Protaetia (Pachyprotaetia) mentawaica, Jákl, 2011

Jákl, Stanislav, 2011, Description of seven new taxa of Cetoniinae from Indonesia (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 51 (2), pp. 535-550 : 538-539

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5329053


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scientific name

Protaetia (Pachyprotaetia) mentawaica

sp. nov.

Protaetia (Pachyprotaetia) mentawaica sp. nov.

( Figs. 2a–e View Figs )

Type locality. Indonesia, West Sumatra province, Mentawai Archipelago, north part of Siberut Island, environs of Bojakan village, 150 m a.s.l.

Type material. HOLOTYPE: J ( NMPC): ‘ Indonesia, Mentawai Isls., N. SIBERUT ISL., 12. 2006, Bojakan vill. env., 150 m, St. Jakl lgt .’. PARATYPES: J (no. 1): ‘ Indonesia, Mentawai Isls., SIBERUT ISL., south, 20 – 100 m, SALAPPA VILL. ENV., 2. 2006’ ( SJPC) ; J (no. 2): ‘ Indonesia, Mentawai Isls., SIBERUT ISL., north, 0 – 200 m, MT. MALANCAN, 1. 2004, St. Jakl lgt.’ ( SJPC) ; J (no. 3): ‘ Indonesia, Mentawai Isls., SIBERUT ISL., north, 50 – 200 m, BOJAKAN VILL. ENV., 5. 2004, St. Jakl lgt.’ ( SJPC) ; J (no. 4): ‘ Indonesia, Mentawai, Siberut island , 3. 1995, native collectors’ ( SJPC) ; 3 ♀♀ (nos. 5–7): ‘ Indonesia, Mentawai Isls., S. Siberut Isl. , Salappa env., 0 – 150 m, 6. 2005, St. Jakl lgt.’ ( NMPC, SJPC) ; J (no. 8), ♀ (no. 9): ‘ Indonesia, Mentawai Isls., N. SIBERUT ISL., 100 m, Bojakan v. env ., 11. 2004, St. Jakl lgt.’ ( SJPC) ; ♀ (no. 10): ‘ Indonesia, Mentawai Isls., S. Siberut isl. , 0 – 150 m, Salappa env., 2. 2007, St. Jakl lgt.’ ( SJPC) ; ♀ (no. 11): ‘ Indonesia, Mentawai Isls., SIBERUT ISL., north, 50 – 200 m, BOJAKAN VILL. ENV., 3. 2005, St. Jakl lgt.’ ( SJPC) .

Description. Holotype length 16.5 mm. Maximum humeral width 8.8 mm. Dark brown to olive with abundant reddish to beige ornamentation.

Head. Dark olive, almost parallel-sided; covered with abundant creamy tomentum. Punctation very dense, circular. Each puncture bears creamy tomentum. Interspaces between punctures much smaller than their diameter. Clypeal margin vertically elevated, narrowing to apical margin, which is indistinctly emarginated. Antennae reddish brown with yellowish setation.

Pronotum. Dark olive, matte, covered with dozens of micropatches of creamy tomentum; their concentration very dense around margins, sparser on disc. Bigger, irregular spots present in frontal part of pronotal disc (one pair of largest irregular spots), near lateral margins approximately at midlength, and also between base and disc on both sides. Lateral margins bordered, which is hardly visible due to presence of tomentum patches. In front of posterolateral margins indistinctly emarginated.

Scutellum. Dark olive, impunctate. Triangular with obtuse apex and several small irregularly placed tomentum patches.

Elytra. Dark brown along lateral parts, including humeral and part of apical calli, dark olive in middle parts and rest of surface. Covered with patches of yellowish brown to ochraceous tomentum, patches irregularly shaped, bigger than those on pronotum. Whole surface densely setose, setae short, mostly yellowish. Humeral and apical calli obtuse. Sutural ridge flat, in posterior third mildly elevated, not protruding over apex of elytra.

Pygidium. Dark olive, almost completely covered with brown to yellowish tomentum. Surface wrinkled and bearing abundant setae.

Venter.Abdomen brownish to dark plum along lateral sides, dark olive in central part. Each ventrite laterally wrinkled, middle parts punctate. Lateral parts with abundant creamy tomentum, discal parts only with tomentum micropatches. Yellow setation abundant. Metasternum dark olive at middle, brownish laterally. Sides completely covered with silky cream tomentum, middle part with few large punctures filled with tomentum. Mesometasternal process wider than long, widest at two-thirds of length, apex rather sharp, entirely covered with tomentum patches. Setation present mainly along sides, setae longer than on abdomen. Prosternum and mentum wrinkled, almost whole surface covered with silky cream tomentum. Setation yellow, long and abundant.

Legs. Dark violet with metallic reflection. Protibiae bidentate, meso- and metatibiae with carina in posterior third. Femora and tibiae densely covered with circular patches of tomentum and abundant setosity.

Male genitalia. Similar to Protaetia (Pachyprotaetia) mixta . Ventral side of paramere apex without tooth ( Figs. 2d–e View Figs ).

Variability. Body length 15.5–16.5 mm. Tomentation of pronotum and elytra varies among specimens, also proportion of brown and olive colour of elytra variable; some specimens have completely brownish elytra, some completely olive.

Sexual dimorphism. Female body length 15.5–17.5 mm. Generally wider and more robust. Anterior margin of clypeus not highly elevated, obtusely rounded. Colouration and ornamentation vary similarly to males.

Differential diagnosis. The habitus of the new species is similar to Protaetia (Pachyprotaetia) medvedevi Mikšić, 1965 from Sumatra, but in structure of the male genitalia, it appears to be allied to Protaetia (Pachyprotaetia) mixta . Protaetia (Pachyprotaetia) mentawaica sp. nov. differs from the latter species in following respects: 1) male protibia bidentate (tridentate or with the third, proximal-most tooth at least indicated in P. (P.) mixta ); 2) brushes of setae at inner side of metatibia short and not so abundant; 3) colouration of elytra dark olive to brown (black to very dark brown in P. (P.) mixta ); 4) ventral part of paramere apex without protuberance (with dent or protuberance at ventral side in P. (P.) mixta ).

Etymology. Named after the Mentawai Archipelago, of which Siberut is the largest island.

Distribution. So far known only from several localities on Siberut Island, Mentawai Archipelago, Indonesia.


National Museum Prague


Sergei J. Paramonov personal collection -- destroyed













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