Doddifoenus wallacei Burks & Krogmann

Krogmann, Lars & Burks, Roger A., 2009, Doddifoenus wallacei, a new giant parasitoid wasp of the subfamily Leptofoeninae (Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae), with a description of its mesosomal skeletal anatomy and a molecular characterization, Zootaxa 2194, pp. 21-36 : 24-30

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Plazi (2016-04-19 21:43:27, last updated 2024-11-28 15:28:02)

scientific name

Doddifoenus wallacei Burks & Krogmann

sp. nov.

Doddifoenus wallacei Burks & Krogmann , sp. n.

Diagnosis. Metasomal tergites without white spots ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 A). Antenna without white flagellomeres ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 D). Mesoscutellum with a faint mesal channel ( Figs 3 View FIGURE 3 E, 4A). Parastigma of forewing without a sclerotized spur at origin of basal vein. Profemur with a distinct unsocketed ventral spine ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 C).

Specimens examined. Holotype ♀: THAILAND. Songkhla: Thale Ban National Park, Nam Tok Ton Pliu, 100m, 7°00´02´´N 100°14´07´´E, 17.ii.2005, D.Yanega. (UCRC, accession no. 104069). 2 paratype ♀♀: same data as holotype (UCRC, accession nos. 104070, 142549). 1 paratype ♂: same data as before, but collected by G. Ballmer (UCRC, accession no. 142548). 1 paratype ♀: LAOS. Khammouane: Ban Khounkham [Khun Kham] (Nahin), 300m, 18°13´027´´ N 104°30´880´´E, 3–, disturbed primary rainforest, A. Solodovniknov & J. Pedersen (ZMUC). The paratype with the accession no. 142549 was used for morphological dissection and DNA extraction.

Etymology. Named in honour of Dr Alfred Russel Wallace , one of the most influential biologists of all time and co-founder of the theory of evolution by natural selection.

Description. Female ( Figs 1-5 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 ): Body length: 17.1–19.6 mm without ovipositor, 34.6–41.7 mm including ovipositor. All measurements below are given in millimeters.

Color: Head and body metallic blue, tending to greenish or purplish; ventral edges of metasomal tergites becoming brownish; ovipositor sheath with long white band subapically (tip of ovipositor sheath darkened); epipygium with white stripe along apex; eyes and ocelli brown or red-brown; ventral surface of scape creamy white along basal half to two-thirds, rest of antenna brown except apical four flagellomeres dark brown; all legs beyond coxae rusty brown, except metafemur mostly dark brown, rusty brown at the tip and base.

Head ( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 B,C; 3A) width 1.48–1.64, height 1.37–1.56, length 1.20–1.25; EH 1.11–1.20; EL 0.86–1.03; MS 0.19–0.22; TL 0.17–0.22; MW 0.75–0.89; POL 0.25–0.31; OOL 0.03–0.04; dorsal IOD 0.53–0.59; ventral IOD (from one malar sulcus base to the other) 0.94–1.00; bottom of toruli about one torular height above lower eye margin; ITD 0.09–0.11; VTD 0.86–0.94; MTD 0.16–0.22; median ocellus within scrobal channel and lateral ocelli immediately posteriad end of the parascrobal crests; malar sulcus present but extremely faint and fine; ocular setae very short and sparse, almost not visible under normal stereoscope magnifications; setae of lower face highly variable. Most of head finely, transversely rugulose with underlying finely alveolate areas visible between rugulae, the rugulae usually subparallel but occasionally branching, except as follows: parascrobal area of head with raised cristae formed by 5 distinct carinate elevations, and with several smaller and less distinct carinae dorsad these; vertex with smooth area between the parascrobal crests from median ocellus to slightly beyond posterior limit of the crests; interantennal region with sharp carina between toruli reaching less than halfway to median ocellus; gena with smooth and bare area adjacent to eye, but the area gradually becoming setose posteriorly; occipital carina absent, although occiput relatively distinctly differentiated from vertex by an abrupt change in curvature and sculpture.

Clypeus not distinct, distance between anterior tentorial pits to mouth margin less than width of scape; clypeal margin broadly and shallowly concave, not distinct from curvature forming rest of the mouth margin. Labrum partially visible in non-dissected specimens, with thick golden setae ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 B). Mandible with an undivided cutting edge, with numerous long setae arising from contour that contacts mouth margin when mandibles are fully open. Antenna ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 D) with tip of scape reaching or slightly exceeding median ocellus height but not extending above vertex; F1 (anellus) without evident placoid or socketed sensilla but with a few tiny setae; all funicular segments cylindrical, with numerous rows of longitudinal sensilla and appressed dark setae; F9–F11 forming club, with a small micropilose region subapico-ventrally on F11. Length:width ratios of antennal segments as follows: scape (0.84–0.97:0.11–0.16), pedicel (0.20–0.27:0.09–0.11), F1 (0.08– 0.09:0.08–0.11), F2 (0.62–0.69:0.09–0.11), F3 (0.61–0.67:0.09–0.11), F4 (0.61–0.67:0.09–0.10), F5 (0.50– 0.58:0.09–0.10), F6 (0.39–0.42:0.11–0.12), F7 (0.23–0.26:0.12), F8 (0.20–0.25:0.12), F9 (0.27–0.30:0.16– 0.17), F10 (0.16:0.14–0.16), F11 (0.12:0.09–0.11).

