Lispe lanceoseta Wang & Fan, 1981

Vikhrev, Nikita E., 2020, Lispe (Diptera, Muscidae) of the Palaearctic region, Amurian Zoological Journal XII (2), pp. 158-188 : 167-168

publication ID 10.33910/2686-9519-2020-12-2-158-188

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Lispe lanceoseta Wang & Fan, 1981


Lispe lanceoseta Wang & Fan, 1981 View in CoL Figs 21–22 View Figs 18–22

Lispe lanceoseta Wang & Fan, 1981 View in CoL ( Xue, Zhang 2005; Zhang et al. 2016)

Material examined: UZBEKISTAN, Bukhara reg., 65 km SW of Bukhara, 39.305°N 63.873°E, 22 June 2019, E. Makovetskaya, 1♂ GoogleMaps . TAJIKISTAN, Khatlon reg., Pobeda env .,

Kyzylsu R., 37.41°N 69.34°E, 9 June 2010, K. Tomkovich, 2♀ ( ZMUM) GoogleMaps .

Distribution. Known from the type locality: China, Shanxi pr., Hequ County (39.3°N 111.2°E) and from Tajikistan, Khatlon reg. and Uzbekistan, Bukhara reg.

Remarks. Male of L. lanceoseta is unmistakable due to modified mid tibia and hind tarsus, but identification of female is not as easy. Recently Zhang et al. (2016) gave redescription of L. lanceoseta , here I give my redescription to clarify or correct several points.

Male body length 4 mm. Head with frontal triangle and frontal-orbital plates densely greyish-white dusted, border with black frontal vitta very distinct. Frontal triangle reaches fore margin of frons, slightly convex in apical half, frontal vitta narrow all along, narrower than fronto-orbital plates. Antenna dark, densely grey dusted, postpedicel and arista remarkably short: postpedicel hardly longer than pedicel, arista as long as width of postpedicel. Aristal hairs longer than the width of postpedicel. Vibrissae absent. Palpi whitish-yellow. Thorax densely brownish-grey dusted. Anepimeron with 4–5 hairs, meron bare, dc 2+4 (not 2+3 as in Zhang et al. (2016)), rather weak. Legs dark except for yellowish knees. Ventral spines on femora absent. Hind coxa without seta on posterior margin. t1 without submedian setae; t2 with 1 ad and 1 pd both weak and short; at apex t2 with modified willowleaf-like, elongated av and pv setae ( Fig. 21 View Figs 18–22 ); f 3 in basal 3/4 with a row of 6–7 av setae (longer than femur width); tar2-2 to tar2-5 yellow, especially on inner surface; t3 with 1 ad; tar3-1 modified, widened and flattened, with point- ed apex; tar3-2 narrowed basally ( Fig. 22 View Figs 18–22 ). Abdomen evenly grey dusted with black apex.

Female differs as follows. Body length 5.5 mm. Frontal triangle and frontal-orbital plates yellowish dusted, border with black frontal vitta less distinct. Postpedicel and arista longer than in male: postpedicel 1.5x as long as pedicel, arista as long as length of postpedicel. Vibrissae medium strong. Tibiae yellowish at base. t2 without modified setae at apex. f3 with 2 av in apical 1/3. Hind tarsus not modified. Apex of abdomen not black.

The relationship of L. lanceoseta is not clear. Zhang et al. (2016) placed it in the L. caesia group. Slightly broadened frontal triangle; modified tar3-1 and bare meron provide formal reasons to agree with this opinion. However, the bare inner margin of hind coxa; the absence of av seta(e) on t3 and velvety black postabdomen in male indicate possible relation to the L. palposa group. So far, I am inclined to follow Zhang et al. (2016) opinion.


Zoological Museum, University of Amoy














Lispe lanceoseta Wang & Fan, 1981

Vikhrev, Nikita E. 2020

Lispe lanceoseta

Wang & Fan 1981
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