Copturomimus hoguei, Hespenheide, 2009

Hespenheide, Henry A., 2009, Two New Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Conoderinae) from Cocos Island, Costa Rica, The Coleopterists Bulletin 63 (3), pp. 333-339 : 337-338

publication ID 10.1649/1158.1


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Copturomimus hoguei

sp. nov.

Copturomimus hoguei View in CoL , new species

( Figs. 5–6 View Figs )

Holotype female: Oval; 4.7 mm long, 2.7 mm wide; dark reddish brown throughout; setae pale brownish-yellow throughout; setae dense and slender around eyes, head and rostrum otherwise glabrous; setae large, obovate and dense on sides of pronotum, much smaller and hair-like at lateral anterior margin and on disc of pronotum, with small glabrous areas on either side of midline on disc; setae tiny and narrowly ovate on elytra, glabrous on humeri and in a sutural spot on intervals 1–2 before middle and intervals 2–3 on apical 1/3; setae more or less narrowly ovate beneath, more or less sparsely and uniformly distributed, epimeron and metepisternum glabrous, as well as apical margin of abdominal ventrite 2 and abdominal ventrites 3–5 except for medial strip and lateral margins; setae sparse, inconspicuous and hair-like on femora and tibiae.

Head convex from above, eyes very large, broadly acute beneath, separated by a narrow space with two rows of setae, widening slightly above middle; rostrum 1.8 mm long, slender, vaguely carinate along midline and finely punctate above antennal insertions, minutely punctate and polished beyond, weakly arcuate, antennae inserted at basal 1/4, second segment of funicle 2.5X first; jaws with three teeth. Pronotum 1.1 mm long at middle, 1.2 mm wide at apex, 1.9 mm wide at base, with lateral margins slightly rounded, slightly convex in lateral view, coarsely punctate. Elytra 1.5X wider than pronotum, margins gently rounded but slightly undulate, apices separately rounded; elytral striae narrower than intervals, all intervals costate, intervals 3 and 5 and outward more strongly so. Mesosternum and anterior margin of metasternum unmodified. In lateral view ventrite 1 longer than ventrites 2–5 combined, shallowly horizontal, ventrite 2 very convex then nearly vertical, ventrite 3–5 very narrow, vertical. Legs long, all armed with very small, acute tooth on inner margin at apical 2/3, anterior femora with obliquely striolate oval area on upper surface at middle, posterior femora weakly carinate, 2.0 mm long, posterior tibiae 1.3 mm long.

Holotype: Costa Rica: Prov. Puntarenas, Isla del Coco, Bahia Wafer , 1 m, Long 87:03:30.0000 Lat 5:32:45.0000, Jun 1994, Y. Camacho, Malaise ( INBC, INB0003795972 ).

Paratypes: Costa Rica: Cocos Island, Wafer Bay , 27 Mar. 1978, C. Hogue & S. Miller, Light trap, 15 watt BL Station 6, Steele Exped. 1978 (1, LACM) ; Prov. Puntarenas, Isla del Coco, Bahia Wafer , 0 m, May 1994, Y. Camacho, Malaise (1, INBC, INB0003430228 ) ; same data as holotype (1, INBC, INB0003795977 ) ; P.N. Isla del Coco, Bahia Wafer, 1 m, Long 87:03:30 Lat 5:32:45, Oct 1994, J.F. Quesada (1, INBC, INBIOCRI002544743 ) .

Etymology. This species is named for one of its collectors, the late Charles Hogue, who, with S. Miller, was the first to collect and catalogue the insect fauna of Cocos Island (Hogue and Miller 1981).

Discussion. This species is one of a small group of larger species of Copturomimus with costate elytral intervals, which also includes the Panamanian C. rufocinctus Champion and C. octocostatus Champion ( Champion 1906) and an undescribed species from La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Copturomimus hoguei differs from all of them in the pattern and shape of the setae and in having all elytral intervals more or less costate rather than just the alternate intervals. The specimen figured ( Fig. 5 View Figs ) differs from the holotype in having paler setae throughout and additional glabrous areas on the elytral intervals lateral to the medial and posterior sutural spots. No males are known; see comments under the preceding species. Specimens range from 4.55–5.40 mm in length (mean 5 4.94 mm; n 5 5).


Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio)


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County

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