Pandionacarus Balogh

Barreto, Mauricio, Burbano, María E., Proctor, Heather C., Mironov, Serge V. & Wauthy, Georges, 2012, Feather mites (Acariformes: Psoroptidia) from Colombia: Preliminary list with new records 3516, Zootaxa 3516, pp. 1-68 : 13

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Felipe (2021-08-24 15:27:41, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 16:43:23)

scientific name

Pandionacarus Balogh


Genus Pandionacarus Balogh

Pandionacarus fuscus ( Nitzsch, 1818)

Hosts and distribution. This species was described ex Pandion haliaetus (Linnaeus) ( Accipitriformes : Pandionidae ) from Germany ( Nitzsch 1818) and recorded from the same host all over the world ( Philips 2000), including Colombia (Dept. Antioquia, Medellín) ( Parra-Henao et al. 2011).

Remark. The record of this species from Ramphastos vitellinus citreolaemus (Gould) ( Piciformes : Ramphastidae ) given by Parra-Henao et al. (2011) is almost certainly a contamination. According to Atyeo and Gaud (1981) P. fuscus is strictly associated with P. haliaetus .

Atyeo, W. T. & Gaud, J. (1981) The subfamilies of the Avenzoariidae (Acari: Analgoidea). Journal of Medical Entomology, 18, 341 - 344.

Nitzsch, C. L. (1818) Acarina, Acarus. In: Ersch, J. S. & Gruber, J. G. (Eds). Allgemeine Enzyclopadie der Wissenschaften und Kunste. Leipzig, pp. 246 - 252.

Parra-Henao, G., Alarcon-Pineda, E. P., Lopez-Valencia, G., Ramirez-Monroy, D. & Jaramillo-Crespo, G. E. (2011) Deteccion de ectoparasitos en aves silvestres evaluadas en Medellin (Colombia). Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 24, 29 - 37.

Philips, J. R. (2000) A review and checklist of the parasitic mites (Acarina) of the Falconiformes and Strigiformes. Journal of the Raptor Research, 34, 210 - 231.