Mesosoma ( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 A; 3B-F; 4; 5). Mesosoma mainly finely transversely rugulose with underlying finely alveolate areas visible between the rugulae. Pronotum with smooth area on lateral surface in posterior half ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 B). Pronotum length:width = 2.00–2.14:0.65–0.95, not differentiated into collum and collar, anteriorly very narrow, almost tonguelike, and with narrow hyaline rim, but gradually becoming broader and higher posteriorly with a slight dorsal concavity before posterior margin; pronotal incisions for mesothoracic spiracles not developed. Propleuron length: width = 1.40–1.50:0.30–0.36, medioventral margins straight and closely abutting along major part of propleura but diverging posteriorly and leaving most of prosternum exposed ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 D: s1); ventral surface sparsely pilose and mostly covered by coarse striae but with fine reticulation posteriorly; lateral surface also finely reticulate, but anterodorsal surface completely smooth; cervical prominence ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 C: cp) exposed at anterior margin of propleuron, anteriorly elongate and slightly upcurved, with three rows of short setae: one row along mesal ventral margin and two parallel rows extending ventrally from anterodorsal margin ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 C). Prosternum (total) length:width = 0.37–0.42:0.44–0.51; only anterior margin covered by propleura, posterior margin straight, carinate without median process ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 D); ventral prosternal surface slightly reticulate, pilose, completely divided by medial prodiscrimenal line.

Mesoscutum length:width = 1.22–1.45 (midlobe length only):1.26–1.54 (total width); sidelobe extending far past the apex of midlobe and forming a flange at tegula; anterior mesoscutal margin exposed, not overlapped by pronotum; with deep, foveolate notauli reaching transscutal articulation ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 A: not); transscutal articulation deep except for slight discontinuity at level of axillae lateral to notauli; parascutal carina upright in lateral view, posteriorly shifted and continuous with transscutal articulation; preaxilla extended posterodorsally, with anterior portion (covered by tegula) smooth and extended posterior portion reticulate ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 F: apx, ppx), only posterior portion covered with tiny setae and posterolaterally with long stalked setae. Mesoscutal midlobe more strongly rugulose in posterior half than anterior half, the sidelobes more uniformly strongly rugulose.

Mesoscutellar-axillar complex length:width = 1.17–1.39:0.78–0.89. Mesoscutellum mostly finely and densely alveolate except for occasional rugula extending from axilla, but with a shallow, broad, posteriorly narrower and shallower mesal longitudinal depression extending to frenal groove, the depression with finer alveolate sculpture than rest of mesoscutellum. Frenum with very fine and shallow sculpture, less alveolate than for rest of mesoscutellum. Axillae with dorsal surfaces large and abutting medially, finely transversely rugulose with underlying finely alveolate areas visible between rugulae except with nearly rectangular smooth depression anterolaterally ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 E: ax), the smooth depression bordered posteriorly by a carina that extends medially partly across the axillae; dorsal axillar surface with posterior half much more densely setose than anterior half, lateral panel of axilla mainly smooth, but with tiny punctures dorsally and with slight reticulation ventrally. Mesoscutellum with axillulae barely differentiated and with flat surface; frenum less than one tenth mesoscutellar length, with frenal line extremely shallow and abruptly arching posteriad at point where tiny posterior pair of mesoscutellar setae are positioned.

Prepectus ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 B: pre) greatly enlarged and fused with prospinasternum ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 B: pss), the line of fusion externally indicated by foveolate sulcus ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 B), and combined structure forming broad plate that is fused with mesepisternum posteromedially; lateral panel of prepectus closely abutting but not overlapping mesopleuron ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 A: pre); prepectus with scattered punctures, but prospinasternum striate anteriorly and smooth posteriorly. Posterior edge of mesopleuron (what may be mesepimeron) mostly smooth and bare, but with some rugae and setae in a middle strip that becomes broader dorsally. Mesopleural sulcus obscure, but marked by sunken area that is sculptured in dorsal half and smooth and broadened in ventral half. Transepimeral and transepisternal divisions not apparent. Acropleuron small, transverse without distinct margins (acropleural sulcus), the posteroventral margin indicated by round depression and surface striate; mesopleuron otherwise with smooth area below acropleuron, posterolaterally with fine reticulation, and anterolaterally and ventrally with tiny piliferous punctures; mesopleural sulcus, transepimeral sulcus and transepisternal sulcus absent externally; mesodiscrimenal line developed as shallow sulcus with mesofurcal pit just anterior to carinate mesotrochantinal plate; mesocoxal foramina completely enclosed by sclerotized cuticle.

