae View in CoL gen. et sp. indet.

Pl. 12, fig. 3

Dispersed cuticles striate to papillate, not reflecting anticlinal cell walls except widely scattered stomata of variable size, 20–30 µm long and 10–20 µm wide. Stomatal ledges double, bordering a boat-like widely open outer cavity, stomatal pore slit-like.

D i s c u s s i o n: This very incompletely documented dispersed fragment is referred to the Vitaceae because similar epidermal patterns have been documented in Vitaceae-like foliage of the European Miocene several times (e.g., Ferguson 1971 – taxon No. LIX, Knobloch and Kvaček 1976 – as “ Rhus ” pyrrhae UNGER).

M a t e r i a l: Dispersed cuticle, G 9171a (KR 325/1).

Staphyleaceae MARTYNOV

Turpinia VENT. Turpinia ettingshausenii (ENGELHARDT) MAI

Pl. 6, fig. 16

1870 Leguminosites ettingshausenii ENGELHARDT , p. 42, pl. 11, figs 8-9 (Zittau).

1964 Turpinia ettingshausenii (ENGELHARDT) MAI , pp. 95, 108, pl. 12, figs 14-15, pl. 14, figs 6-14 (Kummersberg, Hartau).

1977a Turpinia ettingshausenii (ENGELHARDT) MAI ; Holý, p. 112 (Hrádek/N., Kristina Mine).

2003 Turpinia ettingshausenii (ENGELHARDT) MAI, Teodoridis , pp. 20-21, pl. 5, fig. 7, pl. 6, fig. 14 (Hrádek/N., drill cores).

Seeds irregular in outline, mostly ovoid to elongate ovoid, 4.5–7.8 mm long, 2.8–5.3 mm wide, at base obliquely cut, blunt, on sides irregularly flattened, hence looking conical or oblong prismatic, hilum deeply sunken subapical, up to 2.3 mm long on base, with a funnel-shaped hole for the vascular bundle of raphe on the bottom, along with further ca. 5 vascular bundles (usually in two rows) entering the testa tissue within hilum, tiny perforation of micropyllar canal in opposite position., dehiscence along the peripheral suture in the widest part of seed, testa irregularly thick (0.5–1.0 mm), consisting of a thick layer of isodiametric thick-walled sclereids, embryonal cavity variable in shape, ellipsoidal, ovoid or irregularly globular, outer surface of seeds lustrous, densely punctate.

D i s c u s s i o n: According to Holý (1975, pp. 68-69, pl. 13, figs 1-6) the above described seeds are identical with those from Hartau and Kummersberg near Zittau recorded by Mai (1964, p. 97) who compared the fossil seeds with those produced by Turpinia montana KOHD. and T. formosana NAKAI from eastern Asia.

M a t e r i a l: Ca. 100 seeds and fragments, G 770, 3045, 3074, 3075, 4619, Gs78.

Lythraceae J. ST. - HILL.

Microdiptera CHANDLER Microdiptera parva CHANDLER

Pl. 6, fig. 17

1957 Microdiptera parva CHANDLER , p. 107, pl. 15, figs 133-149 (Hordle).

1977a Microdiptera parva CHANDLER ; Holý, p. 112 (Hrádek/N., Kristina Mine).

Seeds irregularly sub-circular, ovoid to broadly triangular, 1.2–1.6 mm long, 1.4–1.8 mm wide, anatropic, dorsoventrally compressed, seed body elongate quadrangular, hilar end slightly narrower than the apical, micropyle basal, hilum basiventral, very thin, irregularly trigonal to rounded wings on seed sides, each wider than the seed width, ventral side flat, raphe on a medial rib running from apex to hilum, wings separated from the body by longitudinal striae, dorsal side very slightly vaulted, germination operculum oval to broadly oval, reaching half or more the seed length.

D i s c u s s i o n: According to Holý (1975, pp. 70, pl. 13, figs 7-11), the seeds correspond in size variation to Mneme sibirica (NIKITIN) EYDE as emended by Dorofeev (1963a) who noticed transitions towards Mneme menzelii (E. M. REID) EYDE. Mneme tavdendsis DOROFEEV (1968, pp. 117-119) differs in its deltoid to quadrangular form. The record from Hartau ( Mai 1964, pp. 112-113) falls within the form variation of Microdiptera donata (HOLÝ) KVAČEK et TEODORIDIS comb. n. (see below).

M a t e r i a l: 50 seeds, G 3052, 3082.

Microdiptera elongata (DOROFEEV) DOROFEEV Pl. 6, fig. 18

1963a Diclidocarya elongata DOROFEEV , p. 232, pl. 40, figs 31-35 (Kompasski Bor on Tym River).

1968 Microdiptera elongata (DOROFEEV) DOROFEEV , p. 119 (Kompasski Bor on Tym River).

1977a Microdiptera elongata (DOROFEEV) DOROFEEV ; Holý, p. 112 (Hrádek/N., Kristina Mine).

Seed rounded ellipsoidal, 1.14 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, base rounded, lateral walls in the upper half very thin, ventral side damaged, wings lacking, dorsal side slightly convex, with elliptic germination operculum 0.75×0.4 mm in size showing ca. 8 longitudinal rows of isodiametric meshes ca. 450 µm mm in diameter, operculum fused in the upper part, dehiscence from the base to the lower third of seed length.

D i s c u s s i o n: According to Holý (1975, p. 71, pl. 14, fig. 12) the single recovered specimen available matches the records from the Oligocene of western Siberia ( Dorofeev 1963a, 1968).

M a t e r i a l: One incomplete seed, G 3036.











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