Aberrasine tiani, Zhu, Li-Juan, Volynkin, Anton V., Singh, Navneet, Wang, Min, Fan, Xiao-Ling & Huang, Si-Yao, 2021

Zhu, Li-Juan, Volynkin, Anton V., Singh, Navneet, Wang, Min, Fan, Xiao-Ling & Huang, Si-Yao, 2021, A new species of the genus Aberrasine Volynkin & Huang from Xizang, China (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini), Zootaxa 5005 (2), pp. 227-233 : 232

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5005.2.8

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scientific name

Aberrasine tiani

sp. nov.

Aberrasine tiani View in CoL S.-Y. Huang, Volynkin, N. Singh & M. Wang sp. nov.

( Figs 1–4 View FIGURES 1–10 , 11, 12, 17, 18)

Type material. Holotype: ( Figs. 1 View FIGURES 1–10 , 11): male, “ 19. VIII. 2019, Lebugou, Jun-ru Hou leg.” [in Chinese] (19. VIII. 2019, altitude 2582 m, Lebugou , Shannan Prefecture, Xizang Autonomous Prefecture, P. R. China, Jun-ru Hou leg., gen. prep. No.: HSY9 (prepared by Huang) (Coll. SCAU)) . Paratypes: ( Figs. 2–4 View FIGURES 1–10 , 12–14, 17, 18): 1 male, 1 female, same data as for the holotype, gen. prep. Nos.: HSY8 (male) and LHSY114 (female) (prepared by Huang) (Coll. SCAU) , 1 female, same locality and collector, but 20. VIII. 2019, gen. prep. No.: HSY7 (prepared by Huang) (Coll. SCAU) .

Diagnosis. The length of forewing is 12.5– 13 mm in males (12.5 mm in the holotype) and 14 mm in females. Externally, A. tiani can be distinguished from A. strigivenata by the somewhat more tapered male forewing apex and the forewing upperside suffused with black scales (more extensively in female) whereas in A. strigivenata , the forewing apex is rounded in male, and the forewing upperside lacks a black suffusion in female. Compared to A. pangsau , A. tiani has a somewhat more tapered male forewing apex and the fully pinkish tegulae while, the male forewing apex of A. pangsau is rounded and the tegulae are pinkish with a black spot medially. In the male genital capsule, A. tiani differs from both similar species in the distally slightly thicker uncus and the markedly shorter and smaller distal costal process, whereas the uncus of A. strigivenata and A. pangsau is distally tapered or even in width throughout its length respectively, and the distal costal process is much longer and thicker in both species. The aedeagus vesica of A. tiani is very similar to that of A. strigivenata , but its distal cornuti field is much smaller compared to that of A. pangsau . The female genitalia of A. tiani are very similar to those of A. strigivenata but differ in the broader and somewhat shorter distal end of appendix bursae. The female of A. pangsau is unknown.

Distribution. Currently only known from Lebugou, Shannan Prefecture, Xizang Autonomous Prefecture, southwestern China.

Etymology. The new species is named after Prof. Ming-yi Tian (SCAU), who kindly provided a technical support during our study.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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