Metanotum with metascutellum (=dorsellum) extremely shortened, forming a carina that is anteriorly and posteriorly bordered by row of foveolae; metascutellum laterally continuous with smooth metascutellar arms; metascutellar arms broad anterior with inconspicuous row of foveolae. Metapleuron (=lateral metepisternum) quadrangular with a curved dorsal margin, separated from propodeum by carina forming dorsal margin of foveolate sulcus extending from metacoxal foramen to anterior margin of metapectus; anteriorly with fine reticulation and conspicuous white pilosity, posteriorly with coarse irregular reticulation and reduced pilosity. Ventral metepisternum (=metasternum) greatly enlarged and separated by carina from metapleuron; with fine reticulation and pilosity laterally but medially bare with traces of reticulation and two submedian metafurcal pits close to anterior margin ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 F: f3p), the pits very close to each other within single depression. Propodeum length:width = 1.22–1.43:1.17–1.26, propodeal surface with strong and anastomose rugae ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 E), areas around spiracle less rugulose and more strongly alveolate; entire surface laterad postspiracular furrow densely alveolate; margin of propodeal foramen carinate ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 E); anterior edge of propodeum with a deep trough along width of metascutellum; with short tonguelike rim extending anteriorly partially over propodeal spiracle, the spiracle appearing elongate-ovoid in shape if rim ignored ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 E), ISD 0.80–0.86, spiracle about 1/3 propodeal length from anterior margin of propodeum; postspiracular furrow shallow and broad but complete to posterior margin of propodeum; nucha distinct but extremely short, not convex; propodeal callus divided into two sections: an anterior smooth region with numerous posteroclinate setae and a posterior alveolate region having a few long lateroclinate setae immediately posterior to the spiracle; propodeal foramen large, pear-shaped, dorsally extended to form high articulation point for metasoma ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 A).

Legs ( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 A; 5A,C). Coxae densely covered with white setae in contrast to nearly bare ventral surfaces of femora. Length to wide ratios of fore leg: CX1 0.90–0.98:0.31–0.36; FM1 1.79–2.06:0.23–0.28, TB1 1.65– 1.84:0.12–0.14. Profemur with an isolated, short, unsocketed spine preapically; protibia with a very small set of apical spinules extending on lateral side between protibial spur socket and tarsal socket, with an abruptly longer spinule nearest the spur dorsal surface of protibial apex with thick socketed spine, giving apex a trilobed appearance when viewed from above; protibial spur not cleft, without a fringe; basal protarsomere with a fine ventral fringe in area used for antennal grooming, but smooth immediately above fringe; 2nd protarsomere the longest, longer than apical three tarsomeres combined. Length to wide ratios of middle leg: CX2 0.70–0.90:0.39–0.51; FM2 2.14–2.44:0.14–0.22; TB2 2.45–2.75:0.10–0.15. Mesotibia with apical spinules of nearly equal length and not stout, and with a dorsal socketed spine as for protibia; mesotibial spur 0.23–0.27, simple and with only extremely short setae as viewed under stereoscope magnification; 2nd mesotarsomere the longest, all segments similar in proportion as protarsus. Length to wide ratios of hind leg: CX3 1.50–1.80; FM3 2.68–3.10; TB3 3.29–3.76:0.25–0.28 (apically). Metacoxa without dorsal groove or carina for accommodating metafemur, ventral surface of metacoxa much more finely sculptured and more alveolate than coarsely rugose dorsal surface; metatibia with a set of apical spinules medially of nearly equal length, 1st metatibial spur 0.27–0.31, 2nd metatibial spur 0.12–0.14, both simple and with only very tiny setae, 2nd metatarsomere the longest, with all metatarsomeres with similar proportions as protarsomeres.

