Satonius Endrödy-Younga, 1997

Hájek, Jiří & Fikáček, Martin, 2008, A review of the genus Satonius (Coleoptera: Myxophaga: Torridincolidae): taxonomic revision, larval morphology, notes on wing polymorphism, and phylogenetic implications, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 48 (2), pp. 655-676 : 659-662

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5341906

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scientific name

Satonius Endrödy-Younga, 1997


Satonius Endrödy-Younga, 1997

Satonius ENDRÖDY- YOUNGA, 1997: 317 (original description; gender masculine).

Type species: Delevea kurosawai Satô, 1982 (by original designation).

Description. Modified from SATÔ (1982), and ENDRÖDY- YOUNGA (1997).

Body evenly ovate. Coloration black, ventral part somewhat lighter, brownish. Integument microsculptured, reticulation composed of moderately deeply impressed isodiametric polygonal meshes. Entire surface covered with short semi-erected setae, without discernible basal punctures. Female without conspicuous differences from male (except for morphology of abdominal segments VIII-IX and genitalia).

Head. Frons gently and evenly convex; without dorsal impressions. Eyes moderately large, coarsely facetted, separated by 3.5-4.0× of width of one eye. Clypeus transverse, ca. 2.5× as broad as long. Frontoclypeal suture finely traced. Labrum about 1.5-1.6× as broad as long, with long stiff setae along anterior margin.Antennae inserted in front of eyes. Antenna with 11 antennomeres, short, club-shaped. Scapus robust; pedicel smaller, stout; antennomeres III-X compact, distinctly transverse; antennomere XI long, about 3× longer than preceding antennomere, bearing a few papillae at apex. Mandibles with movable subapical tooth and cutting tooth. Maxilla with galea and lacinia fused to mala. Maxillary palps trimerous, with clubbed palpomeres; palpomere I shortest, palpomere III longest, about 2× as long as palpomeres I-II combined. Submentum fused with head capsule, mentum slightly longer than broad. Labial palps short, bimerous; palpomere I long, palpomere II very small. Gula distinct, elongate.

Prothorax. Pronotum trapezoid, transverse, broadest at base, 2× as broad as long. Posterolateral angles truncate, covered by humeral angles. Sides of pronotum narrowly to broadly bordered; anterior and posterior margins slightly sinuate. Pronotal disc with short and very fine median sagittal furrow. Prosternum with crenulate anterior margin. Prosternal process broad with arcuate apical margin.

Mesothorax. Scutellar shield small, triangular. Elytra broadest in basal two fifths, lacking striae, lateral margin at least basally with well visible rim. Epipleuron with large basal cavity; wide in anterior half, then abruptly narrowing and narrow in posterior half. Mesoventrite narrow, its anterior margin receding for reception of prosternal process; mesocoxal line well defined.

Metathorax. Metaventrite large, with anterolateral margin projecting into a spine along mesocoxal cavity. Hind wing reduced to small, slightly sclerotized scale-like structure ( S. kurosawai ), membranous but small with reduced venation ( S. schoenmanni sp. nov.), or fully developed ( S. stysi sp. nov., S. wangi sp. nov.). Wing venation (based on S. stysi sp. nov., Fig. 5 View Fig ): ScA bulge long, relatively narrow. Anterior margin PC+C broad near wing base. ScP weak, concavely arched in basal 0.15, then fused with anterior margin and RA into radial bar. RA thin and weak up to basal 0.15, then joining radial bar. Distal tip of RA 1+2 diverging from anterior margin. Radian bar before wing midlength reinforced posteriorly by sclerotized strip. RP 3+4 weakly indicated distally from tip of folding triangle. RA 3 weakly sclerotized, long, reaching anterior wing margin. Pigmented pterostigma absent, replaced by weakly sclerotized, slightly darker area between anterior margin, radial bar, RA 3+4 and RA 3. RA 4 weakly sclerotized, broad, concavely curved, ending above wing apex. RP thin and weak, ending at basal 0.3. RP 2 weakly sclerotized, dark, almost straight, directed towards but not reaching posteroapical wing margin. RP 3+4 limited to a short and disconnected pigmented strip in membrane posteriorly from RP 2. Cross-vein r1 well developed, bifurcated anteriorly (probably at meeting point with reduced basal portion of RA 3+4) and partly reduced posteriorly. MP 1+2 thick and strongly sclerotized, with median hinge in distal 0.65 of its length. Oblongum closed, with short spur of MP 1+2 projecting from its postero-distal corner. MP 3+4 base, MP 3+4 +CuA 1+2 followed by MP 4 +CuA 1+2 weakly preserved but distinct. Cu thick and strongly sclerotized basally; CuP reduced. CuA forked into weak CuA 1+2, broadly interrupted by a fold proximally, and fused first to MP 3+4, then to MP 4 distally, and finally to strongly sclerotized, curved CuA 3+4 ending on AA 3. AA 3+4 thick, sclerotized, forked into long and strong AA 3 reaching posterior margin of wing and short, weak AA 4. AP forked basally into thicker and pigmented AP 1+2 curved towards posterior margin of wing at about midlength of anal fold, and thin and weak AP 3+4 running along entire posterior margin of anal lobe. Wing margin fringed by sparsely arranged, moderately long setae. Wings reduced in S. kurosawai and S. schoenmanni sp. nov. (see their respective descriptions).

Legs rather short and flattened. Pro- and mesocoxae suboval, metacoxae transverse; pro- and mesotrochanters subtriangular, metatrochanter elongate; femora stout; tibiae elongated, with four rows of setigerous punctures and apical cluster of spines; tarsi tetramerous, tarsomeres I-II very short, tarsomere IV distinctly longer than tarsomeres I-III combined; tarsomeres I-III with two setae ventro-apically; tarsomere IV with one seta ventrally; claws curved and slightly dilated basally.

Abdomen with five visible ventrites. Ventrite I (= sternite III) depressed laterally to receive metafemora, anteriorly with long and acute process separating metacoxae. Posterior margin of each ventrite finely crenulate. Male sternite VIII subdivided, tergite VIII with longitudinal cleft at apex. Female tergite VIII deeply emarginate at apex. Male tergite IX rounded at apex, with elongated paraprocts.

Male external genitalia. Aedeagus well sclerotized. Median lobe simple, gently tapered, usually slightly curved in lateral view. Phallobase large. Parameres short and slender, bearing 3-6 long setae apically and a group of rounded pores (most probably campaniform sensilla) at base.

Female external genitalia. Coxites elongate with rounded apex, without styli; vulva sclerotized, ring-shaped.

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