Vaccinium (Argent, 2019)

Tamayo, Maverick, Fernando, Edwino & Fritsch, Peter, 2023, VACCINIUM COARCTATUM (ERICACEAE), AN ULTRAMAFIC-OBLIGATE NEW SPECIES FROM THE DWARF FOREST OF MOUNT REDONDO, DINAGAT ISLAND, PHILIPPINES, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 80 (1960), pp. 1-12 : 9

publication ID 10.24823/EJB.2023.1960

persistent identifier

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scientific name



Key to the small-leaved Vaccinium View in CoL in the Philippines

1a. Leaf margin entire; leaf marginal glands one or two pairs confined near leaf base ___ 2

1b. Leaf margin crenulate; leaf marginal glands more than two pairs distributed along the length of leaf margin ______________________________________________________________ 3

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