Wings ( Figs 5 View FIGURE 5 B,D). Forewing length:width 6.5–7.5:1.5–1.69; tegula with some fine setae anteriorly but without spines; humeral plate with very few setae and no spines; costal cell length: width = 2.38–2.70:0.12– 0.15, without pigmented costal vein, bare dorsally but ventrally with one line of setae and an isolated seta near midlength posterior to setal line; without parastigmal sensilla or sclerotization of basal vein evident; marginal vein length:width = 1.12–1.33:0.08–0.10, with very weak setae; postmarginal vein curved and extending to just short of wing apex, length about 3.00–3.47; stigmal vein rhomboidal, with three or four uncal sensilla; basal cell bare; speculum present; cubital vein absent but position may be indicated by raised folds; fringe setae extremely short but present. Hind wing length:width = 3.41–3.85:0.59–0.69; basal plate without setae or spines; costal cell distinct; marginal vein sclerotized; three hamuli present; fringe setae present except for a short region starting at the hamuli and ending before the wing apex.

Metasoma ( Figs 2 View FIGURE 2 A; 5A). 1st metasomal tergite (petiole) length:width = 1.34–1.58:0.42–0.50, with several long lateral setae; rugae of petiole strong, anastomosing in anterior half but more parallel and rarely branching in posterior half; ventral surface with an irregular mesal keel. Second metasomal tergite shallowly coriaceous, the remaining tergites very finely and shallowly rugulose-alveolate; 2nd metasomal tergite the shortest, 5th metasomal tergite the longest, all metasomal tergites except the 1st and 6th–8th with a posterior incision mesally; cercal setae short and of about same length; epipygium (Mt9) length:width = 3.79–4.60, with curved or sinuate setae that become longer and more sinuate apically; ovipositor sheaths length about 17.50–22.13, with a tiny fringe of apical setae.

Male: Differs from female as follows: micropilose sensory area of antennal club much larger, comprising more than half ventral surface of F11; legs slightly darker, with metatibia much darker; 1st metasomal tergite with a posterior mesal incision similar to other tergites; 8th metasomal tergite separated from 7th by a very faint groove and with a pair of elongate, dark, sinuate setae at apex; genitalia with digital spines and a spine arising at base of each volsella.

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FIGURE 1. Doddifoenus wallacei sp. n. female paratype specimen in natural habitat (photographed by G. Ballmer).

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FIGURE 2. Doddifoenus wallacei sp. n. female paratypes. A. habitus, lateral view; B. head, anterior view; C. head, posterior view; D. antenna, lateral view. F 1 = first flagellomere.

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FIGURE 3. Doddifoenus wallacei sp. n. female paratypes. A. head, lateral view; B. prothorax, lateral view; C. anterior propectus, ventrolateral view; D. prothorax, ventral view; E. mesoscutellum, dorsal view; F. mesonotum, lateral view. apx = anterior portion of preaxilla, ax = axilla, cp = cervical prominence, mch = mesal channel, no 1 = pronotum, pp = propleuron, ppx = posterior portion of preaxilla, s 1 = prosternum, sc = mesoscutum, scl = mesoscutellum.

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FIGURE 4. Doddifoenus wallacei sp. n. female paratype. A. mesosoma, dorsal view; B. mesosoma, ventral view. ax = axilla, eps 2 = mesepisternum, eps 3 = metepisternum, mch = mesal channel, no 1 = pronotum, not = notaulus, pd = propodeum, pp = propleuron, pre = prepectus, pss = prospinasternum, s 1 = prosternum, sc = mesoscutum, scl = mesoscutellum.

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FIGURE 5. Doddifoenus wallacei sp. n. female paratypes. A. mesosoma, lateral view; B. forewing, dorsal view; C. profemur, lateral view; D. stigmal vein, dorsal view; E. propodeum, dorsal view. cx 1 = procoxa, cx 2 = mesocoxa, cx 3 = metacoxa, mtp = metapleuron, pd = propodeum, pet = petiole, pre = prepectus, psp = propodeal spiracle.

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FIGURE 6. Doddifoenus wallacei sp. n. female paratype. Dissected mesosomal skeleton (musculature and tissue removed). A. propectus, dorsal view; B. propectus, posterior view; C. mesonotum, ventral view; D. mesopectus, dorsal view; E. metafurca, anterior view; F. metathorax-propodeum complex, ventral view. axph = axillar phragma, dc 1 = prodiscrimenal line, dpe = dorsal profurcal extension, eps 3 = metepisternum, f 1 a = profurcal arm, f 1 p = profurcal pit, f 2 a = mesofurcal arm, f 2 br = mesofurcal bridge, f 3 a = metafurcal arm, f 3 p = metafurcal pit, hp = horizontal plate, mp = metapectal plate, mtpa = metapleural apodeme, notr = notaular ridge, ph 1 = prophragma, ph 2 = mesophragma, pp = propleuron, ppa = propleural arm, pph = pseudophragma, pre = prepectus, psa = prospinasternal apodeme, pss = prospinasternum, ssr = scutoscutellar ridge.















