Neaporia shelley Gordon and Hanley, 2017

Gordon, Robert D. & Hanley, Guy A., 2017, South American Coccinellidae (Coleoptera), Part XVII: systematic revision of Western Hemisphere Cephaloscymnini (Coccinellinae) with description of a cryptic new genus and species of Coccidulini (Coccinellinae), Insecta Mundi 2017 (601), pp. 1-158 : 46-47

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Neaporia shelley Gordon and Hanley

sp. nov.

45. Neaporia shelley Gordon and Hanley , new species

Description. Male holotype. Length 2.1 mm, width 1.4 mm; body elongate oval, elytron with side straight, wider than pronotal base, widest at middle of elytra. Dorsal surface entirely shiny. Color black with slight greenish tint ( Fig. 282 View Figures 271–287 ); pronotum with reflexed lateral margin dark brown; elytra with reflexed lateral margin reddish brown; antenna yellow; mouthparts yellow except terminal maxillary palpomere dark brown; epipleuron dark reddish brown; legs yellowish brown; abdomen brown. Head punctures large, separated by a diameter or less; pronotal punctures as large as on head, separated by a diameter or less; elytral punctures slightly larger than on pronotum, separated by 1 to 3 times a diameter; prosternal, mesosternal punctures large, separated by a diameter or less; metasternum with large punctures along anterior and lateral borders, punctures on remaining surface absent or small, sparse; punctures on abdominal ventrites 1–3 large, separated by less than 3 times a diameter, punctures on remaining ventrites small, separated by about a diameter. Head densely pubescent, frons widened from vertex to clypeus, slightly wider than eye measured at vertex ( Fig. 284 View Figures 271–287 ); eye canthus short; apical maxillary palpomere long, slender, narrowed to apex in apical 1/3. Pronotum widest at middle, reflexed lateral margin wide, equal in width from base to apex. Epipleuron flat, wide in basal ½, as wide as pronotal hypomeron. Prosternum wider than long, as long as mesosternum, apical margin slightly emarginate, with deep, triangular depression at middle, large, setose anterolateral projection present. Postcoxal line on ventrite 1 long, rounded, extended 2/3 distance to apical margin of ventrite ( Fig. 283 View Figures 271–287 ). Apex of ventrite 5 widely, almost triangularly emarginate medially. Genitalia with phallobase long, basal lobe as long as paramere, slender, parallel sided in basal 3/4 except lateral margin with large, blunt tooth just anterior to middle, apical 1/4 narrowed to slender, deep apical emargination, in lateral view apical 1/4 with narrow emargination before apex, apex slightly, narrowly projected upward; paramere straight, slightly sinuate, widest in basal 3/4, ventral margin finely serrate in basal 3/4, dorsal margin medially serrate ( Fig. 285, 286 View Figures 271–287 ); sipho slender, slightly sinuate apically, apical 1/8 nearly filamentous ( Fig. 287 View Figures 271–287 ).

Female. Similar to male except for female genitalia, spermathecal capsule lost.

Variation. Length 1.8–2.1 mm, width 1.2 mm.

Type material. Holotype male; BRASIL: Rdj (Rio de Janeiro), Campo Grande , July 31, 1957, PA Berry Collector. ( USNM) . Paratypes; 2, same data as holotype. ( USNM) .

Remarks. This species is distinguished by the male prosternum with a deep, triangular median depression, and by the highly unique male genitalia.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History













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