Goniatites de Haan, 1825

Titus, A. L., Korn, D., Harrell, J. E. & Lambert, L. L., 2015, Late Viséan (late Mississippian) ammonoids from the Barnett Shale, Sierra Diablo Escarpment, Culberson County, Texas, USA, Fossil Record 18 (2), pp. 81-104 : 90

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5194/fr-18-81-2015

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scientific name

Goniatites de Haan, 1825


Goniatites de Haan, 1825 View in CoL

Type species: Conchiliolithus Nautilites ( sphaericus ) Martin, 1809 [nomen nudum], equal to Ammonites sphaericus Sowerby, 1814 (Opinion 420 ICZN, 1956).

Diagnosis: Goniatitinae with subinvolute inner whorls; the umbilicus becomes closed in early ontogeny. External lobe usually V-shaped and rarely Y-shaped, very narrow or narrow, usually with slightly curved flanks.

For the species composition of the genus and a discussion of the characteristics and limits, see Korn and Titus (2011).

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