Coriaripites Sat.K.Srivast.

Renner, Susanne S., Barreda, Viviana D., Tellería, María Cristina, Palazzesi, Luis & Schuster, Tanja M., 2020, Early evolution of Coriariaceae (Cucurbitales) in light of a new early Campanian (ca. 82 Mya) pollen record from Antarctica, TAXON 69 (1), pp. 87-99 : 96

publication ID 10.1002/tax.12203


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Coriaripites Sat.K.Srivast.


Coriaripites Sat.K.Srivast.

in Santapau, J. Sen Memorial Volume: 49–50. 1969 –

Type: C. alienus Sat.K.Srivast.

Comments on the genus. – Srivastava (1969) erected Coriaripites to include brevitricolporate pollen grains similar to those of extant Coriaria . Even though the presence of a fastigium and tetracolporate aperture type were not mentioned in the diagnosis of Coriaripites , we provisionally place our fossil pollen grains in this taxon because they exhibit most of its morphological features. The only genera similar to Coriaripites are Sohlipollis , defined by Christopher & al. (1999) to include brevicolporate, oblate pollen grains with well-defined colpi costae, and Porocolpopollenites , defined by Thomson & Pflug (1953) to accommodate tricolporate, vestibulate, and smooth pollen grains. According to Potonié, the latter is an earlier synonym of Symplocoipollentites Potonié (1951).

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