Lomaria Willdenow (1809: 160)

Dittrich, Vinícius Antonio De Oliveira, Salino, Alexandre, Monteiro, Reinaldo & Gasper, André Luís De, 2018, The fern genera Lomaria, Lomariocycas, and Parablechnum (Blechnaceae, Polypodiopsida) in southern and southeastern Brazil, Phytotaxa 362 (3), pp. 245-262 : 246-247

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.362.3.1

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Lomaria Willdenow (1809: 160)


1. Lomaria Willdenow (1809: 160) View in CoL .— Lectotype (designated by Smith (1875: 303)): Lomaria nuda ( Labillardière

1806: 96) Willdenow (1810: 289)

For a complete description of the genus, see Gasper et al. (2016).

Only one species in the study region, Lomaria spannagelii .

Lomaria spannagelii (Rosenst.) Gasper & V.A.O.Dittrich View in CoL in Gasper et al. (2016: 211). Blechnum spannagelii Rosenstock (1907: 93) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Santa Catarina: Lages, 1906, Spannagel 86 [Rosenstock, Filices austrobrasilienses, no. 238] (holotype S05- 9983, isotypes B 20 0033381, HB, NY00814248 (photo), NY00149785 (photo), P00627635, P00627636, P00627637, P00627640, P00627642, US 00067446 (photo), W19090010308 (photo)). Fig. 1A–E View FIGURE 1 .

Blechnum spannagelii f. pectinata Rosenst (1907: 94) View in CoL . Type:— BRAZIL. Santa Catarina, Lages, 1906, Spannagel 86.1 [Rosenstock, Filices austrobrasilienses, no. 238] (holotype S05-9983, isotypes B 20 0033382, HBR0054989, NY00149786 (photo), P00627635, P00627636, P00627640, UC441972 (photo), US 00067446 (photo), W19090010308 (photo)).

Plants terrestrial; rhizomes erect, massive, forming a caudex, stoloniferous, the scales proximally golden, distally nigrescent with pale margins and some golden with a dark central stripe, linear, 13–23 × 1.5–1.9 mm (at center), the golden scales generally larger, margins entire; fronds dimorphic, the fertile ones a bit longer and more erect than the sterile, 66–153 cm long, the sterile 57–126 cm long; stipes stramineous, variously longer or shorter in both types of fronds, of sterile fronds 5.2–29 cm long, 4–11 mm diam., scaly throughout, the scales similar to those on rhizomes, except for some smaller (ca. 4.5 mm long), lanceolate scales, of fertile fronds 11.6–27 cm long, 3.7–7.9 mm diam.; sterile blades 52–112 × 17–33 cm, chartaceous, mainly pinnate, distally pinnatisect, with linear and amorphous scales abaxially on costae and veins, discolorous when dried, oblanceolate, gradually reduced to apices and bases, proximally with vestigial pinnae; fertile blades 59–101 × 7.5–10.3 cm, pinnate, linear to narrowly oblanceolate, gradually reduced proximally to vestigial, sterile pinnae; rachises glabrous on both sides or sparsely covered with short, pluricellular hairs abaxially; sterile pinnae 39–60 pairs excluding the vestigial ones, 8.6–17 × 0.9–1.5 cm, mostly ascending, the basal ones patent to slightly reflexed, completely adnate, distally sursumcurrent, linear, margins entire, plane, apices obtuse, acute, or acuminate, fertile pinnae ca. 15 pairs, 2.3–5.4 mm × 1.3–1.5 mm, linear to more or less rounded (short and with spreading sporangia), strongly contracted; veins free, 1 × –2 × forked, rarely simple (and only distally), with slightly clavate ends, terminating on the margins.

Distribution and habitat:— Brazil (Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo [first record], Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul). A Brazilian endemic restricted to cooler areas of the Atlantic Forest, growing from 400 m to 1,850 m (400 –1,000 m in the south, 1,000 –1,850 m in the southeast). Individuals of the species grow in two types of vegetation (tropical rainforests and Araucaria forests), and are very common along streams especially in Araucaria forests, as well as in areas with flooded soils. Plants can be found also on degraded areas such as along trails, roads, and forest margins. The species is common in high elevation areas and, accordingly, is not threatened.

