Lispe palposa (Walker, 1849)

Vikhrev, Nikita E., 2020, Lispe (Diptera, Muscidae) of the Palaearctic region, Amurian Zoological Journal XII (2), pp. 158-188 : 183-187

publication ID 10.33910/2686-9519-2020-12-2-158-188

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scientific name

Lispe palposa


Identification key for Lispe palposa View in CoL and Lispe rigida View in CoL groups

1. tar3-1 modified: shortened and laterally flattened; at apex with long finger-like ventral process. Katepimeron with 2–3 setulae at posterior part. Apex of abdomen is laterally dorsally pointed and ventrally with a notch. t3 with long v setulae near apex. (see Vikhrev 2012c, figs 19–20, 22–30)....... 2

— tar3-1 without long finger-like ventral process. Katepimeron bare. Apex of abdomen not as above........................... 3

2. tar3-1 distinctly shorter than tar3-2; finger-like protuberance on tar3-1 shorter and more curved ( Vikhrev 2012c, figs 22–23). f 2 in basal half with a row of 5–6 short strong spine-like setae and with 2–4 twice as long (about 1,5 times as long as femur width) less strong setae apicad. Cercal plate and sternite 5: ( Vikhrev 2012c, figs 25–27)...................... brunnicosa Becker View in CoL

— tar3-1 about as long as tar3-2; finger-like protuberance on tar3-1 longer ( Vikhrev 2012c, fig. 24). f2 without strong setae on ventral surface, though some fine setulae present. Cercal plate and sternite 5: ( Vikhrev 2012c, figs 28–30)........ kozlovi Vikhrev View in CoL

3. Hind coxa with seta on inner posterior side. t2 with additional ad setae or with dense setae on v surface...................... 4

— Hind coxa bare on inner posterior side. t2 with only 1 ad seta (except in some specimens of L. apicalis View in CoL ) and without dense setae on v surface........................ 7

4. Vibrissae absent. Parafacials without dark spot in upper part. Chaetotaxy of t2: 1 ad seta placed distinctly above middle; 1(2) p seta(e) short and weak, also placed above middle; v surface at apical half 1–2 strong spine-like seta(e) and a row of longer fine setae ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 17). tar2-1 with long fine curled ventral setae at base.......................... loewi Ringdahl View in CoL

— Vibrissae present. Parafacials with dark spot in upper part. t2 with ad and pd setae placed below middle; v surface bare (but 1 strong pv present in L. superciliosa superciliosa View in CoL ), tar2-1 without long seta at base... .... .... ... .... .... ... .... .... ... .... .. 5

5. t3 with ad strong and very distinct. tar2-1 to tar2-3 with long (longer than tarsus width) setulae on a surface ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 13). Vibrissae strong (2.5–3x as long as distance between vibrissae). Mid tarsus about half as long as t2. t1 with fine but distinct pv seta below middle. f3 with 10–12 av setae........................... litorea Fallen View in CoL

— t3 with elongated ad setulae, but without distinct ad seta. tar2-1 to tar2-3 with only usual short hairs ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 14). Vibrissae rather weak (1.5–2x as long as distance between vibrissae). Mid tarsus almost as long as t2. t1 without pv, with or without v in apical 1/4. f3 with 6–8 av setae.................... 6 ( superciliosa Loew View in CoL )

6. t2 with strong pv seta. t1 with short but distinct v in apical 1/4–1/5 ( Vikhrev 2015: fig. 18).Europe–WSiberia.............................. superciliosa View in CoL superciliosa Loew View in CoL

— t2 without pv. t1 without v near apex. E Siberia – Far East............................ superciliosa View in CoL monochaita Mou & Ma View in CoL

7. t2 with 1 strong pv seta, also with 1 ad and 1 pd below middle. Hind tarsus shortened and strongly depressed laterally ( Vikhrev 2015: fig. 9). All frontal setae (about 10) backward directed ( Vikhrev 2015: fig. 31). (Abdominal tergites 3 to 5 evenly grey dusted, without distinct black pattern. Frons relatively narrow and narrowed in lower part. Parafacials without dark spot in upper part. t1 without p. f3 with 7–8 av setae.)............. hebeiensis Ma & Tian View in CoL

