Arcoscalpellum michelottianum ( Seguenza, 1876 )

Young, Paulo S., 2001, Deep-sea Cirripedia Thoracica (Crustacea) from the northeastern Atlantic collected by French expeditions, Zoosystema 23 (4), pp. 705-756 : 731-732

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.4689055


persistent identifier

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Felipe (2021-04-14 21:44:07, last updated 2024-11-26 03:17:27)

scientific name

Arcoscalpellum michelottianum ( Seguenza, 1876 )


Arcoscalpellum michelottianum ( Seguenza, 1876)

( Fig. 18 View FIG )

Scalpellum michelottianum Seguenza, 1876: 381 , pl. 6, figs 15-25, pl. 10, fig. 26.

Scalpellum velutinum Hoek, 1883: 96 , pl. 4, figs 10- 11, pl. 9, figs 7-9.

Arcoscalpellum michelottianum – Newman & Ross 1971: 71, fig. 34, pl. 9b (with synonymy). — Young 1998a: 19, figs 13-14 (with synonymy).

MATERIALEXAMINED. — PROSPEC, stn CPH 10, 55°18.69’N, 10°14.83’W, 1589 m to 55°18.11’N, 10°15.38’W, 1578 m, 3 specimens, tl (cl) 29.5 (19.7) to 49.0 (33.4) mm (MNHN Ci 2869, MNRJ 13912). SAINT PAUL, stn SP 09-13, 01°00.73’N, 29°21.61’W, 3114 m, 1 specimen, tl (cl) 15.5 (12.2) mm (MNHN Ci 2870).


Arcoscalpellum michelottianum is probably a complex of several distinct species (Ross in litt. 1999). He noted conspicuous differences between specimens of Hoek’s types series of Scalpellum velutinum Hoek, 1883 , photographed by Young (1998a: fig. 13a-d). The specimens differ in the relative development of the upper-latus, the position of the apex of the carina relative to the apex of the scutum and in the number and size of the plates on the peduncle. The specimens herein studied comprises the “ Arcoscalpellum velutinum ” type of Hoek, shown in Young (1998a: fig. 13c-d). A question about the peduncular pattern is if there are any changes in this pattern during the development? The three specimens record- ed have distinct sizes (tl of 29.5, 37.5 and 49.0 mm). If all the scales of the specimens are figured some differences can be observed. In the smaller stage the peduncular plate pattern is the basic eight-plate pattern with one row of rl-cl and another of sr-l-sc ( Fig. 18A View FIG ). The large specimen has a six-plated pattern lacking the cl plates ( Fig. 18C View FIG ). In the intermediate size individual, there is a change in the pattern from eight-plates to large plates in a six-plate pattern also with the exclusion of the cls ( Fig. 18B View FIG ). During ontogeny, the narrow basal part of the peduncle has irregularly spaced plates, which obscures the original pattern.

On the other hand, this observation reaffirms the supposition of an eight-plate pattern as a simplesiomorphic character in scalpellids ( Newman & Ross 1998).

HOEK P. P. C. 1883. - Report on the Cirripedia collected by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873 - 1876. Reports of the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. Challenger, Zoology, part 25 8: 1 - 169, 13 pls.

NEWMAN W. A. & ROSS A. 1971. - Antarctic Cirripedia. Antarctic Research Series, Baltimore 14: 1 - 257.

NEWMAN W. A & ROSS A. 1998. - Peduncular armament in the Scalpellomorpha (Cirripedia) and a new abyssal species from the East Pacific Rise. Journal of Crustacean Biology 18 (3): 572 - 580.

SEGUENZA G. 1876. - Ricerche paleontologiche intorno ai Cirripedi Terziarii della Provincia di Messina. Parte II: Terza famiglia Lepadidi Darwin. Atti dell'Accademia Pontoniana 10: 369 - 481, pls 6 - 10.

YOUNG P. S. 1998 a. - The Cirripedia (Crustacea) collected by the Fisheries Steamer Meteor in the eastern Atlantic. Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro 46: 1 - 53.

Gallery Image

FIG. 18. — Arcoscalpellum michelottianum (Seguenza, 1876), PROSPEC, stn CPH 10; A-B, peduncle of two specimens; C, right lateral view; note the change in peduncular plate patterns from the smaller specimen A to the larger one C. Abbreviations: cl, carinolateral scale; l, lateral scale; rl, rostro-lateral scale; sc, subcarinal scale; sr, subrostrum scale. Scale bars: 5 mm.















