Thryptacodon Matthew and Granger, 1915 Thryptacodonorthogonius

S. Scott, Craig, C. Fox, Richard & P. Youzwyshyn, Gordon, 2002, New earliest Tiffanian (late Paleocene) mammals from Cochrane 2, southwestern Alberta, Canada, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 47 (4), pp. 691-704 : 695

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13285980

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scientific name

Thryptacodon Matthew and Granger, 1915 Thryptacodonorthogonius


Genus Thryptacodon Matthew and Granger, 1915 Thryptacodonorthogonius comb.nov. ( Russell, 1929)

Fig. 1E–H View Fig .

Chriacus orthogonius Russell, 1929: 175–177 , fig. 3.

Thryptacodon demari Gazin, 1956a: 28 , pl. 6: 2, 3.

Thryptacodon belli Gazin, 1956a: 29 , pl. 6: 1–4.

Holotype: UALVP 124 , isolated left M2, Fig. 1F View Fig .

Type horizon and locality: Cochrane 2, Paskapoo Formation, southwestern Alberta.

Age View in CoL and distribution: Earliest Tiffanian of Alberta (type locality [ Russell 1929]) and Montana (Douglass Quarry, Melville Formation, Sweetgrass County [ Krause and Gingerich 1983]); early Tiffanian of Wyoming (Saddle locality, Fort Union Formation, Bison Basin, Fremont County [ Gazin 1956a]); middle Tiffanian of Wyoming (Ledge locality, Fort Union Formation, Bison Basin, Fremont County [ Gazin 1956a]); late Tiffanian of Wyoming (Rock Springs localities V−77006, V−77007, and V−78052, Fort Union Formation, eastern Rock Springs Uplift, Sweetwater County [ Winterfeld 1982]).

Material.— UALVP 24991, 45112, DP4; UALVP 45099, M1; UALVP 24990, 24993, 24994, 45103, 45107, 45109, 45110, M3s (total: 7); UALVP 24996, 45101, p4s; UALVP 24998, 24999, 42872, 42874, 45102, 45105, m1s (total: 6); UALVP 24997, 42873, 45108, 45111, m2s (total: 4); UALVP 24995, 42875, 45100, 45104, 45106, m3s (total: 5).

Revised diagnosis.—Smaller than Thryptacodon australis Simpson, 1935b and Thryptacodon antiquus Matthew and Granger, 1915 , with upper molars more transverse and rectangular in occlusal outline, with weaker hypocones; paracone and metacone subequal in size.

Remarks.—The lower molars from Cochrane 2 that we refer to T. orthogonius closely resemble those of T. “ demari ” Gazin, 1956a from the Ledge locality, and T. “ belli ” Gazin, 1956a from the Saddle locality, Bison Basin, Wyoming ( Gazin 1956a) differing only in m1 having a more prominent hypoconulid.Moreover, UALVP 24997, an m2, and the type specimen of “ Chriacus ” orthogonius ( Russell, 1929) from Cochrane 2 fit tightly when manually occluded. Van Valen (1978) considered T. “ belli ” and T. “ demari ” to be synonymous, and recognized “ C. ” orthogonius as the senior synonym of “ Metachriacus ” punitor Simpson, 1935a.

C.” orthogonius was founded on a single tooth from Cochrane 2, UALVP 124, a left M2 that Russell (1929) described. Sloan (1987) concluded that “ C.” orthogonius was descended from C. baldwini ( Cope, 1882) (= “ Metachriacus provocator ” Simpson, 1935a and “ C. truncatus ” Cope, 1884b [ Van Valen 1978]), yet C. baldwini differs significantly from “ C.” orthogonius in the structure of its upper molars.The holotype of “ C.” orthogonius can be readily distinguished from M2, C. baldwini , in its more symmetrical and rounded occlusal outline, weakly convex anterior and posterior sides, shallower ectoflexus, larger, more anterolabial hypocone, concave postprotocrista, and in being smaller overall.The upper molar morphology of “ C.” orthogonius is otherwise known only from Thryptacodon , differing significantly from the upper molar features of Chriacus , which include a robust, posterolingually−projecting hypocone, a rectangular occlusal outline with concave anterior and posterior sides, and a weakly convex postprotocrista that joins with a straight, posterolabially directed postmetacrista; they differ further from those of C.baldwini in M1 having a more salient parastylar area and larger paracone, and M3 having a better−developed lingual cingulum.

Until the recent UALVP collections were made from Cochrane 2, the holotype was the only specimen from the locality referable to “ C.” orthogonius , and the affinities of the species have been uncertain (see, for example, Krause and Gingerich 1983).However, UALVP 124 is virtually identical to M2s of T. “ demari ” from the Ledge locality, and of T. “ belli ” from the Saddle locality (GPY personal observation), supporting referral of the Cochrane 2 specimen to Thryptacodon .From these comparisons, T. “ demari ” (including T. “ belli ”) is herein considered a junior synonym of T. orthogonius .












Thryptacodon Matthew and Granger, 1915 Thryptacodonorthogonius

S. Scott, Craig, C. Fox, Richard & P. Youzwyshyn, Gordon 2002

Thryptacodon demari

Gazin, C. L. 1956: 28

Thryptacodon belli

Gazin, C. L. 1956: 29

Chriacus orthogonius

Russell, L. S. 1929: 177
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