Stenaelurillus strandi Caporiacco, 1939
publication ID | 10.5852/ejt.2018.430 |
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Valdenar |
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Stenaelurillus strandi Caporiacco, 1939 |
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Stenaelurillus strandi Caporiacco, 1939 View in CoL
Figs 454–462 View Figs 454–462 , 510
Stenaelurillus strandi Caporiacco, 1939: 374 View in CoL , fig. 24 (D♂); ♂ holotype in MSNF, examined.
This species differs from all other described species of Stenaelurillus in having the smallest and thinnest, almost spine-shaped embolus ( Figs 457–458 View Figs 454–462 ).
Material examined
ETHIOPIA: ♂, Moyale , 3°32′23.9″ N, 39°03′10.2″ E, “paese Borana, Maggio 1937, leg. Zava Hali ” [in the original description ( Caporiacco 1939: 374) the date is given as 15 May 1937] ( MSNF 411 ). GoogleMaps
Other material
ETHIOPIA: 1 ♂, El Banno [apparently Banno, 4°51′ N, 37°24′E], 30 Apr. 1939, Missione Biologica Sagan-Omo, 1939, E. Zavattari leg. ( MSNF).
The female of S. strandi remains unknown. However, it is likely that either S. sudanicus ( Figs 448–453 View Figs 448–453 ; see also Wesołowska 2014b: fig. 12B–C), or S. siyamae sp. nov. (see above; Figs 442–447 View Figs442–447 ), both known only from single females from Sudan, might actually be the female of S. strandi . The matter requires special attention in the future, when both sexes have been collected together for all these species.
Male (holotype)
Measurements: carapace: 2.90 long, 2.25 wide, 1.60 high. Abdomen: 2.60 long, 1.85 wide. Ocular area: 1.20 long, 1.55 wide anteriorly, 1.53 wide posteriorly. Cheliceral length 0.28. Clypeal height 0.28. Diameter of AME 0.45. Length of leg segments: I 1.50 + 0.70 + 0.80 + 0.70 + 0.60 (4.30); II 1.45 + 0.70 + 0.80 +0.80 + 0.55 (4.30); III 1.95 + 0.80 + 1.30 + 1.50 + (Tr is missing); IV 1.95 + 0.90 + 1.30 + 1.75 + 0.79 (4.69). Leg formula IV/III,II/I (Tr III is missing). Leg spination: I: Fm d 0-1-1-5; Pt pr 0-1-0; Tb pr 1-1, v 0-1-1ap; Mt pr and rt 1-1ap, v 2-2ap. II: Fm d 0-1-1-5; Pt pr 0-1-0; Tb pr and rt 1-1-1, v 2-2ap; Mt pr and rt 1-1ap. III: Fm d 0-1-1-5; Pt pr and rt 0-1-0; Tb d 1-0-0, pr and rt 1-1-1, v 1-1-0-1ap; Mt d 0-1-0, pr and rt 1-1ap, v 0-1-1ap. IV: Fm d 0-1-1-4; Pt pr and rt 0-1-0; Tb d 1-0-0, pr and rt 1-1-1, v 1-0-1ap; Mt d 1-0-0, pr and rt 1-1-2ap, v 1-2-2ap. Coloration (in alcohol; Figs 461–462 View Figs 454–462 ). Carapace red-brown, covered with brown scales; eye field dark brown, densely covered with protruding bristles; clypeus and chelicerae dark brown, sparsely covered with white hairs. Sternum yellowish brown, covered with long white hairs. Labium and endites light brown. Abdomen: dorsum and sides dark red-brown; dorsum with red-brown shining scutum covering almost its full length and anteriorly with bunch of long brown hairs; venter yellow, with two longitudinal brown lines. Book-lung covers yellowish brown. Spinnerets
long and light yellow, but the dorsal pair with dark brown apices. All legs: coxae yellowish brown, covered with white hairs; remaining segments brown, sparsely covered with white and brown hairs, but Mt and Tr I ventrally black. Palps brownish yellow. Palpal structure as in Figs 454–460 View Figs 454–462 : VTA bulgeshaped; RTA straight, finger-shaped, with an obtuse tip; the cymbial lateral process (CLP) is marked; the tegulum small, poorly marked, with a well-developed tegular process (TP); the functional tegulum swollen, with a well-developed proximal projection (PP); embolus short, spine-shaped, partly hidden in the apical cymbial pocket.
Two close localities in Ethiopia only ( Fig. 510 View Fig ).
