Sadala velox Simon, 1880

Rheims, Cristina A. & Jäger, Peter, 2022, Revalidation of the genus Sadala Simon, 1880 with the description of a new genus of Neotropical huntsman spiders (Araneae, Sparassidae), Zootaxa 5135 (1), pp. 1-80 : 23-25

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5135.1.1

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persistent identifier

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scientific name

Sadala velox Simon, 1880


Sadala velox Simon, 1880 comb. rest.

Figs 5–11 View FIGURES 5–8 View FIGURES 9–12 , 72–82 View FIGURES 72–77 View FIGURES 78–82 , 89 View FIGURES 89–90

Sadala velox Simon, 1880: 325 (1 male, 3 female syntypes from Pebas   GoogleMaps [‑3.3167, ‑71.8167], Loreto, Peru, MNHN 1134 About MNHN , examined).

Sparassus velox: Simon 1897: 35 .

Olios velox: Simon 1903a: 1020 View in CoL ; Petrunkevitch 1911: 503; Jäger 2020: 81 (misplaced in Olios View in CoL ).

Additional material examined. FRENCH GUIANA: 1♀, Parc Amazonien de Gyuane, Mount Itoupé [3.5500, ‑53.5500], 15–30 March 2010, V. Vedel leg. ( MNHN) GoogleMaps . BRAZIL: Roraima: 1♀, Alto Alegre, Aldeia Halikatu‑U ( Yanomami ) (3.2251, -63.1990), 20–10 April 2005, C. Kirsch leg. ( IBSP 55487 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Rondônia: 1♂, 7♀, Usina Hidrelétrica de Samuel [‑8.7500, ‑63.4500], December 1988, Equipe Butantan leg. ( IBSP 6628 View Materials , 6637 View Materials , 6641 View Materials , 6629 View Materials , 6652 View Materials , 6644 View Materials , 6623 View Materials , 6615 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Porto Velho [‑2.5519, ‑56.2247], Mutum, 30 August 2010, Equipe Jirau leg. ( MZSP 35130 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, same locality as previous specimen, Abunã (transecto 10), 18 March 2011, M.C. Silveira, R. Y. Lemos & S. Outeda‑Jorge leg. ( MZSP 40184 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, same locality as previous specimen, 14 March 2011, M.C. Silveira, R. Y. Lemos & S. Outeda‑Jorge leg. ( MZSP 40185 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, same locality as previous specimen, Abunã (transecto 11), 3 September 2010, Equipe Jirau leg. ( MZSP 35356 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, same locality as previous specimen, Abunã (transecto 9), 1 September 2010, M. Silveira leg. ( MZSP 34550 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, same locality as previous specimen, Caiçara (transecto 1), 23 November 2010, R. Y. Lemos leg. ( MZSP 37048 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, same locality as previous specimen, Caiçara (transecto 1), 1 March 2010, A.A. Nogueira leg. ( MZSP 33349 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, same locality as previous specimen, Caiçara (transecto 3), 27 August 2010, R. Y. Lemos leg. ( MZSP 34732 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, same locality as previous specimen, Caiçara (transecto 3), 7 August 2010, S. Outeda Jorge leg. ( MZSP 34862 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; Acre: 1♂, Manoel Urbano, Parque Estadual do Chandless (‑9.4081, ‑69.9292), 23–25 November 2010, W.E.F. Morato leg. ( UFMG 6180 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 2♂, 6♀, Senador Guiomard, Reserva Extrativista de Catuaba [‑10.0667, ‑67.6167], 2000–2002, E. Morato leg. ( IBSP 87538 View Materials , 87535 View Materials , 87528 View Materials , 87531 View Materials , 87537 View Materials , 87536 View Materials , 87533 View Materials , 87529 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, 2♀, Rio Branco, Estação Experimental Catuaba (‑10.0733, ‑67.6239), January–April 2011, M. R. B. Andrade leg. ( UFMG 10167 View Materials , 10169 View Materials , 10166 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . PERU: Huanuco: 1♀, ACP Panguana, Rio Yuyapichis (-9.6167, -74.9333), 1–21 May 2015, F. Wachtel & E.-G. Burmeister leg. ( MUSM) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Males of S. velox resemble those of S. keyserlingi ( Figs 24–26 View FIGURES 24–29 ) by the palp with cymbium bearing a dorsal proximal hook-shaped projection (DpP, Fig. 74 View FIGURES 72–77 ). They are distinguished from the latter species by the RTA short, two times longer than wide, not surpassing proximal margin of alveolus, with the same width throughout ( Fig. 73 View FIGURES 72–77 ) (RTA long, more than three times longer than wide, surpassing proximal margin of alveolus, distally spoon-shaped in S. keyserlingi ). Females resemble those of S. nigristernis ( Figs 38–40 View FIGURES 35–40 ) by the epigyne with MS roughly trapezoid, widest anteriorly ( Fig. 75 View FIGURES 72–77 ). They are distinguished from the latter species by the MS as long as wide and margins of CO roughly longitudinal ( Fig. 75 View FIGURES 72–77 ) (MS two times longer than wide and margins of CO oblique in S. nigristernis ).