— t2 without pv. Hind tarsus not or less depressed laterally. Only 2 upper frontal setae are reclinate, 4–5 lower setae are inclinate................................... 8

8. Abdomen ventrally with dense brush of setae. Abdominal tergites with large black shining areas. Vibrissae strong. t1 without p seta................................. 9

— Abdomen without dense brush of ventral setae, abdominal tergites mostly dense grey dusted, with small dark spots..... 10

9. Palpi small, yellow. Sternites 3 and 4 with long setae, tergites 3 and 4 also long-haired along ventral margin ( Fig. 30 View Figs 29–30 ). Meron bare. Thoracic and abdominal spiracles small. Apex of abdomen without whitish midspot. Terminalia: Vikhrev (2012c, figs 31, 32). Saline water; S Palaearctic.... rigida Becker View in CoL

— Palpi wider, dirty-brown, Sternite 2 with long setae. Meron with setulae above hind coxa. Thoracic and abdominal spiracles remarkably enlarged. Apex of abdomen black with whitish midspot. North of Holarctic. ( Vikhrev 2015, figs 24–26)................. frigida Erichson View in CoL ( = canadensis Snyder View in CoL )

10. Vibrissae indistinct or very weak ( L. flavicincta View in CoL ), shorter than distance between vibrissae bases. Smaller species (usually 4.5– 6.5mm).............................. 11

— Vibrissae strong (rather weak in L. neimongola View in CoL ), always distinctly longer than distance between vibrissa bases. Larger species (6–8 mm)........................ 15

11. tar2-4 at apex with anterior blunt projection subequal in length to tar2-5 ( Vikhrev 2015, figs 15, 16). Parafacials bare in upper 2/3. Either parafacials with a dark spot in upper part or frons evenly silvery-whitish dusted............................... 12

— tar2-4 without such projection. Parafacials with a complete row of setulae and without dark spot in upper part. Frons not silvery-whitish dusted........................ 13

12. Frons and fronto-orbital plates evenly whitish dusted, almost unicolourous, frontal triangle wide, whitish dusted, hardly distinct from whitish frons ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 33). Parafacials without dark spot in upper part. Antennae and arista remarkably short. Palpi yellow. t1 with short but distinct p below middle. t3 with ad seta weak, not very distinct among ad setulae. Thorax and abdomen evenly light-grey dusted, without black stripes or spots...... hydromyzina Fallen View in CoL

— Frons dark, parafacials with dark spot in upper part, frontal triangle distinct ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 32). Antennae longer. Palpi dark brown to yellow. t1 without p. t3 with ad distinct. Thorax and abdomen not evenly light-grey dusted, with black stripes and spots.............. parcespinosa Becker View in CoL

13. f3 with a complete row of about 12 strong and long av setae. Hind tarsus ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 7): tar3-5 narrowed and long, about as long as tar3-4 and tar3-3 togeth- er. (Meron with setulae above hind coxa. f2 with a complete row of rather strong ventral setae. t3 with ad seta much stronger than elongated setulae in ad row. Wing not darkened.)............. flavicincta Loew View in CoL

— f3 with 3–5 less strong av setae in apical half only. Hind tarsus ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 6): tar3-5 as wide as tar3-4 and shorter than tar3-4 and tar3-3 together........ 14

14. Wings darkened antero-apically around R 4+5 and R 2+3 (in specimens from Morocco darkening may be hardly distinct). Meron with setulae above hind coxa. t3 with ad seta much stronger than elongated setulae in ad row. Cercal plate: Vikhrev (2015, fig. 1).......................... apicalis Mik View in CoL

— Wings not darkened. Meron bare above hind coxa. t3 with ad seta hardly distinct, longer but about as strong as other elongated setulae in ad row. Cercal plate: Vikhrev (2015, fig. 2).......... elkantarae Becker View in CoL

