Parapsestis tachengensis, Zhuang & Yago & Owada & Wang, 2017

Zhuang, Hailing, Yago, Masaya, Owada, Mamoru & Wang, Min, 2017, Taxonomic review of the moth family Thyatiridae (Lepidoptera) from Yunnan province, China, Zootaxa 4306 (4), pp. 451-477 : 462

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Plazi (2017-08-18 06:45:28, last updated 2024-11-26 02:44:01)

scientific name

Parapsestis tachengensis

sp. nov.

Parapsestis tachengensis sp. n.

( Figs 32, 41 View FIGURES 32 – 42 , 74 View FIGURES 73 – 79 , 83 View FIGURES 80 – 84 )

Type material. Holotype: male, 13. VII. 2013, alt. 2,430 m, Weixi , Yunnan, China, leg. Hailing Zhuang, slide No. SCAU-Thy045. Paratype: 1 female, 13. VII. 2015, alt . 2,680 m, Weixi , Yunnan, China, leg. Tiantian Yu, slide No. SCAU-Thy046, DNA material No. B 018, genBank accession numbers: KY974322 View Materials .

Diagnosis. Forewing ground color grey without distinct pattern. Male genitalia small, tegumen with a sclerotized digitation. Valva narrower, sacculus sclerotized and involute. Female genitalia papillae anales broader, apophyses posteriores and apophyses anteriores broader.

Description. Male and female adults: small-sized, wingspan 38 mm, length of forewing 17.5 mm. Head small, eyes naked. Antenna lamellate, brown. Forewing relatively broad without distinct apex. Usually grey black ground color with grey white patterns. Forewings without obvious partition. Hindwings pale-white.

Male genitalia: Uncus short, socii long with an inflated terminal hook. The base of uncus-socii flat, socil away from uncus. Tegumen narrower with a sclerotized digitation. Fultura superior belt-shaped, light sclerotized. Valva relatively narrow, cucullus round, smooth, saccular part sclerotized and with spinulate extensions, involute. Aedeagus short, simple, carina with a hook, cornuti field with fine cornuti.

Female genitalia: Papillae anales sclerotized, broad, base of apophyses posteriors and apophyses anteriores broad. Eighth abdominal segment sclerotized sample. Ostial part, ductus bursae and corpus bursae membranous, signum single, long bar-shaped.

Distribution. China (Yunnan).

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the name of Tacheng which is the closest town to the type locality.

Remarks. Adults of the new species look very inconspicuous. Therefore, when we collected a single specimen, we thought it was a worn-out specimen of a certain species of genus Parapsestis Warren, 1912 . However, after careful examination of the male genitalia of the worn-out specimen, we found that it is a new species distinct from known species of genus Parapsestis Warren, 1912 . This new species is distinguished from a very similar species P. argenteopicta in having a digitation on the tegumen, narrower valva and broader apophyses anteriores and posteriores, in addition, their Kimura two parameter (K2P) distances and P-distance were 2.6% and 2.5% respectively, these evidences support the contention that P. tachengensis sp. n. is a distinct species.

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FIGURES 32 – 42. Adults of Thyatiridae from Yunnan, upperside. 32. Parapsestis tachengensis sp. n., holotype, male; 33. Parapsestis tomponis almasderes László, Ronkay, Ronkay & Witt, 2007, male; 34. Paragnorima fuscescens Hampson, [1893], male; 35. Gaurena margaritha Werny, 1966, female; 36. Macrothyatira fasciata (Houlbert, 1921), female; 37. Isopsestis meyi László, Ronkay, Ronkay & Witt, 2007, female; 38. Psidopala undulans (Hampson, [1893]), female; 39. Mimopsestis basalis sinensis László, Ronkay, Ronkay & Witt, 2007, female; 40. Parapsestis naxii sp. n., paratype, female; 41. Parapsestis tachengensis sp. n., paratype, female; 42. Betapsestis brevis (Leech, 1900), female.

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FIGURES 73 – 79. Genitalia of Thyatiridae from Yunnan. 82 – 85. Male (left: posterior view; right: phallus, lateral view). 77, 78, 79. Female, ventral view. 73. Parapsestis naxii sp. n., holotype; 74. Parapsestis tachengensis sp. n., holotype; 75. Parapsestis tomponis almasderes László, Ronkay, Ronkay & Witt, 2007; 76. Paragnorima fuscescens Hampson, [1893]; 77. Gaurena margaritha Werny, 1966; 78. Macrothyatira fasciata (Houlbert, 1921); 79. Isopsestis meyi László, Ronkay, Ronkay & Witt, 2007.

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FIGURES 80 – 84. Female genitalia of Thyatiridae from Yunnan, ventral view. 80. Psidopala undulans (Hampson, [1893]); 81. Mimopsestis basalis sinensis László, Ronkay, Ronkay & Witt, 2007; 82. Parapsestis naxii sp. n., paratype; 83. Parapsestis tachengensis sp. n., paratype; 84. Betapsestis brevis (Leech, 1900).


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