Paranoplischius modestus, Casari, Sônia A., 2013

Casari, Sônia A., 2013, New genera of Dicrepidiina from the Neotropical Region (Coleoptera, Elateridae, Elaterinae, Ampedini), Zootaxa 3721 (2), pp. 143-156 : 144-146

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Plazi (2016-04-15 02:50:03, last updated 2016-04-15 02:50:24)

scientific name

Paranoplischius modestus

sp. nov.

Paranoplischius modestus sp. nov.

( Figs 1–11, 41, 42)

Type material. Holotype. BRASIL. GO [Goiás]: Dianópolis, 11–14.I. 1962, J. Bechyné col. (MZSP).

Paratypes. BRASIL. PA [Pará]: Benevides, F. Morelândia, 5.III. 1985, N. Bittencourt, 1 ex. (MPEG); 5.III. 1985, F.D. Ramos, 1 ex. (MPEG); 6.III. 1987, J. Dias, 2 exs (MPEG), 1 ex. (MZSP, retained MPEG); 6.IV. 1983 A. Henriques, 1 ex. (MPEG); Itaiatuba, II. 1961, Dirings, 1 ex. (MZSP); Ourém Patauateua, Faz. Gavião Real, 30.IV a 3.V. 1992, B. Mascarenhas e eq., 1 ex. (MPEG); Peixe-Boi, 14.IV. 1977, W.L. Overal, 1 ex. (MPEG). Paraíba: Areia, VII. 955, Pe Pereira, 1 ex. (MZSP, retained MPEG). GO [Goiás]: Dianópolis, 11–14.I. 1962, J. Bechyné col., 1 ex. (MZSP). MT [Mato Grosso]: S. Domingos, X. 49, 2 exs (MZSP).

Length: 8.5 mm (holotype); 8–10mm (paratypes)

General integument ( Figs 41, 42) dark or clear reddish-brown; legs clearer; antennae sometimes darker. Pubescence long, dense and yellowish, masking integument.

Frons ( Figs 2, 41, 42) as long as wide, widened and strongly rounded anteriorly, surpassing frontoclypeal region; punctation moderately coarse and dense. Antenna ( Figs 1, 42) narrow, subserrate with 11 antennomeres, surpassing hind angles of pronotum by two antennomeres in male; shorter in female; with longitudinal median carina in both sexes; 3 rd antennomere slightly narrower at base and shorter than 4 th.

Pronotum ( Figs 2, 41, 42) as long as wide (including hind angles), narrowed and strongly convex anteriorly; lateral margins almost parallel on basal half; convexity decreasing basad; declivous between hind angles; punctation moderately coarse and dense, denser laterally; hind angles well developed, directed posteriorly and strongly carinate. Prosternum ( Figs 4, 42) slightly convex, punctation coarse and sparse. Prosternal spine ( Figs 3, 4) flattened between procoxae and compressed laterally apicad; apex rounded with subapical spine directed ventrally. Pronotosternal sutures wide, prothoracic groove well developed. Mesosternal cavity ( Figs 3, 42) Ushaped with borders slender and horizontal on basal half. Mesepimeron and mesepisternum forming part of margin of mesocoxal cavity. Metacoxal plate ( Fig. 5) moderately narrowed laterally; free margin with well developed rounded tooth. Tibial spurs very long. Tarsomeres 1–3 ( Fig. 42) lamellate beneath; lamella of tarsomere 3 longer than tarsomere 4. Scutellum ( Fig. 41) elongate, slightly narrowed apicad; distal margin rounded. Elytra ( Figs 41, 42) very convex, narrowed on distal third; striae marked by row of punctures; interstices flat; apex sharpened with tiny distal spine.

Male. Tergite VIII ( Fig. 8) as wide as long, round- and slightly narrowed apicad; translucent mediobasally; marginate by setae of varied sizes on distal 2 / 3. Sternite VIII ( Fig. 6) wider than long, band-like; fore angles rounded; translucent with one C-shaped yellowish band each side; long setae near each fore angle. Sternite IX ( Fig. 7) elongate, widened near middle, slightly narrowed apicad; setae moderately long on distal third. Tergite IX ( Fig. 9) wider than long, narrowed apicad; coarsely punctate laterally; distal margin deep- and narrowly V-shaped emarginated, forming a rounded lobe each side; long setae laterally near each fore angle. Tergite X elongate, gradually narrowed apicad; some setae irregularly distributed on distal third. Aedeagus ( Figs 10, 11) 2.5 times longer than wide; basal piece 0.8 times parameres (dorsally) length; apex of parameres cuneiform; cuneiform area almost straight laterally, with basal and distal angles rounded; a few long setae dorsal and several ventral of varied sizes; median lobe (excluding basal struts) shorter than parameres dorsally; slightly constricted at base and gradually narrowed apicad; wider area of median lobe wider than that of parameres (dorsally) at base.

Etymology. The specific epithet is a derivative of the Latin word modestus (=moderate) referring to the size of the specimens.