Stenaelurillus striolatus Wesołowska & Russell-Smith, 2011 Figs 463–471 View Figs 463–471 , 512
Stenaelurillus striolatus Wesołowska & Russell-Smith, 2011: 597 View in CoL , figs153–154, 247–249 (D♂); ♂ holotype in BMNH, examined.
By the dense lateral pubescence on the carapace and the conformation of the copulatory organs ( Figs 468–469 View Figs 463–471 ), the males in S. striolatus are most similar to those of S. bandama sp. nov. and S. hirsutus (cf. Figs 63–78 View Figs 63–72 View Figs 73–78 , 239–257 View Figs 239–245 View Figs 246–251 View Figs 252–257 ), but can easily be distinguished by the entirely dark brown/black hair cover of the clypeus ( Fig. 468 View Figs 463–471 ; with three white vertical lines in both related species, Figs 74 View Figs 73–78 , 255 View Figs 252–257 ). The embolic division of all three species is very similar and poorly distinguishable. The female of S. striolatus remains unknown. See also remarks above under the Diagnoses of S. glaber and S. pilosus .
Material examined
NIGERIA: ♂, Kwara State, Borgu Game Reserve , ca 11°05′01.4″ N, 8°36′57.9″ E, flood debris on bank of river, 5–6 May 1973, A. Russell-Smith leg. ( BMNH). GoogleMaps
NIGERIA: 1 ♂, together with the holotype ( BMNH).
Male (holotype)
Measurements: carapace: 2.70 long, 2.30 wide, 1.20 high. Abdomen: 2.40 long, 1.50 wide. Ocular area: 1.20 long, 1.50 wide anteriorly, 1.48 wide posteriorly. Cheliceral length 0.58. Clypeal height 0.28. Diameter of AME 0.40. Length of leg segments: I 1.30 + 0.65 + 0.73 + 0.63 + 0.45 (3.76); II 1.33 + 0.70 + 0.65 + 0.65 + 0.48 (3.81); III 1.95 + 0.93 + 1.23 + 1.38 + 0.53 (4.02); IV 1.63 + 0.75 + 1.13 + 1.40 + 0.65 (5.56). Leg formula IV,III,II,I. Leg spination: I: Fm d 0-1-1-5; Pt pr 0-1-0; Tb pr 1-1, v 0-2- 1ap; Mt pr and rt 1ap, v 2-2ap. II: Fm d 0-1-2-5; Pt pr 0-1-0; Tb pr and rt 1-1, v 1-1-2ap; Mt pr and rt 1-1ap, v 2-2ap. III: Fm d 0-1-2-5; Pt pr and rt 0-1-0; Tb d 1-0-0, pr and rt 1-1-1-1, v 1-0-2ap; Mt d 1-1-0, pr and rt 1-0-2ap, v 0-2-2ap. IV: Fm d 0-1-1-4; Pt pr and rt 0-1-0; Tb d 1-0-0, pr and rt 1-1-1-1, v 1-2ap; Mt d 1-1-0, pr 1-1-2ap, rt 1-0-2ap, v 0-2-2ap. Coloration (in alcohol; Figs 468–471 View Figs 463–471 ). Carapace yellow, with dark brown (almost black) eye field covered with numerous short erect brown bristles. There is a median brown stripe of recumbent scales; carapace sides are covered with white recumbent scales. Cheeks are densely covered with long brown hairs passing into the dense clypeal cover of long dark brown (almost black) hairs. Sternum light yellow, densely covered with white hairs. Labium, endites and chelicerae light yellow. Abdomen: dorsum dark brown, with a wide median white stripe; sides and venter light yellow. Book-lung covers light yellow, spinnerets brownish. All legs and palps entirely yellow. Palpal structure as in Figs 463–467 View Figs 463–471 : VTA bulge-shaped, poorly marked; RTA straight, stiletto-shaped, directed anteriad, with a wide base; the cymbial lateral process (CLP) absent; the tegulum small, with a short, cone-shaped tegular process (TP); the functional tegulum swollen, with a well-developed proximal (PP) and distal (DP) projections, the latter bifircated; the embolus short, ribbon-shaped, with a wide round base.
The type locality only ( Fig. 512 View Fig ).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Stenaelurillus strandi Caporiacco, 1939
Logunov, Dmitri V. & Azarkina, Galina N. 2018 |
Stenaelurillus striolatus Wesołowska & Russell-Smith, 2011: 597
Wesolowska W. & Russell-Smith A. 2011: 597 |
Stenaelurillus strandi
Caporiacco L. di 1939: 374 |