Ektopodon Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne, 1967

Pledge, Neville S., 2016, New specimens of ektopodontids (Marsupialia: Ektopodontidae) from South Australia, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 74, pp. 173-187 : 177

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.24199/j.mmv.2016.74.15



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Ektopodon Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne, 1967


Ektopodon Stirton, Tedford & Woodburne, 1967 .

Distribution. Kutjamarpu Local Fauna, Wipajiri Formation, Lake Ngapakaldi; Ngama Local Fauna, Etadunna Formation, Lake Palankarinna; Tarkarooloo Local Fauna, Namba Formation, Lake Tarkarooloo; Portland Bay Local Fauna, Whalers Bluff Formation, Portland.

Age. Late Oligocene to early-mid Miocene, Pliocene.

Diagnosis (revised). As for Woodburne and Clemens (1986b) but with the revision of the dental formula which is now understood to be: I?/1, C1/1, P3/3, M1-4/1-4. This revision involves recognition of the presence of only a single premolar.

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