Upupagryllus subapterus Desutter-Grandcolas

Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure, 2015, Phalangopsidae crickets from Tropical Africa (Orthoptera, Grylloidea), with descriptions of new taxa and an identification key for African genera, Zootaxa 3948 (3), pp. 451-496 : 486-487

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3948.3.5

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scientific name

Upupagryllus subapterus Desutter-Grandcolas

sp. nov.

Upupagryllus subapterus Desutter-Grandcolas View in CoL , n. sp.

( Figs 12 View FIGURE 12 , 13 View FIGURE 13 A–IM, 14A–C)

Type locality. Tanzania, Eastern Usambara mountains, Amani, 1000m

Type material. Holotype. Tanzania, Eastern Usambara mountains, Amani, 1000m , forêt sempervirente, 17.v.1995, 1 male, jour, fn6, litière (L. Desutter-Grandcolas), MNHN-EO-ENSIF3600. Allotype. Same locality, habitat and collector as the holotype, 1 female, 16.v.1995, nuit, fn 24, MNHN-EO-3601. Paratypes, 23 males, 37 females. Same locality, habitat and collector as the holotype, 16.v.1995, jour, 3 males, fn19–21, 1 female, fn23, litière; 17.v.1995, jour, 6 males, fn1, 7–11, 6 females, fn12–17, litière; 18.v.1995, jour, 1 male, fn2, 4 females, fn3, 4, 6, 7, litière; 19.v.1995, jour, 6 males, fn11–17, 8 females, fn3, 9, 18–23, litière; 21.v.1995, nuit, 1 male, fn45, 2 females, fn 46–47, litière; jour, 5 males, fn5–9, 7 females, fn 10–14, 16–17; 22.v.1995, nuit, 1 female, fn 15, litière; 23.v.1995, jour, 1 male, fn3, 3 females, fn 4–6, litière (MNHN-EO-ENSIF3758-3812).

Other material examined. Same locality, habitat and collector as the holotype, 3 males, 5 females, 8 juveniles: 16.v.1995, 1 female, jour, fn22, litière, 2 male juveniles, jour, fn25, 74, litière; 17.v.1995, jour, 2 males, fn4–5, 4 juveniles, fn18–21, litière; 18.v.1995, jour, 1 female, fn 5, 1 juvenile, fn 8, litière; 19.v.1995, jour, 1 male, fn17, 1 female, fn 24, litière; 21.v.1995, jour, 1 female, fn15, 1 female juvenile, fn 18, litière; 17–21. v.1995, 1 female (élevage). MNHN.

Etymology. Species named after FW condition in males.

Diagnosis. Within the genus, species characterized by the lack of TI tympana and the length of TIII inner dorsal apical spur (longer than half basitarsomere III). Males with very short FWs, median, flap-like, and covering each other ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 D); genitalia smaller and more narrow than those of Upupagryllus alatus Desutter-Grandcolas , n. sp., with wider distal sclerites and foliaceous parameres ( Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 ). Females apterous; ovipositor about equal in size with TIII. Female genitalia: copulatory papilla cylindrical, with simple, membranous apex.


In addition to the characters of the genus.

Maxillary palpi with joints 3 and 4 subequal, joint 4 slightly shorter than joint 3, both shorter than joint 5 ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 A). TIII serrulation lacking between subapical spurs and apical spurs, and between subapical spurs, on both inner and outer sides; above subapical spurs, no spines on inner side; zero to two spines in males (mean 0.7), zero to three spines females (mean 1.1), most often with a spine on one side only. Basitarsomeres III serrulation: no inner spine in addition to apical one, four to five outer spines (mean 4.5) in addition to apical spine, in both males and females.

Coloration. Very long and thick dark brown setae, thin and short setae golden. Head dorsum and fastigium yellowish, with four longitudinal brown lines prolonged toward occiput, two from the inner angles of the eyes and two from the lateral ocelli, these last two connected by a thin transverse line; a small, convex yellow spot behind each lateral ocellus, embedded in the thin brown line; cheeks yellowish with a median brown spot; face light yellow with some brown spots or lines: one pair of spots above the epistemal suture, one pair of lines below median ocellus, these connected together by two thin transverse lines, a large triangular spot along the lower angle of each eye and each antennal pit; maxillary palpi light yellow; scapes light yellow, sometimes marked with brown. Pronotum yellowish and brown, the pyriform inscriptions lighter, the margins light brown with a thin black line along the posterior margin ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 D). Abdomen dark brown, with indistinct lighter or darker variation (i.e., a longitudinal lighter line, a row of darker spots along the lighter tergite distal margin, Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 A, B). Cerci yellowish to brown, their bases lighter. Legs light yellowish brown with indistinct darker marks: FI, FII with a distal ring and a subdistal spot on outer side; TI, TII with three dorsal half rings, their apex lightly coloured; FIII with a darker knee and darker oblique, parallel lines on dorsal and outer sides; TIII darker dorsally.

Male. FWs very short, not reaching metanotum midlength, almost covering each other, somewhat inflated on their margins ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 A, D). Supra anal plate densely covered with long setae ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 G). Subgenital plate distal margin plicate innerly along the median furrow; entirely brown ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 H).

Male genitalia. Upper part of pseudepiphallic sclerite narrow, pseudepiphallic distal sclerites wide at base, widely apart, leaving a wider space for pseudepiphallic parameres, and acute distally; rami short, with a small distal apodeme; pseudepiphallic parameres relatively long, foliaceous dorsally; endophallic sclerite long, with short endophallic apodemes.

Female. Apterous ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 B, C). Distal margin of subgenital plate little sinuate ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 J). Ovipositor ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 C) about as long as TIII, but often slightly shorter; apex as in Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 B.

Female genitalia. Copulatory papilla small and cylindrical, without a dorsal swelling; apex membranous, truncate ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 C–I).


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

















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