15. Mid tarsus modified: tar2-1 shortened (shorter than tar2-4 and tar2-3 together), with a tuft of 10–12 long waved v setae at base ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 20); tar2-1 to tar2- 3 each with several elongated a setulae. (Postpronotal lobe, anepisternum, katepisternum and lateral surface of abdomen (often dorsal surface too) with distinct yellow tint ( Vikhrev 2015, figs 19, 21). t1 with p seta short but strong. t2 with only 1 pd setae. Parafacials with dark spot in upper part.).......... tarsocilica Xue & Zhang View in CoL

— Mid tarsus not modified............... 16

16. Meron bare above hind coxa. Frons narrowed as on Vikhrev (2015: fig. 30). f3 with several long pv in basal third. Hind tarsus with pulvillus longer than half length of claw. (Parafacials without dark spot in upper part. t1 without p seta. Large species.).......................... cinifera Becker View in CoL

— Meron with hairs above hind coxa. Frons wider ( Vikhrev 2015, figs 22, 29). f3 without pv. Hind tarsus with pulvillus reduced shorter than half length of claw........ 17

17. dc 2+4. (t1 without p seta. Far East.)............... ezensis Shinonaga & Kano View in CoL

— dc 2+3 ............................... 18

18. t1 with fine pd seta and with d setulae elongated (as long as tibia width). f2 without strong av setae, at most with fine hairs at base (do not confuse with a setae). Vibrissae strong. Mid tarsus Vikhrev (2015, fig. 12): tar2-5 thick and short. Body length 7–7.5mm ............. flavinervis Becker View in CoL

— t1 without pd seta or elongated d setulae. f 2 in basal half with 4–6 strong av setae 1–1.5x as long as femur width ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 22). f3 without pv. Vibrissae usually weak. Mid tarsus Vikhrev (2015, fig. 11): tar2-5 thin and long. Body length 6–6.5 mm ........ neimongola Tian & Ma View in CoL

1. Katepimeron with 2–3 setulae in posterior part. (Meron also setulose. Palpi rather narrow and pure yellow. Thorax and abdomen only thinly brown dusted, partly shining. Body length about 7 mm. Central Asia.)..... brunnicosa Becker View in CoL or kozlovi Vikhrev View in CoL

— Katepimeron bare...................... 2

2. Meron bare. Abdomen without median vitta, but with pairs of large, black, trapezoid spots on tergites 3 and 4. f3 with only 1 av near apex and with 2–3 long (1.5x femur width), fine pv in basal half. Palpi remarkably narrow compared to species of L. palposa View in CoL group, pure yellow. (Small, body length about 5 mm. Hind coxa bare on inner posterior margin. Morocco to south of Central Asia.)............. rigida Becker View in CoL

— Meron setulose (except L. elkantarae View in CoL and L. cinifera View in CoL , with abdomen with median vitta and without lateral spots). Abdomen without the above described pattern. f3 not as described above.................... 3

3. Hind coxa with seta on inner posterior margin. t2 with more than 1 ad setae. Palpi wider,blacktoyellow.................. 4

— Hind coxa bare on inner posterior margin. t2 with only 1 ad setae................. 7

4. t2 with 1 strong pv seta. t1 with short but distinct v in apical 1/4–1/5. (Parafacials with dark spot in upper part at level of insertion of antenna. Besides above mentioned 1 pv, t2 with only 1 pd and several ad setae, 1–2 of which much longer than other. f3 with 5–6 av. Abdominal tergites 3–5 with a broadly triangular dark median spot; paired lateral dark spots from very conspicuous to almost indistinct. Europe to W Siberia (till Yenisey River). River banks or freshwater to brackish lakes.)....... superciliosa View in CoL superciliosa Loew View in CoL ( Fig. 45 View Figs 45–46 )

— t2 without pv seta. t1 without short v in apical 1/4–1/5, but usually with p seta slightly belowmiddle.......................... 5

5. Parafacials without dark spot in upper part. t2 with 2 medium strong ad and 3 short pd, either ad and pd widely separated, upper ad and pd set above middle of tibia. (f3 with 4–5 av. t1 with p slightly below middle. Abdomen with conspicuous dark midline.) Widespread in Palaearctic; the southernmost species of L. palposa View in CoL group, recorded till 28°N. Salt lakes or saline sea shore marshes.... loewi Ringdahl View in CoL ( Fig. 46 View Figs 45–46 )