Comments:— Among the species of the study region, only two can be confused with L. spannagelii , namely Neoblechnum brasiliense ( Desvaux 1811: 30) Gasper & V.A.O. Dittrich in Gasper et al. (2016: 214) and Lomariocycas schomburgkii (Klotzsch) Gasper & A.R. Sm. To differentiate it from N. brasiliense , see Dittrich et al. (2017). From L. schomburgkii , it can be distinguished by many features, among them the rhizome and stipe scales (golden at the base, nigrescent distally in L. spannagelii , all tan with darker center in L. schomburgkii ), frond texture (chartaceous in L. spannagelii , coriaceous in L. schomburgkii ), form of distal pinnae (the acroscopic side fully adnate and decurrent on rachis in L. spannagelii , the acroscopic side free from the rachis or, when adnate, not decurrent in L. schomburgkii ), grooves on rachises and stipes (deep in L. spannagelii , shallow in L. schomburgkii ), color of the fronds (strongly discolorous in L. spannagelii , not or weakly discolorous in L. schomburgkii ), and venation (veins clearly visible in L. spannagelii , obscure in L. schomburgkii ).

Additional specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Aiuruoca, Rio Aiuruoca , 13 March 1989, Salino 657 ( UEC) ; Alto Caparaó, Parque Nacional do Caparaó, caminho para Macieira , 29 April 1989, Salino et al. s.n. ( UEC 57666 About UEC ) ; ibidem, Macieira , 29 April 1989, Krieger et al. s.n. ( CESJ 24220 ) ; Baependi, Parque Estadual da Serra do Papagaio , estrada próximo a ponte da sede, 22°08’46.1”S, 44°44’23”W, 1647 m, 23 July 2010, Souza et al. 948 ( CESJ) GoogleMaps ; Camanducaia, Sítio São João do Canta Galo , 22°42’50”S, 45°56’12”W, 1800–1900 m, 21 June 2000, Salino 5634 ( BHCB, HRCB) GoogleMaps ; idem, Patrimônio São Domingos, estrada para o Cantagalo , 22°42’41”S, 45°55’50”W, ca. 1750 m, 29 March 2001, Salino 6397 & Melo ( BHCB, HRCB) GoogleMaps ; Delfim Moreira, Fazenda da Onça (área militar), trilha saindo da sede da Fazenda para cachoeira, 22°36’34”S, 45°20’51”W, 1725 m, 15 March 2011, Giacomin et al. 1348 ( CESJ) GoogleMaps ; Marmelópolis , picada para o pico dos Marins, entre 22°30’ e 22°31’S e 45°08’30” e 45°09’30”W, ca. 1400 m, 03 April 2002, Dittrich 1143 ( HRCB) GoogleMaps ; Passa Quatro , Sertão dos Martins, 1400 m, 10 May 1948, Brade 19062 & Silva Araújo (K, RB) ; Poços de Caldas, rodovia BR-146 (MG-28), Poços de Caldas-Andradas , ca. 9 km da cidade, ca. 46°34’W, 21°47’S, ca. 1250 m, 16 June 1995, Pietrobom-Silva 1975 ( SJRP) GoogleMaps ; Sapucaí Mirim, Propriedade da Klabin, 19 August 2001, Dittrich et al. 932 ( HRCB). Unknown municipality: Christina , August 1912, Luederwaldt 1922 ( SP). Espírito Santo: Ibitirama , Parque Nacional do Caparaó , base da Pedra Roxa, ao longo do rio Pedra Roxa , 20°23’30”S, 41°44’17.6”W, 1140 m, 13 September 2008, Salino et al. 13893 ( BHCB). Rio de Janeiro: Itatiaia, Trilha entre os Abrigos Macieira e Abrigo Massenas, Parque Nacional do Itatiaia , 1800, 10 November 19 93, Sylvestre 923 ( RB) GoogleMaps ; Petrópolis, Correas, Vale Bonfim , 1200 m, 15 January 1976, Barcia 899 (R). Unknown municipality: September 1876, Glaziou 9942 (K) ; near Rio, November 1879, Glaziou 