Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus (Müller)

Ferreira, Talita, James, Samuel W., Bartz, Marie Luise Carolina, Lima, Ana Claudia Rodrigues De, Dudas, Rafaela & Brown, George Gardner, 2023, Distribution and diversity of earthworms in different land use systems in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Zootaxa 5255 (1), pp. 399-416 : 402

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Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus (Müller)


Pontoscolex (Pontoscolex) corethrurus (Müller)

BRRSDNA0023 to BRRSDNA0052, 1 adult in each vial, surface soil horizon (0–20 cm) in flooded pasture, Taquara-RS (S29.68578°, W50.84960°), 01 August 2014, G. Cardoso, coll. GoogleMaps BRRSDNA0053 to BRRSDNA0056, 1 adult in each vial, surface soil horizon (0–20 cm) in gallery forest, Taquara-RS (S29.68597°, W50.85021°), 01 August 2014, R. Ott, G. Brown, colls. GoogleMaps BRRSDNA0057 to BRRSDNA0081, 1 adult in each vial, surface soil horizon (0–20 cm) in Unisinos Campus , S„o Leopoldo-RS (S29.79408°, W51.15753°), 31 July 2014, R. Ott and G. Cardoso, colls. GoogleMaps BRRSDNA0082 to BRRSDNA0090, 1 adult in each vial, surface soil horizon (0–20 cm) in gallery forest ( Taquari river ), Estrela-RS (S29.47560 W51.95351), 02 August 2014, R. Ott, G. Brown, colls. GoogleMaps BRRSDNA0092 and BRRSDNA0093, 1 adult in each vial, surface soil horizon (0–20 cm) in pasture, Estrela-RS (S29.47242°, W51.94774°), August 2014, S. James, M. Bartz, G. Cardoso, colls. GoogleMaps BRRSDNA0094, 1 adult, surface soil horizon (0–20 cm) in wooded pasture, Estrela-RS (S29.47239°, W51.94689°), 02 August 2014, G. Brown, R. Ott, colls. GoogleMaps BRRSDNA0095 to BRRSDNA0097, 1 adult in each vial, surface soil horizon (0–20 cm) in native forest, Estrela-RS (S29.47226 W51.94811), 02 August 2014, S. James, M. Bartz, G. Cardoso, colls. GoogleMaps BRRSDNA0098 and BRRSDNA099, 1 adult in each vial, surface soil horizon (0–20 cm) in native forest, Cruzeiro do Sul-RS (S29.51629°, W51.98752°), 02 August 2014, G. Cardoso, coll. GoogleMaps

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