Limnophora femurosetalis, Fogaça & de Carvalho, 2015

Fogaça, João Manuel & de Carvalho, Claudio J. B., 2015, Seven new species of Limnophora Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Muscidae) from Ecuador, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 59 (3), pp. 210-221 : 215-216

publication ID 10.1016/j.rbe.2015.05.001

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scientific name

Limnophora femurosetalis

sp. nov.

Limnophora femurosetalis View in CoL sp. nov. ( Figs. 19–24 View Figs View Figs )

Diagnosis. This species is easily differentiated by the dorsocentral setae 2 + 3, vein R 1 dorsally setulose, hind femur with complete row of long setae on anterodorsal and anteroventral surface and frontal setae in 10 pairs.

Description. Male. Measurements (n = 1): Length: Body 4.5 mm. Wing 5.2 mm.

Color. Face silver pollinose. Antenna and arista dark brown. Palpus dark brown. Calypters uniformly whitish, edge darker brownish, lower more conspicuous. Halter yellowish. Wing hyaline yellowish with brown cloudy spots from costal margin to apex of vein R 2+3. Prescutum dark brown, humeral callus and notopleura gray pollinose; prescutum with 2 short vittae becoming wider toward scutum, scutum dark brown; scutellum dark brown.Pleurae dark brown with katepisternum mostly gray pollinose. Legs dark brown. Abdomen with median longitudinal silver vittae and dark brown with silver lateral round areas on all tergites.

Head. Holoptic, distance between eyes 0.03 times head width; eye finely ciliated. Inner and outer vertical setae somewhat shorter than ocellar setae. Frontal setae in 10 pairs; 2 reclinate orbital setae. Ocellar setae long, ocellar triangle tuft of hairs. Flagellomere I about 3.5 times pedicel length, ending before insertion of vibrissa. Hairs on arista shorter than diameter of arista at base. Parafacial and fronto-orbital plate bare. Palpus filiform.

Thorax. Chaetotaxy. Acrostichals 0 + 1; dorsocentrals 2 + 3; intra-alars 2 + 1; supra-alars 2; basal postpronotals 2; notopleurals 2; postsupra-alars 2. Scutellum with well developed lateral, apical scutellar setae. Anepisternum with 6 long setae; katepisternal seta 1: 2. Prosternum setulose.

Legs. Fore femur with complete rows of posterodorsal and posteroventral setae; fore tibia with 1 apical seta on dorsal surface.Mid femur on ventral surface with 5 strong setae on basal half; posterior surface with 2 pre-apical setae; mid tibia with 1 supra-median and sub-median setae on posterior surface; 3 apical setae (anterior, ventral and posteroventral). Hind femur with complete row of setae on anterodorsal and anteroventral surface, posteroventral with 6 setae on basal half; hind tibia with 1 median seta on anteroventral surface; 2 apical setae (anterodorsal and anteroventral).

Wing. Vein R 1 with conspicuous setulae on apical dorsal surface; Rs node and base of vein R 4+5 setulose dorsally and ventrally; vein dm-cu slightly sinous, apical portion of vein M bent toward vein R 4+5.

Abdomen. Tergite III with row of setae on margin; tergite IV with 1 pair median marginal setae; tergite V with row of setae on margin and 1 pair median marginal setae. Sternite 1 bare, sternite 5 triangular, longer than wide, with few and sparse setae and two apically developed ( Fig. 19 View Figs ).

Terminalia. Cercal plate longer than wide, with median fusion, with long setae on apex; surstylus smaller than cercal plate length ( Fig. 20 View Figs ). Distiphallus long, about 2.5 times the length of pregonite; postgonite curved and with similar length of epiphallus ( Fig. 21 View Figs ).

Female. Unknown.

Type material

Holotype. Male : “13053-( EC)[ Ecuador] Zamora Chinchipe: San\ Francisco, Reserva Biológica San \ Francisco, trail Canal, 2000 m, \ 03 ◦ 58 Ɩ 35 ƖƖ S 79 ◦ 04 Ɩ 25 ƖƖ W, 13 – 13/02/2009 -\ 18/02/2009 ( YPT), leg. M. Pollet & \ Anja De Braekeleer, sorted by Marc \ Pollet-sample code: EC/2009-30/ MP &ADB-005 [white printed label]”; “ Holotipo [red printed label]” ( UTPL) . Paratypes: 1 male, same data as holotype ( UTPL) .

Distribution. ECUADOR: Zamora-Chinchipe (Zamora).

Etymology. Adjective, agreeing in gender with the feminine Limnophora . The epithet refers to the conspicuous rows of long setae on anterodorsal and anteroventral surfaces of the hind femur.


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