Redescription. Male (MZSP 34550): Total length 13.4. Prosoma: 6.1 long, 5.7 wide. Opisthosoma: 7.0 long, 4.0 wide. Eyes: diameters: 0.56, 0.41, 0.30, 0.39; interdistances: 0.23, 0.07, 0.53, 0.53, 0.34, 0.20. Legs: I: 34.1 (9.4, 3.2, 9.0, 10.0, 2.5); II: 36.0 (10.1, 3.4, 9.5, 10.5, 2.5); III: 25.7 (7.8, 2.7, 6.5, 6.7, 2.0); IV: 28.9 (8.5, 2.6, 7.5, 8.0, 2.3). Spination follows the generic pattern except tibia III: d1-0-1; patella IV: p1. Palp: RTA two times longer than wide, concave, distally blunt; PTA triangular, as long as wide; subtegulum visible prolaterally in ventral view; tegulum oval; conductor 3.5 times longer than wide, surpassing the anterior margin of alveolus by 1/3 its length; embolus arising from tegulum at 5:30–6 o’clock position ( Figs 72–74 View FIGURES 72–77 , 78–80 View FIGURES 78–82 ).

Female (MZSP 34862): Total length 17.7. Prosoma: 7.5 long, 6.8 wide. Opisthosoma: 9.5 long, 5.5 wide. Eyes: diameters: 0.55, 0.42, 0.35, 0.45; interdistances: 0.45, 0.30, 0.75, 0.73, 0.40, 0.32. Legs: I: 31.0 (8.7, 3.6, 7.9, 8.6, 2.2); II: 32.4 (9.4, 3.7, 8.5, 8.5, 2.3); III: 23.8 (7.4, 3.0, 5.7, 5.9, 1.8); IV: 26.4 (8.1, 2.8, 6.5, 7.0, 2.0). Spination follows the generic pattern. Epigyne: EF as long as wide; MAB inconspicuous; TP as wide as long ( Figs 75 View FIGURES 72–77 , 81 View FIGURES 78–82 ). Vulva: FW antero-mediad; GP longer than wide, arising from ducts at second turn; SP spherical; FD antero-laterad ( Figs 76–77 View FIGURES 72–77 , 82 View FIGURES 78–82 ).

Variation. Males (n = 10): total length 11.0–14.5; prosoma length 5.0–6.2; femur I length 8.3–9.6. Females (n = 10): total length 15.4–22.8; prosoma length 7.1–8.8; femur I length 7.8–10.2.

Distribution. North and northwestern South America (French Guyana, Brazil and Peru) ( Fig. 89 View FIGURES 89–90 )


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile














Sadala velox Simon, 1880

Rheims, Cristina A. & Jäger, Peter 2022

Olios velox: Simon 1903a: 1020

Jager, P. 2020: 81
Petrunkevitch, A. 1911: 503
Simon, E. 1903: 1020

Sparassus velox:

Simon, E. 1897: 35

Sadala velox

Simon, E. 1880: 325
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