Icriospathodus, Krahl et al., 1983

Leu, Marc, Bucher, Hugo, Vennemann, Torsten, Bagherpour, Borhan, Ji, Cheng, Brosse, Morgane & Goudemand, Nicolas, 2022, A Unitary Association-based conodont biozonation of the Smithian-Spathian boundary (Early Triassic) and associated biotic crisis from South China, Swiss Journal of Palaeontology (19) 141 (1), pp. 1-61 : 41

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1186/s13358-022-00259-x



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Genus ICRIOSPATHODUS Krahl et al., 1983

Type species and holotype. Neospathodus collinsoni Solien, 1979 .

Type stratum and locality. Unit D, Taynes Formation, near Salt Lake City, Utah, USA .

Remarks. Originally, the basis for establishing this genus was the characteristic ridge-like denticulation of the P 1 element of Ic. collinsoni . Orchard (2005) reconstructed the multi-element apparatus of Ic. collinsoni , showing a smaller degree of denticulation of the P 2, M and S elements in comparison to Novispathodus . Because their S elements (especially the S 1) are significantly different from those of the subfamily Novispathodinae , he regarded their subfamily assignment as uncertain. Pending future multi-element reconstructions of the herein included taxa, we tentatively retain Icriospathodus within the Novispathodinae . Te affinity of Ic. collinsoni , Ic. crassatus and Ic. zaksi was recognized in several studies ( Koike, 1992; Orchard, 2007; Maekawa & Igo in Shigeta et al., 2014; Maekawa in Maekawa et al., 2018), and we follow these authors.

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