Agyneta manni ( Crawford & Edwards 1989 )

Dupérré, Nadine, 2013, Taxonomic revision of the spider genera Agyneta and Tennesseellum (Araneae, Linyphiidae) of North America north of Mexico with a study of the embolic division within Micronetinae sensu Saaristo & Tanasevitch 1996, Zootaxa 3674 (1), pp. 1-189 : 149-150

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Agyneta manni ( Crawford & Edwards 1989 )


Agyneta manni ( Crawford & Edwards 1989) View in CoL

Figs 485–491 View FIGURES 485 – 491

Meioneta manni Crawford & Edwards 1989: 437 , f. 36–40. (Description Ƥ). Agyneta manni Buckle et al. 2001: 100 View in CoL . (Transferred from Meioneta ).

Type material: Meioneta manni Crawford & Edwards 1989 , 3 HOLOTYPE from Muir Ridge, 10-25.vii.1975, pitfalls at snow and rock edge, R. Crawford ( UWBM). NOT EXAMINED.

Paratypes series EXAMINED.

Diagnosis: Males are diagnosed from most species in the genus by the absence of the anterior and posterior pockets of the paracymbium ( Fig. 485 View FIGURES 485 – 491 ), from all species of the fillmorana group by their none serrated embolus proper ( Fig. 487 View FIGURES 485 – 491 ). Females are distinguished from most Agyneta by their wide proximal part of scape with straight sides and shallow but broad pit hook depression ( Fig. 489 View FIGURES 485 – 491 ), to distinguish from A. ordinaria see diagnosis of the latter.

Description: Male: Total length 2.02; carapace length 0.91, width 0.70.

CEPHALOTHORAX: Carapace orange-brown, shiny, finely reticulate; suffused with dark gray along margin and radiating lines; trident mark present. Sternum orange-brown suffused with dark gray. Clypeus height 3. Chelicerae orange-brown, strongly excavated; ~12 seta-tipped tubercles; promargin three teeth, retromargin four denticles, promargin with large triangular projection near base of fang, retromargin with truncated projection. Cheliceral stridulatory organ ~29 strong striae, well spaced, slowly getting closer basally. ABDOMEN: Uniformly gray. LEGS: Orange; total length leg I: 3.44, total length leg III: 2.50; Tm I: 0.21, Tm IV: absent. GENITALIA: Palpal retrolateral tibial apophysis elongated, tip rounded, with a spike medially; dorsal tibial apophysis wide and smooth; two retrolateral trichobothria and a dorsal one ( Fig. 485 View FIGURES 485 – 491 ). Cymbium triangular; glabrous depression present ( Fig. 485 View FIGURES 485 – 491 ); cymbial tubercles absent; prolateral notch shallow ( Fig. 486 View FIGURES 485 – 491 ). Paracymbium apical pocket short, anterior and posterior pocket absent, with one spine posteriorly ( Fig. 485 View FIGURES 485 – 491 ). Embolus tip pointed, with large “swirled element”; Fickert’s gland medial, elongated; ventral lamella transparent, large and spiny with two large prongs basally, joining the thumb; thumb short, reaching well below the embolus proper ( Fig. 487 View FIGURES 485 – 491 ). Embolus proper set apically on a horizontal ridge associated with the embolus tip, dorsal part slightly wider ( Fig. 487 View FIGURES 485 – 491 ). Anterior terminal apophysis wide, tip with long protrusions; terminal apophysis narrow and blunt; lamella characteristica small, one narrow, one large triangular tip ( Fig. 488 View FIGURES 485 – 491 ).

Female: Total length 1.69; carapace length 0.80, width 0.64.

CEPHALOTHORAX: Same coloration as male. Chelicerae orange; promargin five teeth, retromargin five denticles. Cheliceral stridulatory organ ~29 striae, well spaced slowly getting closer basally. ABDOMEN: Same as male. LEGS: Same as male; palpal claw absent; total length leg I: 3.46, total length leg III: 2.55; Tm I: 0.27, Tm IV: absent. GENITALIA: Epigynum with proximal part of scape wide, sides parallel; epigynal slits small; pit hook depression shallow ( Fig. 489 View FIGURES 485 – 491 ); lateral lobes elongated and folded; stretcher small; pit deep ( Fig. 490 View FIGURES 485 – 491 ). Median part of scape narrow; genital pores situated at base of lateral lobes pockets ( Fig. 491 View FIGURES 485 – 491 ). Internal genitalia with large, oval receptacula obliquely positioned ( Figs 490, 491 View FIGURES 485 – 491 ).

Other material examined: USA: Washington: Beardhead Mountain summit, 15.viii. 1982, 1855m, under rocks, 131Ƥ (paratypes), R. Crawford ( UWBM); Golden Gate, 1950m, pitfalls in heath and sedge meadow, 04– 11.viii.1975, 131Ƥ, 11–25. viii.1975, 13 (paratypes), D. Mann ( UWBM); McClure Rock, 2225m, pitfalls in fellfield meadow, 11–25. viii.1975, 13, 24.ix.1975 – 04.viii.1976, 1Ƥ, 15.viii–04. viii.1976, 1 Ƥ (paratypes), D. Mann ( UWBM).

Distribution: Northwestern USA, Washington (for complete list of localities see Crawford & Edwards, 1989).


University of Washington, Burke Museum
















Agyneta manni ( Crawford & Edwards 1989 )

Dupérré, Nadine 2013

Meioneta manni

Buckle 2001: 100
Crawford 1989: 437
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