— Parafacials with a dark spot in upper part at level of antenna. t2 with 3–4 ad and 1–2 pd, all setae on t2 densely set below middle, ad setae of different length, 1(2) ad much longerthanother...................... 6

6. t1 with p seta. f3 with 7–9 av. Abdomen with dark midline inconspicuous. Seashore marshes of W Europe...... litorea Fallen View in CoL

— t1 without p. f3 with 4–5 av. Abdomen with a conspicuous dark midline. East Palaearctic from Yenisey River to Far East. River banks or freshwater to saltish lakes................. superciliosa View in CoL monochaita Mou & Ma View in CoL

7. t2 with 1 strong pv seta in addition to 1 ad and 1 pd. (Abdominal tergite 4 with a pair of postero-lateral spots, otherwise tergites 3 to 5 evenly grey dusted, without distinct black pattern, rarely indistinct dark midline present. Antenna short, arista short haired, about as long as postpedicel. Parafacials without dark spot in upper part. t1 without p. f3 with 4–7 av setae. Palpi brown to black.) E Europe to FarEast............. hebeiensis Ma & Tian View in CoL

— t2 without pv .......................... 8

8. t1 with p seta........................... 9

— t1 without p seta...................... 10

9. Frons and fronto-orbital plates evenly whitish dusted, almost concolour, wide frontal triangle hardly distinct. Parafacials without dark spot in upper part ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 33). Antenna and arista remarkably short. Thorax and abdomen almost evenly light-grey dusted. Small species, body length 5–6 mm. Sea shores of W Europe..................... hydromyzina Fallen View in CoL

— Frons black, frontal triangle of typical shape, distinct, parafacials with dark spot in upper part ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 29). Antennae and arista longer. Thorax and abdomen brown-grey dusted, with distinct dark pattern. Large species, body length 6–8 mm. Inland regions of E Europe and Asia.... flavinervis Becker View in CoL or tarsocilica Xue & Zhang View in CoL

10. Frons narrowed ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 30). Meron bare above hind coxa. f3 with several long pv in basal third. Hind tarsus with pulvilli longer than half length of claw. Parafacials without dark spot in upper part. t1 without p seta. Large species, body length 7–8 mm ................ cinifera Becker View in CoL

— Frons wide (as on Vikhrev 2015, fig. 29)... ...................................... 11

11. Thoracic and abdominal spiracles strongly enlarged ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 24, 25, 26). Parafacials with dark spot in upper part. Holarctic, from 60°N and northern.... frigida Erichson View in CoL ( = canadensis Snyder View in CoL )

— Thoracic and abdominal ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 27) spiracles not enlarged. Parafacials without dark spot in upper part. Palaearctic from 55°N and southern........... 12

12. Abdominal tergites 3 to 5 with characteristic pattern: median and a pair of submedian vittae ( Vikhrev 2015, fig. 28)........................ flavicincta Loew View in CoL

— Abdomen without such pattern........ 13

13. dc 2+4.Far East... ezensis Shinonaga & Kano View in CoL

— dc 2+3................................ 14

14. t2 with ad seta almost as long as distance from its insertion to apex of tibia. Hind tarsus with pulvilli longer than half length of claw.(Palpiyellow.).................... 15

— t2 with ad seta shorter hardly longer than half distance from its insertion to apex of tibia. Hind tarsus with pulvilli shorter than halflengthofclaw..................... 16

15. Meron bare above hind coxa. Algeria and Morocco............. elkantarae Becker View in CoL

— Meron with several hairs above hind coxa. From Maghreb to Central Asia........................ apicalis Mik View in CoL

16. Parafacials with 1 sparse row of hairs. t2 with 1 strong ad only. Apex of abdomen always grey. Sand beaches along big rivers.................... parcespinosa Becker View in CoL

— Hairs on upper half of parafacials in 2 rows. t2 usually with 2–3 short setae above strong ad. Apex of abdomen usually orange-yellow. Brackish lakes... neimongola Tian & Ma View in CoL













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