Hemolia matilei, BLAGODEROV & GRIMALDI, 2004

BLAGODEROV, VLADIMIR & GRIMALDI, DAVID, 2004, Fossil Sciaroidea (Diptera) in Cretaceous Ambers, Exclusive of Cecidomyiidae, Sciaridae, and Keroplatidae, American Museum Novitates 3433 (1), pp. 1-76 : 51

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/0003-0082(2004)433<0001:FSDICA>2.0.CO;2



persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Hemolia matilei

sp. nov.

Hemolia matilei View in CoL , new species

Figures 70, 71 View Figs , Plate 7B

DIAGNOSIS: Scutum densely setose; laterotergites setose; Sc rather long, ends at the level of M 3+4 and CuA fork base.

DESCRIPTION: Body length = 2.19 mm (holotype)/ 2.39 mm (paratype); wing length 1.49 mm (holotype)/ 2.21 mm (paratype). Head: Eyes setose. Occiput and frons densely setose. Three ocelli in straight line, middle one small; lateral one separated from eye margin by its own diameter. Flagellum 14­ segmented, flagellomeres cylindrical; length of flagellomeres about equal to their width. Clypeus setose. Palpi 4­segmented, basal segment small, penultimate and apical ones situated preapically, antepenultimate with round sensory pit on inner surface. Thorax: Scutum with long setae not arranged in distinct rows. Laterotergites with long setae. Scutellum protruding, with 6 pairs of long setae. Antepronotun and proepisternum with long setae. Wing rather wide, membrane without macrotrichia. Costa ends beyond tip of R 5 at one­fifth length between tips of R 5 and M 1. Sc ends in R at the level of M 3+4 and CuA fork base. R, R 1, and R 5 with setae dorsally. R 1 length 1.8Χ length of r­m. Crossvein r­m about the length of M3, with constriction in the middle. Length of M 1 and M 2 fork 5.3Χ length of M3. Legs: Tibial setae in rows. Tibial spur formula 1:2:2; mid and hind tibial spurs differ in length: inner spur 1.7Χ outer one. Fore leg basitarsomere shorter than tibia. Abdomen setose, with 6 visible segments, 7th and 8th ones small and retractable. Gonocoxites divided by complete suture ventrally. Male: Gonostyli large, triangular, flat, with inner, bilobed appendage. Aedeagus bilobate. Female: Eighth sternites triangular; 10th sternite with 4 dark, thick, wavy, blunt setae. Cerci 2­segmented, round­ ed, flat; apical segment 0.24Χ basal one, semicircular.

MATERIAL: Holotype AMNH B­0132, male; paratype AMNH B­0133a, female. Myanmar: Katchin , from amber mines near Myitkyina.

ETYMOLOGY: The species epithet is a patronym in honor of the late Professor Loïc Matile, a world authority on Sciaroidea , who was also very generous and helpful to both authors.


American Museum of Natural History















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