Panicum andringitrense A. Camus in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 72: 369. 1925 ( Fig. 1B , 3 )

Vorontsova, Maria S., 2018, Revision of the group previously known as Panicum L. (Poaceae: Panicoideae) in Madagascar, Candollea 73 (2), pp. 143-186 : 148-150

publication ID 10.15553/c2018v732a1


persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Carolina (2021-11-24 14:16:37, last updated 2024-11-24 23:27:40)

scientific name

Panicum andringitrense A. Camus in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 72: 369. 1925 ( Fig. 1B , 3 )


3. Panicum andringitrense A. Camus in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 72: 369. 1925 ( Fig. 1B, 3) View in CoL View at ENA .

Lectotypus (designated here): MADAGASCAR. Prov. Fianarantsoa: massif d’Andringitra , 1600 – 2200 m, II.1922, Perrier de la Bâthie 14550 ( TAN!; isolectotype: K [ K000244686 ]!, P [ P00224760 , P02251327 ]!) . Syntypi: MADAGASCAR. Prov. Fianarantsoa: Andringitra, 1911, Perrier de la Bâthie 10793 ( P [ P00224754 , P00224757 ]!) ; ibid. loco, Perrier de la Bâthie 13625 ( P [ P00224759 , P02251328 ]!) ; ibid. loco, Perrier de la Bâthie 14414 ( P [ P02251339 , unmounted]!) .

Perennial scrambler, much branched, the main stems woody, 1–3 m long, the culms and nodes glabrous. Leaf sheaths glabrous to finely pilose. Ligule a minute membrane. Leaf blades lanceolate, flat, coriaceous, 2– 6 × 0.3– 0.7 cm, drying red-brown, spreading, glabrous on both sides, the margins hardened. Panicles terminal, partly or fully exserted, 3–10 cm long, ovate, the branches wiry, opening at right angles to the main axis, glabrous. Spikelets elliptic, apically obtuse, 2.2–2.7(–3.1) mm long, with poorly visible veins, whitish to purple, opening only partly. Lower glume c. ½ as long as the spikelet, chartaceous, apically obtuse, 3-veined, glabrous. Upper glume as long as the spikelet or a little shorter at maturity, herbaceous, 3–5-veined, glabrous. Lower floret male, with palea. Lower lemma herbaceous, 5-veined, glabrous. Upper lemma, smooth, shiny, pale.

Distribution and ecology. – Endemic to the high plateau of central and southern Madagascar, 750–2300 m ( Fig. 2A View Fig ). Exposed ericoid vegetation and rocks, frequently seen climbing in the understory of Erica spp.

Notes. – Common species recognised by its long prostrate stems, panicle branches at right angles, and small whitish spikelets.

Populations with longer spikelets have been recorded near Lake Alaotra and these could potentially represent a different species.

The lectotype collection has been chosen due to its broadest distribution of duplicates.

Additional material examined. – MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antananarivo: Tampoketsa d’Ankazobe, X.1962, Bosser 16555 ( P [ P02307350 ], TAN) ; PK 44 rte de Majunga , III.1963, Bosser 17928 ( P [ P02325448 ]) ; Angavokely , I.1971, Morat 3753 ( TAN) ; crête des Varavata , 25.XI.1912, Viguier & Humbert 1586 ( P [ P02251509 ]) . Prov. Fianarantsoa: Andringitra, near Peak Boby , 22°11'44"S 46°54'01"E, 25.XI.2009, Couch et al. 588 ( K [ K000805444 ]) GoogleMaps ; Ambositra , 15.XI.1938, Decary 13501 ( P [ P02251350 ]) ; Andringitra , 1934, Heim s.n. ( P [ P00224758 ]) ; ibid. loco, Homolle 1219 ( P [ P02373634 ]) ; pic d’Ivohibe , 5.XI.1924, Humbert 3312 ( G, K [ K000805445 ], P [ P00224762 ]) ; Andringitra , 27.XI.1924, Humbert 3794 ( G, K [ K000805449 ], P [ P00224761 ], TAN) ; ibid. loco, Perrier de la Bâthie 73, ( K [ K000805489 ]) ; ibid. loco, Perrier de la Bâthie 11167 ( P [ P00224753 ]) ; ibid. loco, Perrier de la Bâthie 14550 ( K [ K000244686 ], P [ P02251327 ], TAN) ; Isalo , Perrier de la Bâthie 16568 ( G, P [ P02251519 ]) ; Andringitra, near Namoly gate , 22°07'52"S 46°53'32"E, 25.X.2011, Vorontsova et al. 591 ( K, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Andringitra , 100 m before camp 2, 22°09'09"S 46°53'57"E, 27.XI.2013, Vorontsova et al. 1204 ( K, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Andringitra , path above camp 3 , 22°11'11"S 46°54'03"E, 13.XII.2013, Vorontsova et al. 1243 ( K, TAN) GoogleMaps ; ibid. loco, 13.XII.2013, Vorontsova et al. 1247 ( TAN) GoogleMaps ; Isalo, Namaza Riv. , 22°32'20"S 45°22'43"E, 16.XII.2013, Vorontsova et al. 1292 ( TAN) GoogleMaps . Prov. Mahajanga: Tsitondroina , 15.V.1941, Boiteau 4729 ( P [ P02251513 ]) . Prov. Toliara: Papanga , 3.XI.1928, Humbert 6408 ( K [ K000805450 ], P [ P02251326 ]) ; Itrafanaomby , Humbert 13513 ( P [ P02251510 ]) ; Andohahela , I.1974, Morat 4378 ( TAN) .

CAMUS, A. (1925 a). Sacciolepis, Panicum, Brachiaria et Boivinella nouveaux de Madagascar et des Comores. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 72: 618 - 623.

Gallery Image

Fig. 1. – A. Adenochloa hymeniochila (Nees) Zuloaga; B. Panicum andringitrense A. Camus; C. Panicum brevifolium L.; D. Panicum cinctum Hack. [A: Vorontsova et al. 602; B: Vorontsova et al. 1292; C: Unvouchered photo, Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, Madagascar; D: Rakotoarisoa & Randrianavosoa SNGF 2920] [Photos: A–C: M.S. Vorontsova; D: S. Rakotoarisoa]

Gallery Image

Fig. 3. – Panicum andringitrense A. Camus. A. Habit; B. Ligule; C. Panicle branch; D. Spikelet with glumes removed; E. Lower glume, dorsal view; F. Lower glume, ventral view; G. Upper glume, dorsal view; H. Upper glume, ventral view; I. Lower lemma, dorsal view; J. Lower lemma, ventral view; K. Lower palea; L. Upper floret, ventral view; M. Upper floret, lateral view; N. Upper lemma, dorsal view; O. Upper lemma, ventral view; P. Upper palea, dorsal view; Q. Upper palea, ventral view. [Vorontsova et al. 1204, K] [Drawing: Lucy T. Smith]

Gallery Image

Fig. 2. – Distribution maps. A. Adenochloa hymeniochila (Nees) Zuloaga (stars), Panicum ambositrense A. Camus (triangles), P. andringitrense A. Camus (circles) and P. ankarense A. Camus (squares); B. Panicum brevifolium L. (stars), P. capuronii A. Camus (triangle), P. cinctum Hack. (circles) and P. crystalinum Judz. & Voronts. (squares).


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Royal Botanic Gardens


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève











