Trichilia martiana C.DC.

Pennington, Terence D., 2016, Systematic Treatment Of American Trichilia (Meliaceae), Phytotaxa 259 (1), pp. 18-162 : 36-38

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.259.1.5

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Trichilia martiana C.DC.


3. Trichilia martiana C.DC. View in CoL in Mart., Fl. Bras. 11(l): 205 (1878); T. D.Penn. & Styles, Fl. Neotrop. 28: 58 (1981). Type:— BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: near Cuiaba, near Cajú , fl., Riedel s.n. (holotype, LE; isotypes G-DC, K, LE, P). Map 3

For synonymy see FN 28: 58 (1981). Illustration: FN 28: 53, fig. 5 (1981).

Abbreviated Description. Indumentum of simple hairs, leaflets 7–9, opposite, mostly 10–17 cm long, 3.5–7.1 cm broad, oblanceolate or cuneiform, inflorescence mostly 7–20 cm long, usually a slender panicle, petals (4–)5(–6), free, 2.5–4 mm long, imbricate, filaments fused 1/4 to 1/2 their length, anthers 8–10, hairy, nectary a small annulus below the ovary, ovary 2–3-locular, locules with 2 collateral ovules, fruit 0.9–1.3 cm long, 2–3-valved, ovoid to globose, drying trigonous, granular-papillose mixed with short hairs, 2 collateral seeds in each valve; seed surrounded by a fleshy arillode.

Distribution & Ecology. Southern Mexico (Pacific and Atlantic drainage) through Central America to northern South America and coastal Brazil, also in the Windward Islands ( St. Vincent). Ecologically variable and present in tropical deciduous and subdeciduous forest in Central America, and in lowland and lower montane rain forest elsewhere.

Representative Additional Collections. MEXICO. Oaxaca: Pochutla, San Carlos (NW1596), Torres & Cedillo 673 (NY). Tabasco: Dos Montes (NW1792), Ascéncio et al. 112 (MEXU). Veracruz: Município San Andres Tuxtla, Estación Biológica Tropical Los Tuxtlas (NW1895), Trigos et al. 1 (K).

MAP 3. Distribution of Trichilia martiana C.DC. Solid dots, distribution pre-1981, open dots new records 1981–2010.

GUATEMALA. Escuintla: between Palin and El Quetzal de Piedra (NW1490), Castillo ISF 599 (K). Guatemala: Amatitlán, Rio Michatoya (NW1490), Castillo 1382 (K). Izabal: Lago de Izabal, Enseñada Los Lagartos (NW1589), Stevens et al. 25298 (K).

BELIZE. Toledo: Don Owen-Lewis Farm, adjacent to Big Fall Estate (NW1688), Davidse et al. 35581 (K).

HONDURAS. Comayagua: Município San Sebastian (NW1487), Medina 156 (K). Olancho: Município Juticalpa, road to La Union (NW1486), Davidse et al. 35412 (K).

EL SALVADOR. Ahuáchapan: San Benito, La Sellada (NW1389), M. & E. Sandoval 919 (K). Cuscatlán: Casco de la Cooperativa (NW1388), Grupo Ecológico Cantón La Bermuda 3209 (K). La Libertad: Bosque LAGU (NW1389), Renderos 495 (K). Santa Ana: Municipio Metapán, 1 km S of Metapán (NW1488), Linares 7557 (MEXU); San José Ingenio, P.N. Montecristo (NW1489), Martinez 614 (K).

NICARAGUA. Granada: road to Charco Muerto, 3 km E of Casa de Tejas (NW1185), Araquistain & Moreno 2823 (K).

COSTA RICA. Alajuela: Cantón de Upala, P.N. Guanacaste (NW1085), Quesada 302 (K). Guanacaste: Cantón de Bagaces, P.N. Palo Verde, Valle de Tempisque (NW1085), Chavarria 775 (K). Puntarenas: Cantón de Osa, R.F. Golfo Dulce (NW0883), Marín 505 (K). Limón: Almirante, (NW0983), Herrera 8432 (K). San José: Cantón de Mora , track to Zona Protectora El Rodeo (NW0984), Jimenez & Castro 1016 (K).

PANAMA. Bocas del Toro: Continental divide from road N of Fortuna-Chiriqui highway (NW0882), Croat & Grayum 60289 (K). Chiriqui: road between Fortuna Lake and Chiriqui Grande (NW0882), Croat & Grayum 59993 (K).

COLOMBIA. Antioquia: Município de Liborina, road Liborina to Sabanalarga (NW0675), Callejas 2211 (K).

VENEZUELA. Barinas: Reserva Forestal Caparo (NW0771), Meier 385 (K). Portuguesa: Distrito Guanare, Fundo El Chaparral (NW0969), Aymard & Cuello 5580 (K). Zulia: Distrito Colón, around Casigua el Cubo (NW0872), Bunting & Fucci 7810 (K).

SURINAM. Tumuc Humac Mts., Talouakem, upper Litani R. (NW0254), Acevedo-Rodriguez 5907 (K, NY).

FRENCH GUIANA. Massif des Emerillons (NW0353), Molino & Sabatier 2330 (CAY).

ECUADOR. Esmeraldas: Anchayacu, Eloy Alfaro, Mayronga (NW0079), Pennington et al. 14991 (K, QCNE). Manabí: Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserve (NW0079), J.L. Clark et al. 4249 (K). Pichincha: Centinela, 12 km E of Patricia Pilar (SW0079), Dodson et al. 14793 (K, NY).

BRAZIL. Amapá: Reserva INCRA, Rio Falsino (NW0151), Campbell et al. 14259 (K). Amazonas: Distrito Agropecuario, Reserva 1501 (km 41) (SW0259), Oliveira et al. 246 (NY). Bahia: Municipio Ilheus, Area do CEPEC (SW1439), Hage 2229 (K). Pará: Rio Anajas, Ilha do Marajo (SW0049), Rabelo et al. 3709 (NY). Rio de Janeiro: Município Silva Jardin (SW2242) , Araujo 3433 (K).

Note. At the time of writing the Flora Neotropica account, there was some doubt about the correctness of uniting the south east Brazilian T. martiana with the Central American T. cuneata , on account of their distinct distribution and a possible difference in arillode structure (see FN 28: 63 (1981)). However, recent collections show that their distribution is now much less distinct (Map 3) and that their arillode structure does not differ.


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