Tmesiphorus costatus Weise, 1877

Inoue, Shota, Maruyama, Munetoshi & Nomura, Shûhei, 2019, Revision of the genus Tmesiphorus LeConte, 1849 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from Japan, Zootaxa 4646 (1), pp. 67-86 : 69-71

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4646.1.4

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scientific name

Tmesiphorus costatus Weise, 1877


Tmesiphorus costatus Weise, 1877 View in CoL

[Japanese name: Misuji-higekata-arizukamushi]

( Figs 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 )

Tmesiphorus costatus Weise, 1877: 99 View in CoL (original description); Raffray, 1908: 374 (catalogue); Raffray, 1911: 157 (catalogue); Jeannel, 1958: 118 (diagnosis); Nomura, 2001: 158 (catalogue); Löbl and Besuchet, 2004: 327 (catalogue); Nomura, 2006: 101 (taxonomic note); Shibata et al., 2013: 97 (catalogue).

Type locality. Japan, Honshû , Yamaguchi-ken, Hagi-shi .

Type material. Holotype: 1♂, “ Japan, Hiller // Tmesiphorus costatus W.” ( MNHU).

Material examined. (5♂, 4♀). Japan: [Honshû]: 1♂, Iwate-ken, Miyako-shi, Genbeidaira , 9 VI 2007 , Y. Hi- rano leg. ( NSMT); 1♂, Ishikawa-ken, Suzu-shi, Misaki-machi , Suzu-jinja , 5–20 V 2018 K. Nakata leg. ( NSMT); 1♂, 1♀, Hiroshima-ken, Kamo-gun, Kurose-chô , 2 V 1988, I. Okamoto leg. ( NSMT); 1♀, Hiroshima, Kure-shi , 10 IX 1994, I. Okamoto leg. ( NSMT); 1♀, same data, but 2 V 1988 ( NSMT); 1♂, Hiroshima-ken, Higashihiroshimashi, Saijô-chô , Shitami , 17 IV 2014 , K. Maehara leg. ( KUM); 1♂, same data, but 24 IV 2014 ( KUM); 1♀, same data, but 18 IV 2017 ( KUM).

Diagnosis. Tmesiphorus costatus is readily distinguishable from the other Japanese congeners by a combination of strong sulcus on each elytron that extends from the median fovea to the posterior 2/3 of the elytra, and tergites IV–VI strongly carinate along their midlines. This species is smaller than the other Japanese Tmesiphorus species found in Honshû, Japan.

Redescription. Male ( Fig. 1-A View FIGURE 1 ). Body length 2.37–2.47 mm. Body dark brown to reddish-brown, elytra testaceous.

Head ( Figs. 2-A, B View FIGURE 2 ) about as long as wide, HL 0.46–0.50 mm, HW 0.44–0.49 mm, almost ovoid in dorsal view, coarsely punctate with setae; frons narrow, with longitudinal groove including fovea narrowed posteriorly to vertex; vertex with two foveae, with short longitudinal carina between vertexal foveae, shallowly depressed around vertexal foveae; eyes large, prominent; occiput rounded, with bundles of yellow setae; antennae ( Figs. 1-C, D View FIGURE 1 ) slightly thick, antennomeres I thick, elongate, each 2.5 times longer than II; II as long as wide, each slightly wider than III; III–VI each longer than wide, narrowed at base, thickened apically; VII–VIII each transverse; VII each slightly longer than VIII; VIII each slightly wider than VII; IX–XI enlarged to form club, slightly curved inward in outer margin; IX each longer than wide, 1.3 times longer than I, 1.2 times wider than I, narrowed at base, thickened apically, longitudinally depressed with dense short setae on ventral surface; with a depression on ventral surface from basal 1/4 to apex, broadened apically, 1/3 as wide as segmental width on apical margin; X each longer than wide on inner margin, as long as wide on outer margin, longitudinally depressed with sparse setae on ventral side; XI slightly wider than IX at middle, produced outward, narrowed apically from middle, shallowly depressed with sparse setae on ventral side; maxillary palpi asymmetrical; segments II and III each with penicillate spine on lateral margin; segments IV thick, with rounded lobe on lateral margin, apical portion conical.

Pronotum ( Fig. 2-C View FIGURE 2 ) about as long as wide, PL 0.50–0.55 mm, PW 0.50–0.53 mm; dorsum broadly round, widest anterior to middle, narrowed posteriorly, sparsely covered with setae, with distinct median and lateral foveae at base, with prominent convexity extending from anterior margin to median fovea; elytra ( Fig. 2-D View FIGURE 2 ) much wider than long, EL 0.63–0.65 mm, EW 0.90–0.95 mm, coarsely punctate with setae; each elytron with basal median and inner foveae pubescent, with inner and lateral longitudinal carinae, strongly sulcate from median fovea to posterior 3/4 of elytra; inner carinae extending from between two basal foveae to posterior 3/4 of elytra; lateral carinae extending from anterior to posterior margin; posterior margin with thick brush-like yellow setae; profemora thickest, with white setae on anterior face; mesofemora as thick as metafemora; protibiae thickest, arcuate and thickened at middle, as long as mesotibiae; metatibiae longest; tibiae all with dense yellow setae at apices; tarsi ( Fig. 2-F View FIGURE 2 ) elongate; tarsomeres II 2 /3 as long as III; protarsal claws asymmetrical, anterior claws each thicker than posterior one.

Abdomen ( Fig. 2-E View FIGURE 2 ) large, AL 0.78 mm, AW 0.94–0.98 mm, wider than long, with sparse setae; tergite IV as long as VI; tergite V longest; tergite VII small; tergite VIII smallest, semicircular; tergites IV–VI each remarkably convex along midline; tergites IV and V each with lateral longitudinal carinae, those of tergite IV extending from anterior margin to posterior margin, those of tergite V extending from anterior to posterior margin; tergite IV with thick brush-like yellow setae along posterior margin.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 ) 0.31 mm in length, well-sclerotized, small, oval; parameres symmetric, projecting ventrally; each paramere with three setae; median lobe nearly symmetric, strongly projecting ventrally, slender; basal bulb broad, weakly narrowed apically; apical part slightly asymmetric; secondary gonopore small; endophallus elongate, circular at base.

Female ( Fig. 1-B View FIGURE 1 ). BL 2.22–2.39 mm; HL 0.44–0.47 mm; HW 0.41–0.46 mm; PL 0.47–0.50 mm; PW 0.44–0.50 mm; EL 0.56–0.59 mm; EW 0.80–0.88 mm; AL 0.75–0.83 mm; AW 0.88–0.94 mm. Antennae with antennomeres II–VIII more slender than in male, successively broadening towards apices; antennomeres IX–XI not modified, smaller than in male, antennal club unmodified.

Distribution. Japan: Honshû (Iwate-ken, Ishikawa-ken, Hiroshima-ken, Yamaguchi-ken).

Biology. The specimens were collected by flight intercept traps ( FIT) or by sifting leaf litter.


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Tmesiphorus costatus Weise, 1877

Inoue, Shota, Maruyama, Munetoshi & Nomura, Shûhei 2019

Tmesiphorus costatus

Shibata, Y. & Maruyama, M. & Hoshina, H. & Kishimoto, T. & Naomi, S. & Nomura, S. & Puthz, V. & Shimada, T. & Watanabe, Y. & Yamamoto, S. 2013: 97
Nomura, S. 2006: 101
Lobl, I. & Besuchet, C. 2004: 327
Nomura, S. 2001: 158
Jeannel, R. 1958: 118
Raffray, A. 1911: 157
Raffray, A. 1908: 374
Weise, J. 1877: 99
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