11698 (K). São Paulo: Bananal, estrada de acesso à Estação Ecológica de Bananal , ca. 1000 m, 16 September 2001, Dittrich et al. 969 ( HRCB) ; Campos do Jordão, Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão, próximo a entrada da trilha do rio Sapucaí , 07 June 1992, Salino s.n. ( BHCB 29690 , UEC 90239 About UEC ) ; ibidem, trilha do Rio Sapucaí , 22 March 1996, Prado 825 & Marcelli ( SP) ; ibidem, trilha da Cachoeira da Celestina , 22°42’S, 45°28’W, 27 November 2001, Dittrich 1071 & Mantovani ( HRCB). Unknown municipality: Bocaina, April 1894, Loefgren s.n. (SP 21688, SPF 94520 ). Paraná: Colombo, 01 December 1972, Dombrowski 4442 & Kuniyoshi ( MBM, PACA) GoogleMaps ; Lapa, Johanisdorf , 12 December 1972, Hatschbach 30981 ( MBM) ; Palmeira, Fazenda Santa Rita , 28 January 1981, Dombrowski 12437 & Scherer ( MBM) ; Piraí do Sul, Tijuco Preto, 27 March 1974, Kummrow 430 ( MBM, PACA). Unknown municipality: Curitiba-Estrada Federal Rio Negro , 12 km do centro da cidade, 27 December 1950, Tessmann s.n. ( MBM 4717 ). Santa Catarina: Alfredo Wagner, 08 January 1982, Hornung s.n. ( ICN 51831 ) ; Anitápolis , 28 December 1951, Reitz 4534 (HB, HBR, PACA) ; Biguaçu , 400 m, 16 January 1945, Reitz 1372 (K) ; Lages , 950 m, 10 January 1951, Sehnem 5533 ( PACA) ; Nova Trento, Pinheiral , 700 m, 13 January 1948, Sehnem 3103 ( MBM, PACA) ; São Joaquim, Rodovia de acesso a cidade, 28°21’39”S, 49°59’16”W, 9 April 2010, Salino et al. 14788 ( FURB) GoogleMaps ; Unknown municipality, 04 April 1905, Spannagel s.n. (SP 21719, SPF 94510 ). Rio Grande do Sul: Bom Jesus, Passo da Guarda , ad flumen Uruguay supremum, 900 m, 17/II/1952, Sehnem 5866 ( PACA) ; ibidem, 21 February 1952, Sehnem 5828 ( PACA) ; idem, Potreirinhos , 15/I/1963, Camargo 3848 ( PACA) ; idem, Fazenda Caraúna, s.d., Dutra 277 ( ICN, R) ; Cambará do Sul, Parque Nacional dos Aparados da Serra , 22 June 1980, Waechter 1619 ( ICN) ; idem, Faxinal , March1986, Sobral et al. 5033 ( ICN) ; Caxias do Sul, Vale do Rio Joá, Vila Oliva , 400 m, 17 January 1947, Sehnem 2541 ( PACA) ; Esmeralda , 11 December 1982, Bueno s.n. ( ICN 88272 ) ; Garibaldi , arredores da cidade, 29 July 1962, Camargo 3728 ( PACA) ; São Francisco de Paula , 900 m, 19/XII/1949, Sehnem 4123 ( PACA) ; Vacaria, Passo do Socorro, ad flumen Uruguay superius, 800 m, 28/I/1951, Sehnem 5745 ( PACA). Unknown municipality: Arroio das Capoeiras, Aparados da Serra, 1000 m, 16 January 1942, Sehnem 869 ( PACA) ; 15km além Tainhas , direção de Taimbézinho, 07 February 1966, Sick B-861 (K) ; Itaimbezinho , 06 September 1982, Bueno s.n. ( ICN 88310 ) .


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Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals


Instituto Anchietano de Pesquisas/UNISINOS


Universidade Regional de Blumenau


Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Museo de Historia Natural












Lomaria Willdenow (1809: 160)

Dittrich, Vinícius Antonio De Oliveira, Salino, Alexandre, Monteiro, Reinaldo & Gasper, André Luís De 2018

Blechnum spannagelii

Rosenstock 1907: 93

Blechnum spannagelii f. pectinata

Rosenst 1907: 94
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF